From my monthly column in GUNS magazine.


  1. I just traded my S & W 3913 and another gun to my twin brother for a 30/40 Krag. Sporterized, it is in very good condition, with a peep sight and checkering.
    I had the one my dad owned when he passed away, but I gave it to my one son, a former Navy sailor who also served as an armed response person on his ship, the USS Leyte Gulf. He actually was in for 6 or 8 months longer than his 6 year hitch, as he wanted to finish with his ship on one last deployment.
    He had been on one in the Arabian Sea and the Persian Gulf, which at the time was a hotbed, pretty much always is, I guess.

  2. Always liked those double action Smith & Wesson autos. You used to be able to get them cheap when all the agencies dumped them for Glocks. Not cheap now, especially for ones in good condition.


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