Well, depending when and where you saw him, it might have been…me.
When this whole thing started, we were told that people wearing bandannas and even N95 masks in public were fools: “Don’t you idiots know that just cloth won’t do anything? And the mask is only for the sick people so they don’t expel, not for us healthy folks who are worried about inhaling?”
How quickly the paradigms change. Now we’re told we’re fools if we don’t wear the damn things.
Since masks have so long been associated with criminals hiding their identities, there are places where it’s illegal to go masked in public. Interesting collision of values, there, when the government tells us that we SHOULD wear them, and are all but exhibiting “reckless, wanton disregard for human life” if we don’t.
The first of this week, I noticed a significant minority of the people in the nearest town were masked. By Wednesday, a slight majority were wearing them.
Some were having fun with them…

Some of us are not having success with our first attempts. The “hoodie worn backwards” approach turns out to need some tweaking…

So, for now, I’ve gone back to the look I had when I used to shoot cowboy matches. (“Camelback Kid here, pleased to meet you, hombre.”)

We do have a few approved masks but are saving them in case things get worse. Perhaps for an interim solution I can dig out my sombrero, keep the bandanna, and become the Freako Bandito. Unfortunately, the twin single action six-shooters in the cowboy belt and holsters aren’t gonna be in the wardrobe; open carry ain’t legal where I am, and the public is nervous enough right now, anyway.
With apologies to movie director Stanley Kramer, “It’s a Masked, Masked, Masked, Masked World.”
For me, the best thing about it is that my significant other, the Evil Princess, tells me I look better with the mask on, so there’s that.
How are all y’all handling the face-covering thing?
Had a few N95 masks bought some time ago from the hardware store and – like you – am keeping them for when/if things get worse. Bought some non-sterile surgical-type masks 2-3 months ago and am using them sparingly. Hopefully the virus will go away before I run out. Our WA county has – as of today – 11 confirmed cases out of around 20,000 residents and the peak is predicted to arrive within the next 2 weeks.
Spending time re-reading some of your books and dry fire practicing.
Stay safe.
“… non-sterile surgical-type masks…”
As a retired OR nurse, I’ve never heard of a “sterile” OR mask.
The N95 masks are good pretty much as long as they do not get wet, and the elastic is still good. I have been using mine for about 3 weeks without issues. Personally, I would go with the N95s over the surgical masks; better protection for you.
Friend Larry, thanks for your courageous and accurate candor. Better to appear a little paranoid and double down rather than give any possible advantage to Covid-19. A fairly great number of people who have already been infected may not show much for symptoms. Best that everyone would volunteer to wear one or two masks, and discard at appropriate intervals. I fortunately have an expert washable-mask maker in the house using correct materials obtained from the Internet. She is also giving me heck daily about how to avoid infection. Disinfect shoes, etc. How lucky, you know.
I’m hunkered down, I don’t need no stinking mask. Personally I think they’re just guessing now. They change their minds like I change my socks.
You got it right Massad AND funny too.
I started wearing a mask at work at the end of Feb when my co-worker (with the flu) was there and coughing up a storm. I was also washing my hands every time I had to leave my desk. I didn’t get the flu from him. Then they started having us work from home and self-isolating so no need. But if I go to the store I’ve been wearing one (for some weeks now, as my brother once observed I really don’t care what people think of me).
Maassad. My only request of you would be this. Can you make your posts easier to share on sites as Facebook? I have some friends that have taken courses with you and posts such as this are just what we need right now.
I’m afraid that’s a Facebook issue, Thomas, and I don’t know of anything I can do about it.
You just have to copy the link at the top of the page then paste it on a FB post.
If you install ‘AddToAny’ in your browser, you can share any page to FB, as well as other sites.
I bet the cool Harley crowd is pissed. Now with everybody wearing masks, it takes some of their ‘looking bad” away .
Hahaha !! Thanks for the bit of light humor Mas.
It’s double surgical masks for me and I have been wearing them for weeks anytime I go out. Compromised immune system and all.
Hope Ya’ll are staying safe.
Take Care and stay healthy…
I used a bandana folded into thirds, and then wrapped around two rubber bands that go around my ears. I’m thinking I’m going to make something more permanent though, because it was super-uncomfortable.
One thing many people don’t realize is that you can’t touch it, or take it off to drive or something and then put it back on. You can’t adjust it with your hands touching the front of the mask. You should only grab the straps and take it off and throw it right in the wash. The reason for the paranoia is that people who aren’t showing symptoms are spreading virus through the air, and it’s landing on the front of your mask, your clothes, etc.
I see lots of people wearing these masks and either not covering their nose, or moving it around, etc. They do help, but doing it right is so damned difficult, I don’t know if it’s going to be as effective as people think.
A friend of ours made some masks that work fairly well but I have to put a coffee filter in the pocket to have extra protection but then I can’t get much air in so I just wear the mask and save my coffee filters for the coffee
Mobile, Alabama: Masks are unlawful, but city leaders say law won’t be enforced.
“According to the City of Mobile Ordinance Sec. 39-191, “it shall be unlawful for any person to appear in a mask in any street or other public place within the city or its police jurisdiction.” The ordinance lists Mardi Gras as an exception.
It does not appear city leaders plan to have Mobile Police enforce the ordinance during this pandemic, but they also do not plan to change the rule on the books.”
I’ve been using my half-face respirator with disposable filters to mow the yard for some time now, due to allergies and living in north FL. I’m set there. My wife folded up a bandana and used a pair of the kids’ hair ties to make a dust mask. She has plans to sew a few masks on her machine.
I’m waiting for over jealous anti gunners in CA, to bring out CA penal code 185. Wearing of masks to conceal your identity while armed. We say we are wearing it, due to the COVID 19 thing (legal), but some anti gunner DA might just use the excuse to say, no CCW while wearing a mask.
Stay healthy and safe out there, and don’t become a court test case.
Friend Steve C, just write your name on your forehead and on the back of your neck with a Sharpie. Better yet, also write your name in front above in mirror image, too, so it can be read by the rear mirror ahead of you. If you are very hard core, you may want to tattoo instead of Use use a Sharpie. Or just monogram your face masks. Something like that should be prima facie enough for identification. As long you have a pro bono attorney on call you should be OK.
How am I dealing with the masked issue?
Mostly not.
Met a friend to get me into Costco yesterday. Over half the people were wearing masks of some sort. Almost none were real ones… a hankie, or some cheap band of single layer cloth that won’t stop much of anything. Everyone mumbind through them. I’ts almost like a circus side show. .
Somewhere I have a supply of industrial grade dust masks from jy days of doing body work. Yu DO NOT want to breathe the sanding dust. They’d probably block most of what I might “spew”, but I’ve little faith they’d “protect” me from aerosol borne viral particles. Mostly I had to work hard to suppress open laughter in the Costco. Headind down an aisle with the pushcart, I had no trouble findind a clear path.. as I moved with determination, everyone else panicked and cleared the way for me. Nice. Saved a BUNCH on getting quality supplements.vitamins compared to other places. Still no zinc supplement, though, NOWHERE can I find this one, a critical one for immune system strength.
My plan of attack is not a defensive one. It is an aggresive “building up the primary attack squandron… making sure my own immune system has what it needs to be a crack “well trained milita” against any invading microbes. Generally I never get sick.. not once have I gotten any of those seasonal flu” things, nor have I ever gotten any of those frighteningly risky shots. Might get a touch of viral cold once every few years. Never out of service for more than a day.
Watching the circus show go on across the multiple rings has been amusing. The social and economic devastation is the scariest part by a long shot. WHAT will happen to our structures as we’re outof action for a quarter of the year? I already know several businesses that have been taken out permanently these past few weeks, and many that WERE full time employed now half time, split shifting to maintain skeleton crews, or are now drawing pogie. One friend had been hired in a great position with a great comoany that wants to start him off now, but because of mandates cannot take on any new hires. So he’s doing part time seasonal at Lowes in the paint department, where he has, in a week, become the department go-to resource. Not to mention all the neighbourning departments. Crazy times,
Our own church is closed by governor’s mandate, but he gets direct exposure to hudnreds of strangers daily on the floor there.Guvner has mandated abortion cinics and pot shope remain open, churches all closed. He has not orderd gun stores to close but that is ONLY because he is well aware of Alan Gottlieb and Friends who have a nasty lawsuit already weritten up, with at least half a dozen paintiffs with staning, to file within an hour of such an edict. He may be a fool but he’s not stupid.. knows which side the bread gets the butter.
Mas, as always, your wacky sense of humour pokes fun at some ikons that NEED dethroned. Thanks for the levity amidst a very heavy situation.
Just one comment on your mask. A red bandanna like that is the trademark of some pretty unpleasant characters, so you might want to pick a different color.
I took your LFI basic course during the 1980’s at a gentleman’s farm in Indiana and had the chance to act as your chauffeur and make a cameo appearance in one of the videos you were making at that time. We were singing the LFI Hymn as I recall.
I remember you told me not to feel bad about being heavyset since I could take a bullet better than someone skinny. Fortunately, I haven’t had to test that thesis since the biggest part of the course was how to stay out of trouble to begin with.
Be that as it may, it was some of the best training I have ever received in any field of endeavor.
Just discovered something new to use my Crown Royal bags for. Thanks Mas! Though I wish I had at least one bag not empty…all PA Wine and Spirit stores are closed.:-(
PA wineries, breweries and distilleries are still allowed to sell. Most of us have a shipping option. The state stores are shipping now also.
We wear one when in public. Mat our age even the normal flu is risky. This bug is easier to spread and catch and is deadly to folks our age.
We’re getting out for supplies as little as possible, but I have taken to wearing a DIY mask made up from a large work hanky wrapped around a coffee filter held together with hair pins and anchored to the ears with rubber bands. It is a wear-it-once solution that isn’t the prettiest piece of work you’ll ever see, but combined with the recommended social distancing, it’ll do.
I have a shaggy beard. It will filter out squirrels and other small animals. I don’t know how to test it on viruses.
I don’t need no stinkin mask
I’m seriously considering wearing my two piece plastic Darth Vader mask which covers my entire head and eyes. I would then have to practice talking like actor James Earl Jones to sound realistic. A stout woman I saw at the grocery store wore a large clear plastic lawn trash bag over her upper body and fogging the inside of it as she walked the aisles pushing her loaded shopping cart. I’m currently looking for a red light saber and black cape to go with my Darth Vader mask. May the Force be you, masked ones!
The mask can’t hurt, just don’t touch stuff and your face without washing your hands. If you use gloves, don’t touch your face then, either.
How is breathing your own carbon dioxide good for your health? Maybe the mask wearers should carry a pulse oximeter to make sure your oxygen level doesn’t drop to below 90%. Bacteria can build up in the mask as well. Just saying, be careful out there. Other things than COVID-19 can be deadly too
I am a nurse/nurse educator.
“Surgical Masks” are actually made of a non-woven fabric that creates a tortuous pathway through which any particle must pass in order to be inhaled.
Ordinary cloth _of_any_kind_ will not provide any actual protection from an “airborne” virus particle (which COVID-19 can become under certain conditions atypical to most social environments), and not a hell of a lot of protection from a “droplet” sized particle (which is how they are describing ‘rona and how it is shed in most social level encounters).
The “six foot rule” works because large droplet particles such as COVID are large enough to stop moving horizontally and begin to sink to the floor at 3-4 feet. Air currents actually hasten this effect, unless the infectious person is sneezing into the rear side of a running fan.
Multiple layers of a non-woven fabric, or incorporating a coffee filter into a mask is a useful addition, but due to the gaps left over the spaces at the cheeks and beside the nose, most self-made masks, bandanas and the like are pretty useless.
If you have a mask labeled “N95”, it is so named as it will filter 95% of all particles of 0.1 microns or less. However, to be actually effective, the user must be properly fit tested and even then, studies have shown that with a clean shaven, properly fitted N95, face-seal leakage still allows on an 80-90% exclusion rate of the potential contaminants. Thus, few masks are 100% effective all the time. Luckily, it takes a fairly heavy viral load in the air for that level of protection to actually allow an infectious level of access to the mucous membranes.
All in all, the public wearing non-made-for-medical use is really a way to get you people to STOP TOUCHING YOUR FACE, particularly nose, mouth and eyes, as this is how particles you get on your hands generally gets access to your body. This is mainly how COVID is transmitted through community contact. If you LIVE with an infected person, the proximity and inhalation of virus particles in the air is a possible source, but in a household everyone touches everything used, and no one is washing their hands every 5 minutes.
Anyway, I hope you all weather this storm regardless of how you are trying to protect yourself!
Sorry. Spotted an error: N95 Masks are intended to prevent particles <100 microns, not 0.1. My apologies for the addendum.
A while back, I purchased a box of twenty N95 masks. My purpose in doing so was to have some masks to wear if I started some project that required kicking up a lot of dust around the house.
As it turns out, I never had occasion to use them so they remained sealed in the box.
When this pandemic craze started, I thought (and still think to a large extent) that it is largely media-driven mass hysteria. Not that I doubt that the virus exists and is contagious. I just think the reaction to it is overblown.
So, my first reaction was the same as Rick’s above: “I don’t need no stinkin mask”.
However, it is reaching the point where more people are wearing them then not. So, going without one may call attention to yourself. Since I believe in the “Grey Man” concept, I reluctantly broke out the N95’s and wore one during my last trip to the grocery store.
I have to admit that I felt like a damned fool with that thing on my face. In fact, with my concealed carry gun in my pocket and a mask on my face, the thought crossed my mind that I am the next thing to an armed bandit now! 🙂
However, I wore the mask and washed up as soon as I got home. I am not sick so I guess it worked. On the other hand, only about 1 person in 1000 actually has the virus in my area. So, “May the odds be ever in my favor”. 🙂
Like I said, this whole thing is being over-done. It is the Anti-American Media and the Left that are at fault. They really, really, really want to use this pandemic to hurt President Trump. They think that crashing the economy will do just that. I think that they are wrong and, while it will hurt America, it won’t hurt President Trump like they think.
Not that the Left minds hurting America. It is the Red State supporters of President Trump that are losing their jobs. The Blue State left-wing parasites are still holding onto their Government Jobs so their paychecks are still coming.
Pain for Thee but not for Me! That is left-wing politics in as nutshell.
Hillary was right TN_MAN! You’re just a fanatical member of The Vast Right Wing Conspiracy to think that benevolent liberals want to harm our country and especially Donald Trump. Now everyone knows that the diabolical Orange Man, with Russian and Ukrainian assistance developed this dreaded virus to bump off people of color and now making huge amounts of money from his many factories producing Hydroxy Chloroquine which could kill hundreds of millions of people fooled into using this deadly drug 🙁
@ Tom606 – The sad part is that your comment above, which is an excellent example of sarcasm, is probably pretty close to what some people believe. Those who watch a lot of the propaganda put out by CNN, MSNBC, etc., may be brainwashed into believing something pretty close to what you just wrote.
The propaganda power of the Anti-American Media and Hollywood combined with the indoctrination techniques employed in left-wing controlled Public Education make for “Weapons of Mass Destruction” in the hands of the Left. There must be some way to neutralize this advantage but I am not sure what it would be.
Maybe it just requires enough people to wake up and see the flood of lies put out, every day, by the American Left.
TN_MAN: A close friend of my late mother’s who I still keep in touch with because she’s a very nice person, is a fanatic devotee of CNN aka the Clinton News Network. This person absolutely believes everything the vicious, lie spewing talking heads on that station tosses out as media journalism. She could offer no proof of anything bad that Donald Trump has actually done other than he’s the most vile, despicable creature to ever exist on this planet. Trying to carry on a conversation about politics with this person is completely futile as she knows little of American and world history and could only babble about President Trump being an evil racist and secret member of the KKK, not to mention being a dictator who would bring back slavery. This goes to show how consuming too much liberal Kool Aid will cause one’s brain to turn to mush. So unfortunate that a large number of Americans are that way. But I’m preaching to the choir here.
I haven’t worm any voluntarily yet. The food stores are now requiring it. I personally Feel I had this virus and made it through in the beginning of February. It was a tough couple days , and a crappy week of coughing and feeling like my ribs were broke but we made it. Just wish there was a place that didn’t cost me 300$ to find out. Would love to donate some plasma.
I’ve been using my small stash of N 100 masks I’ve saved for veterinary foriegn animal diseases like foot and mouth disease and African Swine Fever, both of these diseases can also be found in China.
I still use the S&W model 60 I had when I took what was then LFI-1 in June 2006 in Amarillo. It now has a Dennis Reichard installed tritium front site and Crimson Trace laser grips as concessions to my more experienced eyes.
The red bandana looks fantastic! May I suggest adding two bandaleros for that Pancho Villa look?
As a prepper and a member of CERT (Community Emergency Response Team) I have a small number of N-95 masks. I live in NJ and it is MANDATORY for us to wear masks in retail stores. I also wear plastic gloves, the same type I use when I clean my guns.
I clean the outside of the mask with a handi-wipe and re-use it. The gloves get removed carefully and thrown away. I avoid touching my face, wash my hands for 20 seconds, and leave the groceries in the garage to de-contaminate for four days before putting them away. Things that go in the refrigerator get hand washed with soap and water, dried, and put in the fridge immediately.
I should remove my clothes and wash them, but I don’t bother. Too much trouble. The sooner I die, the sooner I get to heaven.
In years past I considered buying a full chemical warfare suit with a gas mask. I balked at spending the money, but it sure would be fun to wear a gas mask at a time like this!
I believe in the “grey man” concept, but as long as I feel safe I think it is more fun to be the flamboyant man. Imagine decorating a pickup truck to look like a Road Warrior vehicle, then dressing up as Road Warriors and driving around town. I’M NOT GOING TO DO IT, but it sure would be fun now or at Halloween. “The Warlord of the Wasteland, the Ayatollah of Rock ‘n’ Rolla, The Lord Humongous!”
It is interesting to watch the Chinese neighbors, leave their masks and outer clothes out side before going in… Working retail, nothing makes me happier that everybody wearing masks!
We had a little go-round with the issue in our CCW chat room here in California. It seemed to have been settled when a local instructor explained that the conflict would be all settled by wearing a name badge while masked as ones identity would clearly not be concealed.
Mas, your clarification would be appreciated here. Thanks
(Also, are we go or no go for Mag 20 in Sacramento next month? I’m on the roster but haven’t heard to any announcement.)
Ralph, we had to move the Sacramento class to September. Now on our website, http://massadayoobgroup.com. First the fires, now this…damn.
On the masks: you’ve been ordered/advised to wear them. The doctrine of necessity is on your side, too. And please give your local instructor my compliments for an excellent idea, the name tag.
Will do. See you in September. Thanks again.
Mas – I do want to complement you on your choice of pictures for this piece. They are inspired!
The Crown Royal mask is cool! I have heard of people keeping a firearm in a Crown Royal bag but I have never seen one used as a mask before. Fortunately, I doubt that too many crooks read your blog. Otherwise, they might get ideas. Think of the possibilities!
First, the crook could drink up the Crown Royal in order to get the “liquid courage” necessary to pull off an armed-robbery job. Then, he could drunk-drive to the job with his “Piece” concealed inside the Crown Royal bag. Finally, when he arrives, he can draw his “Piece” from the bag, fashion the bag into a mask, and then “Pull the Job”. Who knows, Crown Royal may become the NATIONAL DRINK of armed robbers everywhere! 🙂
The Cowboy with the bandanna is also a cool and very traditional look for crooks everywhere.
As for the “Hoodie worn Backwards”, my only suggestion would be to color-code the Hoodie by political party. Republicans should wear a Red hoodie with the MAGA slogan across the back (which becomes the front when wore backwards).
Democrats should wear a solid White Hoodie which will also give them a very traditional look! 🙂
Two weeks ago I was the only person in a store wearing a mask, yesterday, everyone. If you know someone who dies of Corona, like a doctor friend of ours, you will decide to wear the best damn mask you can find.
If you’re worrying about gang affiliation with a red bandanna, you also have to avoid blue. That takes care of the Bloods & Crips. Crown Royal bags have long been used as stash bags for recreational pharma products.
Some years back I saw pictures in Time of Foreign Legion troops in Africa wearing bandannas/face masks (most likely to cut the dust with panache) with a skull imprint. Sort of a Punisher vibe. You wouldn’t want to be involved in a shooting while sporting that look, and it might draw unwanted LE attention, but I expect you could ruffle a lot of liberal feathers.
I’ve gotta look for my old black, Jack Daniels bandanna.
I make my own.
I just cut one of the cups off of my girlfriends discarded bra. It covers my whole head, so I just cut two holes for my eyes and safety pin it in the back.
Problem solved.
Ben, my girlfriend has yours beat! One cup of her massive bra would cover my entire upper body and I cut a pair of holes for my arms. When wearing it, I look like a large white mushroom with legs.
You are all deluding yourselves by wearing masks. Didn’t you get the part about them only being effective about spreading the virus to others if YOU have it?
And by constantly adjusting it you are touching your face and defeating the entire purpose.
In the universe of things I’m worried about this virus isn’t one. a 0.1 infection rate is pretty low. 60.000 have died since October of the regular variety of flu that goes around every year.
They keep us scared by constantly telling us of how many have died but keep quiet about all the ones who have fully recovered.
It’s important to keep your wits about you when all those around you are losing theirs.
I’m not wearing a mask. And no, I’m not feeling cocky because I’m only 30 and healthy. I just don’t want to wear a mask.
…When this whole thing started, we were told (by the government) that people wearing bandannas and even N95 masks in public were fools: “Don’t you idiots know that just cloth won’t do anything? And the mask is only for the sick people so they don’t expel, not for us healthy folks who are worried about inhaling?”
…How quickly the paradigms change. Now we’re told (by the government) we’re fools if we don’t wear the damn things.
You are right about the lies and the lack of trust. No one trusts all sources of media. Some believe a few sources tell the truth, while others lie, and other people trust the lying sources, and distrust the few truth-tellers.
Faith in government was dealt a mortal blow when President Nixon resigned from office. It has gone downhill from there.
The stock market is obviously manipulated. It is no wonder that conspiracy theories abound in a lying, untrustworthy environment.
Interesting. Do what makes you feel better, but consider this:
As a veteran of the United States Navy, training in biological/radio-active fallout and skin irritants were part of an ongoing requirement, twice per year. The rags and the improperly worn and used N-95’s have about the same efficacy as the cilia-hair and mucus that is already in your nostrils.
With regard to the “germ” warfare, you’d be better off wearing a full body protective garment to repel the contaminants from your clothing/skin.
So I submit this, wear a burka, it has the same efficacy as the silly rags and IMPROPERLY worn N-95, but it will reduce any unwanted agents from contaminating your clothes (sarc).
Stay safe!
Ps. Epstein didn’t kill himself.
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