On the morning of November 14th, significant other and I were awakened in the wee hours in Phoenix by a phone call from an Emergency Room in Chicago. Her son was there. He had been stabbed multiple times.

We diverted to Chicago. By the time we got there, the brilliant surgeons at Illinois Masonic Medical Center – one of four Level I trauma hospitals in the city – had done their magic. The attacker’s blade had pierced both spleen and diaphragm. He had lost so much blood the paramedics thought they were going to lose him in the ambulance, but new glue-like technology allowed the medicos to stanch the hemorrhage from the spleen without removing the organ. (My surgeon friends have long told me that trying to sew up solid abdominal viscera, liver or spleen, is like trying to suture Jello. You can live without your spleen, but your quality of life goes down thereafter.) They pretty much had to disembowel him to do the reconstruction and then re-pack everything into an incision that went from sternum to pubis, but they put him back together pretty damn well.

He went home last night, after eight days in what has – rightfully, I have to attest – been named one of the best hospitals in the United States. Being necessarily disassembled and reassembled in this fashion caused a “shock to the bowels” and it took a while for the digestive system to get back up and running. The young man is looking at eight weeks of serious convalescence, and probably 18 months to two years before he gets back to normal.

The attack took place outside an upscale restaurant/tavern in a nice neighborhood on the Northwest Side. So much for the shibboleth that “if you just stay away from bad places, nothing bad will ever happen to you.” Of course, in Chicago, ordinary people aren’t allowed carry anything to defend themselves against a lethal weapon assault.

Given Chicago’s level of violent crime today, the city’s undermanned, underequipped, and overburdened police department is doing a good job with the investigation. They believe they’ve identified the suspect. I anticipate an arrest soon.

A week at that hospital with the victim’s mom makes me (and the mom, and the victim’s lovely young wife, and their three fine sons) a little more in tune with the national Giving of Thanks that is scheduled this week. It ain’t just about turkey and cranberry sauce, is it?

I wish all of you reading this a wonderful Thanksgiving week. Don’t let celebration get in the way of remembering the name, and the meaning, of the holiday.

I can only tell you that on this end, we have much to give thanks for this coming Thursday.


  1. I read this just before reading a Seattle police blotter story on another multiple stabbing victim. Stories like this are the reason I actively exercise my 2nd amendment rights both inside and outside the home. You just never know where or when something might happen.

    I’m happy to hear that your story has a reasonably happy ending.

  2. Very happy to hear his on his way to recovery even though a it will be a slow one.

    Free One way trip to the Everglades and a hands-on demonstration of the local fauna for the culprit.

  3. Mas,

    I’m so sorry this happened, but grateful at the prognosis. May justice be served quickly. Happy Thanksgiving to you and yours.

    Jeff Wells

  4. How fortunate — and yet how sad — that there is a hospital so skilled and experienced in repairing the aftermath of inhuman criminal attacks.

    Best wishes for the young man’s complete recovery.

    When the rule of law is so clearly in conflict with basic Constitutional and human rights, should people feel any ethical obligation at all to abide by such rules?

  5. Thank God he is recovering. So sorry to hear that. Prayers on the way for you all. Thanks for reminding me to be grateful.

  6. Percisely why I don’t visit my family in Illinois as often as I would wish to. I don’t care to be a designated victum, and I’m a little leary of taking one of my guns into Illinois. Sure, I could lock it in my trunk while I am there, I THINK that would be legal (really I’m not sure and will do some research to find out before I try it); however, I have heard of a few arrests being made in spite of the fact that the out-of-state person was following the federal laws.

    Hope your Significant other’s Son recovers well. They say whatever doesn’t kill you makes you stronger. I wish that I could find the idiot who came up with that one and give him the much deserved punch in the nose.


  7. Mas – so glad to hear that the outcome was one to give thanks for! Our best to your family and praying for a successful convalescent period. Happy Thanksgiving indeed!

  8. Very glad to hear he is going to make it, but a terrible ordeal to go through for all affected. Thank God for the skilled doctors and the paramedics attending him. I hope soon he and his fellow citizens of Illinois, will be able to freely carry to protect themselves as the second amendment states.

  9. Mas:

    I’m glad things went as well as they did, and dread the fact that they happened at all. Best wishes to the young man for a full recovery.

  10. Mas,

    I can do nothing more than wish the very best for you and yours. May the coming days bring speedy recovery to one and swift justice to the other.

  11. Thank God he seems to be on the mend Mas. It’s things like this that put everything in perspective. I truly hope and pray that his recovery will be swift and painless. May you and those close to you have a very happy Thanksgiving Mas. I also hope and pray that ALL of us in Wisconsin and Illinois may soon have the right to personal protection that is recognized by the Bill of Rights.

  12. Mas sorry to hear about this! My thanks are lifted up to the L RD G D of our Fathers that a hospital of that caliber was near by. My prayers are with you and the family as each of you go through the recovery process. We all have so much to be thankful for.

  13. Dear Mas,

    So Very Sorry to hear of the terrible but all to often unprovoked attack on a loved one. My prayers are with you and your family this holiday. You are right of course when you say that there is much to be thankful for, even in light of the horrific crime that was committed. May God Bless your family and bring comfort that only he can give.

  14. Mas,

    I do hope your family is back to normal soon. You’re absolutely right about Thanksgiving being more than Turkeys. It makes me thankful I don’t live in Chicago (or Illinois, Wisconsin, New York, New Jersey, California, … etc.). Enjoy every day– that’s reason enough to carry.


  15. Mas,

    I’ve never had the nightmare you are writing about but when our son turned his truck into a funnycar with expensive wheels, rims, paint job, etc.., and I thought ‘carjack bait’, we always worried about what might happen (but never did.)

    Hope the young man recovers and, as Jeff Cooper said, ‘decides to be the leaver instead of the left next time’ and prepare for that possibility, but hopefully not that eventuality.

    And I can also tell you, the strain is more on the parents than on the kids when one of them is put in the hospital.

  16. Prayers on the way. Hope for a complete recovery. It will take time. I hate to hear this and no way to defend him self. I am glad I live in WV., 67 thousand gun permits.

  17. I escaped Chicago in ’72. I did ambulance work on the South side for many years in some of the worst neighborhoods. Never had a problem, but many of us were armed. Unlawfully, but the cops turned a blind eye to us back then. Some of our patients were cops.

    While some may thing this comment to be cold, it is reality. I find it ironic that you have spent the better part of your adult life trying to prevent this sort of thing and it still hits close to home. There are no guarantees.

    Best of luck to you and yours.

  18. Mass and Gail:

    I am in shock still upon reading your article. I hope he fully recovers in the least amount of time. I wish there was something one could do to help. Hope the police catches the SOB.

    Best regards to both of you and best wishes to the young one!

  19. Mas, My heart sank when I read the first paragraph of this piece. Nothing is more frightening and disturbing than violence against a loved one. I hope everyone involved recovers from this trauma as quickly and painlessly as possible. May justice be swift in dealing with the animal that did this.

  20. I’m a minister, and I see miracles in hospitals most every week. Thank God for dedicated miracle workers – the ER specialists, the dedicated physicians too often under-appreciated, the nurses who really care – all of them who heal the people we love. As a shooter and carrier, I have learned from your expertise in writing and your banter on the podcast. As a minister, I have a chance to return the favor and keep your son-in-law and your whole family in prayers in this long journey. May all the Thanksgivings keep you full of hope in the days ahead.

  21. My God, Mas…. I am so sorry to hear this. I pray that you, your partner, and her son get’s through this OK. You guys don’t deserve it.

    Chicago, New York City, LA, and many other areas of this country need a sanity check. I live in upper New York State where our county is presently pro-gun and issues unrestricted handgun permits to law abiding citizens. I wish that the other areas of this country would see the light.

  22. Mas,

    I’d heard about this earlier through other channels, but I had no idea the surgical intervention was so involved, nor that he had beaten such long odds. Much to be thankful for, indeed.

    Thoughts and best wishes to both his family and yours this Thanksgiving week.

  23. My families thoughts and prayers are with you and your family. We pray for a speedy recovery.

    God be with you all.

  24. Wow, sorry to hear of this. But I’m glad he will eventually recover. Thank god..
    (this goes against my law abiding principals , but make me so upset when I hear stories like this),sorry Mas. but , I would carry illegally if something happened to me like that.take my chance in court to be heard. If I lived in Chicago. Currently I’m in process moving to Florida. A free state.. I already have a CCW permit.
    We must be able to defend ourselves. That is a clear example .
    But, let me focus Now on prayers towards you and your loved ones. And the brothers and sisters in this forum..may you all have a safe and blessed holiday .
    May you all have a blessed thanksgiving ..

  25. May the Good Lord be with her and her son. I know you will add strength for them both.

    Are you going to provide more details?

    I’ve got to break out the old saw: “Better to be judged by twelve than carried by six.” I’ll carry my weapon wherever, and since it is well concealed, it will not become an issue until, or if, I am forced to deploy it. Should that happen I guess I’ll take my chances with the twelve.

    May God bless you and yours Mas.

  26. So sorry to hear about such a brutal assault with no way to defend oneself because of the idiots running Chicago. Thank God for those wonderful doctors and I wish him a speedy recovery. Keep teaching Mas.

  27. Mas,

    I was stunned when I read this post today. I will send payers and positive energy to you and your family during this difficult time. I am glad all in EMS, the trauma center (IMMC), and the fine surgical team were able to save his life! Let’s hope our brothers are able to nab the perp soon and bring some closure to this tragic event. Happy Thanksgiving!


  28. Mas and “Significant Other”,

    My thoughts are with you both and “Significant Other’s” son and family too. This is truly a Thanksgiving to give thanks.


  29. Gail and Mas,
    The young man is in our prayers for a speedy recovery. Friends and family are something to be thankful for, and we hope your Thanksgiving is a safe one. Eric and Mary

  30. Mas, blessings on you and yours, may the recovery time be as miraculous as the initial reparations. Thanks for all the training you provide that will help make those of us who’ve paid attention, a little less likely to have to undergo the same. Shalom.

  31. I’m happy to hear he is still with you all. We pray for you all and his speedy recovery. May God bless you all this Thanksgiving.

  32. hi Mas,

    I am a fast reader but comprehension some times takes a few seconds more. I was halfway through your blog before I realized what I was reading.

    Your significant other and yourself have my sincere sympanthy. I hope your son-in-law heals well with no mental residue over the traumatic experience.

    I am assuming that this was a mugging gone bad. ( You know what they say about assumimg) Probably a druggie looking for some quick bucks for a fix. I have resisted legalizing drugs because of its effects on society. But, more and more I am coming around to the other side. Legalize drugs and drugs become widely available and cheap. In theory the violent crime rate against strangers would decrease. I hate the thought of legalizing drugs, because it seems like surrendering.

    At first I thought I am glad I don’t live in Chicago. But I do live 90 mi. away and our county crime rate per capita is the highest in the Great State of Illinois. ( I say that with tongue firmly in cheek.)

    I just reread your blog and the fact that your son-in-law was stabbed multiple times would lead me to believe something else was going on besides simple mugging.

    Stay Safe and My Prayers are with your family,

  33. Mas,
    There is not much I can add to all the above msg. however, I can say that I’ve added your son as “Mas son” to my prayer list.
    God bless and take care! I’ve enjoyed your penmanship for many years and hope to continue for many more. You have illumanated my mindset and thinking far more than I can say.
    Humble regards, Albert

  34. Hope all goes well with his recovery, physicaly and mentaly as well as the parents also. Having a Ileostomy myself I feel for him on the healing end. As you stated it will be a long at times difficult road. God’s speed to all.

  35. As a Chicagoan, I feel shamed that this happened.
    I’m glad that he went where he did; from the northwest side, that was most likely his best chance for survival (I work in a non-trauma NW side hospital).

    Just monday, I came out of the laundromat to a man asking about moving into my neighborhood. His 30-year old son had been shot, not because he was a gang member, no one knows why he was shot, someone just rode up on a bike and shot him… this is not an isolated incident in that neighborhood, just a few months earlier there were attacks using claw-hammers… other side of the river, 3 blocks from me… I don’t hear any cries to ban assault hand tools.

    My brother just got out of the marines, from Afghanistan, but he has to jump through a myriad of hoops just to be allowed to have any type of firearm in his own birth-city.

    I apologise if I’ve ranted too much; I live here, I see what happens in the ER, and I despair just a bit when people are left defenceless.
    I wish this man a swift and thorough recovery.

    If I could say anything to him, it is this:
    May the Lord bless you, and keep you; may the Lord make His face shine on you, And be gracious to you; may The Lord lift up His countenance upon you, and give you peace.

  36. Our thoughts and prayers are with everyone involved (except the thug that did this). I was in Chicago earlier this summer and was standing on a restaurant patio in broad daylight talking on the phone when a street thug made a beeline toward me. I attribute my awareness to his approach from half way across the street, my confident demeanor, and my polite instructions for him to back off as the only things that made him turn and walk away. Little did he know was that his other option was going to be having my Surefire tactical pen stuck in his neck. I’m glad I didn’t have to do it–saved by Condition Yellow again.

  37. Happy Thanksgiving Week 2010 to you also! My prayers for a quick recovery to the victim in Chicago.

  38. BTW…
    I’m not an anti.
    I’ve posted here before.
    I like guns… I miss shooting them… they’re fun.
    “give a boy-scout a gun… and you better have an extra $20 for ammo. (LR22)”