It has been determined that the battery cap on a SIG Romeo optical sight is not child proof, and a little kid could remove the battery and swallow it.  I kid you not. Read it here.

Of course, no child has yet swallowed such a battery after removing it from the gunsight. But I can’t be the only one to notice that…

For this to happen, this would require that some idiot left an unattended firearm with a Romeo on it, where an unsupervised child could play with the gun!

Is it me, or is there a failure in critical thinking here somewhere?


  1. We live in a litigious society where even the remote possibility of something happening is considered reason enough for a recall. It matters not that, with due care, it should not happen. It matters not that the odds are on the order of one-in-a-million. Just the fact that it COULD HAPPEN is grounds enough.

    In a left-wing controlled society, adults are presumed to be as incompetent as children and in need of “Big Brother” Government to take care of them. That is how they justify the “Nanny State” and the associated loss of privacy and individual freedom. Plus, anything to inconvenience gun-owners is looked upon favorably. So, there is a political dimension to this kind of stuff as well.

    It is the reason that many products are so “child-proof” that they are almost “adult-proof” as well. We have plenty of lawyers that need employment and such litigation is steady work! 🙂

  2. One trick of the managerial state to make them seem indespensible is impossibly stupid shit like this.
    Well, it _could_ happen…. which of course you can’t argue against because, yes it could. If one was so negligent, then yes, technically it could happen, assuming the kid didn’t blow his hand off first.
    Then down the road they point to all the safety-minded actions they’ve taken to protect you from yourself. Same argument for building permits on sheds. It _could_ fall down and kill you, the person that built it, so we’re going to make you pay all sorts of taxes and fee’s to support this useless government eater who makes your life hard.
    That’s the managerial class, and they think they’re needed.

  3. Sounds like another anti-gun bureaucrat has found a way to punish the firearms industry.

    In a related note: All coinage in the United States is being recalled due to a swallowing hazard. Please call the US Mint for instructions on sending in your pennies, nickels, dimes and quarters for the required modifications. A 4 inch long rod will be brazed onto each coin to prevent a child from cramming it down their pie-hole. The program cost is estimated to be 5 trillion dollars. “We know this may be inconvenient” said US CPPSC spokesman Walton Fitzroy-Symmes “but if it saves one child it will be worth it.”

  4. It’s certainly one of the oddest recalls in my memory.
    I could see issuing an advisory and a voluntary replacement program, but an actual honest to goodness recall?


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