New Year’s resolutions seem to be an American tradition.
I managed to get all the way through 2024 without ONCE dating a letter or check “2023.”
And was pretty proud of myself until the fourth day of the first month of 2025, when I dated my first check of the year 1/4/24.
If any of y’all are in the same boat, let me know. It may make me feel better, somehow…
I used to do that for the first month every year. Now I rarely need to write a check anymore, so I have improved by default.
Good to know I’m not the only person still writing checks. I can’t make you feel any better, but I can pass on something I started doing for readily apparent reasons.
I learned long ago to make the entry in the check register before I wrote the check. Much more recently, come the new year, I leave a blank line in the register, highlight it and write the new year in as both a reminder and being able to easily find out when I paid for something. (Or if I paid for something.) Probably not that much help if you’ve got one of those really fancy check books where you have a stub with details. Maybe a book mark with the YEAR?
Happy 2 Oh! 2 Five ! If it makes ya feel better, I am one of the geezers that still writes a few checks. Not many of us left!
I guess it would be even worse if we had to write 2025 like this; MMXXV. ; )
Mas, I’ve always had trouble “changing dates”. It would take me at least 2 months to get used to the new year. Now that I’ve retired, I can’t keep up with anything date-related – including what day of the week it is! At least at work, I had to date paperwork of several sorts, and I had the framework of the work week to keep me oriented. Now, I often ask Bonnie, “what day of the week is this?”; her reply is usually “I don’t know, let me look at my watch…”
But by the same token, When we had a bit of snow last week, I didn’t have to clean off a car, or drive to work in the @#%&!!!! snow, share the pavement with idiots who didn’t know how to handle frozen roads – none of the stuff that used to put me in such a foul mood. I just relied on Southern snow removal – that big bright object that moves across the sky every day. Sadly, we’re in for more of the same, I hear.
You still write checks???
What a contrast. I think this is the first year in about the last dozen or so that I finally did write the correct year right off the bat. Something must have gone wrong so I think I need to go back and correct that by writing in the wrong year.
Hell I struggle going month to month still. 🗓️ 🤣
I was proud of the fact that I dated the paperwork for my new range card 2025 (not the usual mistake of using the prior year)–until the clerk pointed out that I wrote down February 5, 2025 when I should have dated my signature as 1/5/2025.
I am well aware that pride is a sin. But, I continue to require to be shown examples of why I should be humble.
It recalls to mind Winston Churchill’s put down: “He is a humble man, with much to be humble about.”
So far so good…. 2025 should be a fantastic year…..
Me too, at work, but luckily caught myself in time. It was a shift log, so rather important to get it right!
If your New Year’s Resolution is to avoid mistakenly writing the previous year, that means you have made a whole lot of progress in other areas of life!
2024 was my big, or should I say little, year when it comes to my resolution. I did the whole “this is the year I lose the weight” resolution that I’ve done for the past several years. Well, in 2024 I lost almost 100lbs and I feel fantastic! Now for 2025, the resolution is keeping it that way!
Congratulations! Keep up the good work!
Fantastic. That takes discipline and commitment. Solid work.
“I’m so glad 2020 is over!” and the “hits” keep coming.
Our family life went through a number of crises every years starting in 2016: parent’s dying, siblings dying, hurricanes ruining homes, floods “drowning” 2/3rds of our friends, customers, businessess, economy, etc.
So at year’s end of 2022 when a meme came on my phone saying “I’m so glad 2020 is over!” … I just looked at it and my draw dropped .. that was exactly how I felt.
In fact, even as we enter 2025, I still find myself “processing” the last two years of more of those same crises.
Yessir, I still write checks and I’m also old I remember when all the local merchants kept “counter checks” on the checkout desk and there weren’t any such things as cell phones! Wish it were still so. Happier times, to me anyway. And yeah, it still takes a few weeks to get the year right on the checks…
Not to worry rabbi.
Last year in January I was in line at the bank and the Chinese guy behind me said ‘Ha! I wrote year of rabbit, not year of dragon’.
I haven’t broken a New Year’s Resolution in years. I resolved not to make any more New Year’s Resolutions.
I put a small sticky over the date spot with 2025, then move it to the next blank check when done.
As simple as it is brilliant
For coming clean you get to take a mulligan. Now all is good in the universe and your string is unbroken
What are checks?
People who live in the Czech Republic. ; )
eh, i use cash 100% of the time, she is in charge of the checkbook…
epstein didn’t kill himself…
Except, maybe his life’s choices did it for him?
I recall a story about a young lady who thought that if she still had checks, she had money. Apparently, she finally stroked a check big enough that the merchant called the bank to make sure it was good before accepting it. Total shock!!!
The problem with credit cards is that eventually, the bill comes. I’ve learned to keep a running written record of what/where I use plastic. I’ve managed to get a few chuckles by waving the card and claiming that if it’s still stiff, it’s still good.
Glen Frey line: his wife refers to one of this songs as “the credit card song.”
Take It To The Limit One More Time.
This is a good time to stock up on survival items like water, food, pet feed, fuel, large tents with sheet metal stoves and flues, portable ammo, smoke and gas masks, and the like. The clash-of-civilizations factions are coming out out in full force, burning and freezing out John Q. Public in favor of forcible, supposed equity. if I were Trump, Vance, and everybody else, I would keep my head on a swivel, and my powder dry, especially until after January 20. The passing entrenched forces of evil have too much to hide to give up easily from the light of exposure that is coming posthaste along the rails.
I always had trouble with that, but less so in the last few years.
Because I write fewer and fewer checks.
I’m an old fart that still wears an analog watch, with day/date function. I usually remember to correct the date on about the 4th or 5th day of the month after a 30 day month. Don’t even get me started on yearly.
It’s called Checkuary: that period of time you spend writing the last year’s date on checks before finally getting it straight.
Dude I had to look at the calendar to see what year it is.
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