I recently finished a MAG-40 class (http://massadayoobgroup.com) with Wolverine Defense Academy in Portage, Michigan just outside Kalamazoo. The two top shooters in the final qualification were both women. I’m a father of daughters, and I just love it when that happens.
It seems to be an almost universal observation among firearms instructors that women pick up on shooting faster than men. It seems that better fine motor skills are at work and perhaps greater powers of concentration, and probably more important, there’s no ego investment in a discipline society sees as male-dominated, and they take instruction better.
Congratulations to Heather Reeves and Cassandra Crago, who topped the scores with 300 and 299 respectively out of 300 possible points, on a sixty-shot timed course of fire. Heather, it should be noted, won the shoot-off at Tom and Lynn Givens’ Rangemaster Tactical Conference in Dallas three months ago.

I feel lead to quote Lawrence Welk. “Wunnerful! Wunnerful!”
It is wonderful to see women taking to guns for recreation, sport, hunting and self-defense.
Do you remember some years ago, when Leftist women were all upset about date rape, all men being rapists, and I think some even claimed men “rape” women with their eyes. Well, at that time I read about ISIS making sex slaves out of captured Yazidi women. One freed slave said ISIS men raped her 276 times, and then she stopped counting.
What some women in other countries go through kind of makes American women look like pampered princesses. I’m glad the smart American women realize that, at least in America, they are allowed, and even encouraged, to defend themselves with firearms. Yazidi women? Not so much.
Decades ago I read that all American men, by virtue of being born American, consider themselves experts on automobiles, firearms and sex. I won’t touch the last one, but having gone past the midpoint of my 7th decade and past 40 years as a firearms instructor, I have ample evidence that the first two are true. The ladies not only pay attention to what you’re teaching, they do their best to apply it. Maybe due to there being no Jane Wayne.
I can only recall two women who “had issues”. One thought she was pinning the trigger back after the gun fired but wasn’t. An instructional tip to put your finger over the students and operate the trigger for them showed her exactly what she needed to do. The light bulb went on then. The other one just suddenly had it all come together for no obvious reason.
Fabulous !!!!!
At the pistol school at Camp Perry, Ohio, Sarah, my wife, outshot me with the .45. I WAS AND AM PROUD OF HER.!!
It is off-topic but still, broadly, related to the general topic of women and shooting.
With respect to the Rust Shooting Case, wherein an innocent woman was “gunned down” by Alec Baldwin, I have long suggested that the “Man” involved in this shooting would be given a “Free Pass”. This country has a “Two-Tiered” system of (In)Justice and big leftists, like Alec Baldwin (and Hunter Biden too!), are clearly “above the law”.
To provide cover for Alec Baldwin, I have also suggested that the Movie Armorer, Hannah Gutierrez-Reed. would be made into the scapegoat. She would be made into the “Fall Gal” and would end up taking all the blame.
As expected, my speculation is proving true. They are “stacking the charges” against gutierrez-Reed just as fast as they are dropping them against Baldwin. See this news report for further details:
Notice the classic left-wing smear technique here. First, they are going to assassinate Hannah Gutierrez-Reed’s character by painting her as an abuser of narcotics. A new charge that is now appearing “out of the blue”. Then, having “set the table” with their media smears, they will destroy her at trial.
First, isolate the target and destroy the target’s character. Then, use “Lawfare” tactics to destroy the target’s life and livelihood. A classic attack technique right out of the Left’s playbook. General Flynn, along with a number of other supporters of President Trump, were all given this same “treatment”!
Heather Reeves and Cass Crago are two of the best instructors I’ve ever worked with.
Their dedication to their students and tenacious professionalism in their craft make them examples to us all. It was a privilege to study with Massad Ayoob, realizing just how much his work has influenced the material that so many of us teach. I was extremely proud to see my friends take top shot and a close second among such a competitive class roster. I can’t say enough how happy I am to be pictured among all the people there.
If you haven’t had the opportunity yet to take a class with Mas, Heather or Cass, it should be very high on you list.
I consider the MAG40 class one of the best investments I have ever made in life. The knowledge gained was priceless.
Brent and Heather are good people, I enjoyed meeting them at TacCon.
“It seems to be an almost universal observation among firearms instructors that women pick up on shooting faster than men.”
After four decades of teaching beginning shooters, I totally agree. Around our range it’s “Learn to shoot like a girl, if you’re good enough.”
EXCELLENT! Congratulations ladies.
Very proud of these A Girl & A Gun leaders! Heather and Cassy are rockstars.
One of the ladies I used to work with had a decal on the back window of her SUV. It had a bullseye target with the X ring shot out and “Shoot like a girl, if you can.” under it. We didn’t use bullseye targets, but it was a good sample of her groups.
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