God, I hate losing the good ones.
I knew Bob Schwartz for more than thirty years. He had fought cancer before and won. This time, it came on him too fast and too hard for his iron constitution to conquer. He passed away peacefully at home with his wife and other loved ones on November 7.
As his obituary shows, Robert Schwartz lived a long and productive life.
Some 27 years ago, he and his lovely wife Maury moved from his native Connecticut to join us in free New Hampshire. He told me he loved the idea of not only living in a smaller community, but serving it. He knew that a tradition in small New England towns was to perform that service by joining the emergency services – emergency medical, volunteer fire department, part-time police officer. He chose the latter route. For a full quarter century, he served in uniform to protect the public. He joked that he wanted to live to be the oldest working police officer in the state, and you know, he may just have made it: he was still on staff and hoping to get back on patrol when, at 76, he had to leave us.
A bear of a man, the proverbial gentle giant, Bob’s great physical strength and abilities were tempered with great patience and compassion, the sort of things that come together to make a great cop. He was also a gun enthusiast and a helluva good pistol shot. It’s rare for a state law enforcement academy to have a part-time police officer come in to teach full-time career cops, but that’s exactly what happened with Bob. Yes, he was that good.
Bob Schwartz was a fine man of a rare breed, and he will be greatly missed.

“As his obituary shows, Robert Schwartz lived a long and productive life.”
That’s an under-statement. As I was reading it, I got the sensation his information got conflated with the obituaries of three other men. He sounds like a modern-day Leonardo Da Vinci.
Down Phoenix way tonight we are getting a good look at the astounding “Beaver Moon” in a clear sky at perigee. Big as a pumpkin. Also called the Mourning Moon, Fog Moon, Snow Moon, etc. Likely I
will henceforth link the amazing life of Bob Schwartz to such November moons. His passing is truly cosmic.
Condolences on the loss of a old friend.
Sorry for your loss and the loss to our brothers in arms. Rest in peach.
So sad to hear this, Bob will be greatly missed by all that had the pleasure of knowing him.
I’m very sorry to here about the passing of your friend Bob. May he Rest In Peace. My sincere sympathy and prayers go out to his family.
My condolences go out to you, Mas and Bob’s family. Give me another 100 years and I might get one third accomplished of what this amazing man pushed through. Talk about knowing how to live well.
I am sorry for you loss of a good friend and a fine man. May he Rest Im Peace.
The great ones are only gone if their knowledge, heart and spirit have died with them. Sounds like his essence will be carried on and taught repeatedly to many future generations. We should all be so lucky.
I grew up with Bob in Norwalk. He was the brother I never had and best friend I ever had. Yes, he was a “gentle giant” and true gentleman. Long on honor and dedication to others. We maintained contact throughout our lives and I will miss my friend, my brother. Rest easy with the knowledge that you served others with grace and dignity.
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