Recent events have reminded me as a son, a father, and a grandfather, to cherish the traditions of family and friendship and love.  God knows, recent tragedy has reminded us all of that…


Thoughts and prayers go to those whose loved ones cannot be with them on Christmas Eve or Christmas Day.


Spend as much time as you can with your loved ones.  We in the firearms world, caught up – more, of late, than ever – in one of the most contentious debates in our nation, must balance civil rights, logic, and above all the critical need to keep the innocent safe from evil. History shows us that those who know what they’re fighting for are the most effective advocates.  Let’s take this time to remind ourselves of the most important people in our lives. They are our raisons d’etre. It is they for whom we fight.


Christmas is a time to reflect upon our values. A time to think about doing The Right Thing, even in the face of the most terrible threats.  Christmas is a tradition, and nothing gets to be a tradition until it proves itself to be solid enough a foundation to uphold the future.


Enjoy a holiday of peace and of love.  Like all of the Backwoods Home team, I wish you a Merry Christmas.


  1. We lost one of our Law Enfoecent Officers early this morning in Wauwatosa, WI. She was shot to death while on duty. God rest her soul.

  2. Thank you Mas. A very merry Christmas to you, Gail, and both of your families. You’ve given me a bigger gift than I can ever thank properly for Mas: You’ve shared with me your vast knowledge of the art of self defense. You’ve given me a better chance of possibly saving the lives of those close to me if the situation demands. From the bottom of my heart: Thank you. I’ll see you in Live Oak in February (and next December).

  3. Merry Christmas Mas and Gail and the Backwoods Home folks, may God bless all of you.

    Under my tree this year there will be four guns and 6 high capacity magazines between what my wife bought me and what I purchased for my two sons. Keeping up the annual tradition in my house of getting a new gun on Christmas time.

  4. Merry Christmas, Massad, Gail, and Team John’s Lawn Equipment.

    May the Season find you safe in the warm embrace of your family and friends.

    Thank you for all you do.

  5. merry xmas to u , ur family and friends! our firefighting community lost 2 brothers on xmas eve, and two more are wounded from someone setting fire to his residence… then attacked the responders when arrived on scene. one of whom was also an off duty police officer as well. has this world come to us wearing ‘vests’ responding to help others? something i never would have thought of 20 years ago when i joined. all stay safe!

  6. Merry Chaistmas to you and your family, Mas (and all the other readers). Off-line for awhile. Hope you’re 2013 is even better than 2012.

  7. Great information! What I would like to know is how many crimes have been committed by “Legal” firearms? I don’t think that this kind of data is ever recorded by police. I’m new to handguns and your articles ring true with much thought behind everything you write. Keep up the articles.