All the new goodies at SHOT Show were more than any one reporter – particularly me, who didn’t get there until the second night of the event – could cover. But there were also new products I got to look at before…and after.

Before: In early January the EP and I visited Bill Rogers at the Safariland facility in Jacksonville, FL and were sworn to secrecy on the new GLS inside the waistband holster scheduled for announcement at SHOT.
Regular pistol packers know that a holster inside the waistband is considerably more discreet and concealable than one worn outside: there’s less bulge, and the cover garment can ride up higher without revealing the holstered gun. Except for thumb-break safety straps, there have been few with security features that might keep the holster from yielding the gun to an unauthorized hand in a struggle with a violent criminal. Greg Kramer came up with one, as did Strong Leather, both back in the 1990s if I recall correctly, but neither caught on.

This one, designed by master holster maker Bill Rogers himself, incorporates the intuitive GLS security lock which is fast and natural for the wearer to release, but not so for someone standing in front of or behind the wearer. Already well proven in outside the waistband designs, this one rode comfortably inside my own waistband for several days before the SHOT Show, and proved both fast and secure with the 9mm Glock I used for testing in daily carry. Rogers himself does not consider this a “security holster” per se, but it does give the wearer an additional margin of safety. Recommended!

After: The weekend following the Show, fellow Glock Sport Shooting Foundation contestant Tim Young joined us at a GSSF match in Boulder City, NV along with Tim’s friends Nate Love and Scott Gray, who run Frontier Tactical. I had missed them at the Show itself, but at the range got to look at their way cool switch-barrel AR15 conversions. Instead of changing the entire upper, you can keep the same optic to which you are accustomed in place, and switch from .223/5.56mm to .300 Blackout with NO other changes, and with bolt and magazine changes can swap to numerous other calibers. They’re working with an optics manufacturer whose product will allow, with a touch of the controls, for pre-determined zero to switch between calibers too, saving you the price of another optic and mount.
In both cases, proof that you don’t have to be in one place at one time to get the scoop on innovative, useful new gun products. Change is constant. Insert additional clichés as necessary…but tell me, what new products have our blog readers spotted that I’ve missed? Feel free to share here, as this blog’s 2016 SHOT Show coverage ends.
Sounds like a fun time!
I’ll be taking a look at that Safariland if they have it for 1911 Cmders…
I used to like, and try to use, nothing but Safariland Holsters, back when they made Leather holsters, lined in a soft fleece, to protect your bluing, with a Sight Track, and a thumb break retention strap.
But now-a-days, they’re all hard molded plastic too, with a retention system the Missoula cops have to practice with, something like 300 draws, before being considered minimally qualified to wear it on duty?
I think the GLS IWB (or IP, if you’re Walt R.) holster is a big deal…few, if any, CHL holders probably think much about security because, unlike cops, our arms are usually covered. In a fight, the possibility of a “he’s got my gun” moment could be very high as we uncover during presentation. I’m definitely thinking about security in a new light now, Mas, so thanks for that mention…I don’t recall seeing it on all the tacti-cool blogs that the Internet is awash in these days!
A lot of careful thought went into the design of that holster, I’m impressed
Is that a left handed holster or am I just looking at it wrong?
Jo Ann, it’s a right-handed inside the waistband design, seen from the front edge.
Jo Ann–I believe the picture is from the front and the hook you see rides down inside the belt and hooks under the belt so when you draw you don’t get a handful of holster too.
The problem with IWB holsters is you have to be skinny to wear one reasonably comfortably. I have the middle age “spare tire” and after a full day of wear it goes into the collection box of bygone holsters.
How many “gun nuts” does it take to screw in a light bulb?
None. Better to sit in the dark and argue over the merits of the .45 acp round verses the 9mm.
That’s a great looking holster, for range use I like the blackhawk holsters.
Thank you for the information on Safariland’s new holster, Mas. A security feature would be good for me. I have their current IWB design for my Glock 17 & 19 and really like it.
Curious if you have any comments on this video:
I’m going to go slightly off-topic. I wish someone would invent a better system for our infantry warriors to carry their gear. So many incredible technological improvements in the past 100 years, and grunts still have to carry heavy packs. I know they can do it, but wouldn’t they have more energy for combat if they only had to carry 40 lbs. instead of 100 lbs.? Carrying heavy packs can’t be good for the spine.
I have thought of mules, or light carts with bicycle wheels, or even human beings to simply carry things behind our warriors. Carrying packs would be a good job for robots, until we can simply send robots to do all our fighting. I’m sure a pack carrying robot would be very expensive. Any ideas?
Matt, from the information we have so far, I can’t dispute the blogger’s take on it. More details will doubtless emerge.
Old Fezzywig –
Dogs have been trained and used for many purposes during conflict scenarios, including hauling some weight. Pack carrying is common in big game hunting. The weight goes on the hips, it’s not bad to carry at all if the pack fits.
Anybody here check out the new version of the new Browning A5 Sweet Sixteen at SHOT show?
Black Bear and Turkey seasons coming up soon!
All the best everyone.
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