Recipe of the Week
Chicken Enchiladas
Courtesy of
Ilene Duffy

I learned to make this recipe with my roommates and friends in college. It makes a nice dish when serving company. This takes a while to prepare, but it’s worth it. The chicken can be boiled the day before to save time.

We should bug John Silveira into sending in his chicken soup recipe to make use of the broth created from boiling the chicken.

–Ilene Duffy


1 whole chicken, giblets removed.
2 Tbsp. butter
4 stalks of celery, chopped
1 onion, chopped
1 lg. can enchilada sauce
1 or 2 small cans tomato sauce

2 cans cream of chicken soup
10 to 15 mushrooms
½ bell pepper, chopped (any color or a variety)
3 or 4 green onions, chopped (optional)
1 lb. jack cheese, grated (or use ½ lb. of cheddar and ½ lb. of jack)
1 dozen flour tortillas
1 can black olives, some cut in half, some left whole


In a stock pot, cover chicken with water and boil chicken till tender. Save broth to make chicken soup. Pick off all meat and cut into chunks.

In a large pan, fry onion, celery, mushrooms, bell pepper, and green onions in the butter until just tender. Add cooked chicken, 1 can of cream of chicken soup, ½ can of the enchilada sauce, and some of the tomato sauce. Mix and heat in the fry pan.

In a separate sauce pan, heat the other ½ of the enchilada sauce, the other can of soup, and some more tomato sauce. Use as much tomato sauce as desired. More sauce makes the enchiladas moister, less makes them drier. Both ways are good.

Slightly warm the tortillas in a microwave or in a frying pan on the stove, then spoon some of the sauce on a tortilla, spreading it with the spoon. Add a large dollop of the chicken mixture in the tortilla, add some cheese and a few chopped olives. Wrap up and place in a 9×13 pan. Continue filling and wrapping the tortillas, squeezing them against each other in the pan. I usually can’t fit it all in one pan, so I continue with a 9×9 baking pan.

Pour any leftover sauce over the top and sprinkle with remaining cheese.

Bake uncovered at 325° for about ½ hour til nicely warm and bubbly. Add the whole olives as a garnish at the end and warm for another 5 minutes.

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