In keeping with the last post here, regarding small self-defense revolvers, let me flag you to something an old friend of mine recently came up with. Roy Huntington spent 20 years as a cop on the mean streets of San Diego, and today is one of my editors. We both started at a time when cops carried service revolvers, and detectives and off duty officers traditionally packed .38 snubs. Handguns with lights attached were not a practical reality.
Roy has come up with a new product via Hyskore. The Griplight fits any round-butt J-frame Smith & Wesson revolver, replacing the grips. Grasping pressure of the firing hand activates 100 plus lumens of white light, much the way Crimson Trace LaserGrips send out a red aiming beam. Light is more important, IMHO, since it lets you identify your target. To give you half an hour of running time, it uses a CR2 battery which, storing more juice than flat batteries, needs to be put in the butt area. This lengthens the grip accordingly.

This brings grip configuration to about the size of a service revolver with good, hand-filling combat stocks. No longer an ankle holster or concealed-in-the-pocket proposition, but hell, folks of Roy’s and my generation and older have been concealing full-size service revolvers under sport coats and even un-tucked polo shirts in good hideout holsters for many decades.
On the farm or ranch, open carry is no concern, and the J-frame so equipped carries nicely tucked in the hip pocket or the front pouch of bib overalls; when you’re on your own property, concealment isn’t mandatory. Right now, my test unit is on a Model 340 Military & Police .357 Magnum. The big grips really attenuate the recoil of a sub-fourteen-ounce super lightweight revolver with a full power Magnum load.
A lot of the vermin that needs to be shot in the countryside can be handled with a .22. I’m thinking seriously of putting these grips onto my sweet old Smith & Wesson .22 Kit Gun, which is more accurate than a 2” barrel revolver has any right to be. The last animals that had to be killed on my rural property – a rabid fox, and a water moccasin – were shot with Glocks in calibers .45 GAP and .357 SIG respectively, and both in poor light. A .22 would have been easier on the ears. The white light from the Griplight would have been perfect under those conditions.
The Griplight is an excellent value, I think, at approximately $130. They can be ordered from another old friend, Bill Laughridge at Cylinder & Slide, be sure to click on “new products.” A very useful product, designed by one good man who knows his stuff, and sold by another…what’s not to like?
The Evil Princess pierces the darkness with white light and orange fire from Griplight-ed S&W.
Ultralight S&W 340 M&P at height of recoil; Griplight absorbed recoil of full power Black Hills 158 grain .357 Magnum rounds very well.
For a rabid fox I’d prefer something more than a .22LR. But then again, I’ve only had one encounter, so maybe that’s not a good example.
Agreed, Merle, but ya use what ya got when the need arises. I happened to be wearing a Glock 31 when I had to kill the cottonmouth, and my buddy happened to be wearing a Glock 37 when he had to shoot the rabid fox.
A much needed accessory for the j-frame, especially for those that depend on these versatile, often unappreciated, weapons exclusively for home defense.
Mas, you need to put a bug in his ear for a wrap around grip to use on a EAA Witness or any other polymer frame pistol. I just purchased a Witness in 10mm and there is no kind of products for light except the bulky ones that go on the assy. rail. And know one is making a holster for the Witness that accepts any laser or light on the rail that I have found. With the light in this configuration it looks like the wash from the light would allow you to see your front sights,also you would be able to use any holster you have. There is no way of putting night sights on a Witness unless you have the slide milled to accept one because the front sight is milled into the slide. I have at least night sights on every carry gun I have and on my Shield I have XS Big Dot sights and LaserMax CF laser. At 52 and wearing trifocals I need all the help I can get to see my sights. In the pictures it looks like you would have no problems seeing your sights with this light positioned where it is. I would be the first in line to buy one if he does ever consider this. Also if he made a small frame auto wrap around grip you could still pocket carry because the light looks compact enough. IMHO.
This strikes me as something highly desirable which may not make the marketing hurdle if only available through one source. Buy now while you can.
Mas, as you have said many times, “not to use a weapon mounted light to identify a potential target”. I can tell from the picture and your grip that also holding a flashlight would be pretty tough.Looks like this would also call for a small pocket flash held cigar style or perhaps in the mouth. Of course that would preclude a verbal challenge. Some advocate bouncing the beam off a ceiling to identify a potential threat, of course that wouldn’t work outdoors. Any further ideas?
Covered here, Randy:
Ok, I read the article in the link. I must have missed it. I understand that you chose this firearm to demonstrate how rugged the new light is. I guess what I was getting at is assuming that you have spotted a threat with a separate flash, what do you do with the flash when you are ready to shoot with the weapon mounted light? Such a high recoiling weapon would preclude trying to hang onto the flash. My thought would be to tie a rawhide shoe lace to the flash and hang it around your neck. It would still be readily available should it still be needed.
Generally, when someone designs a new product they design it for the largest group who are likely to use it. A J frame would seem to have a smaller consumer group than say, K frames.Then branch out to the other models. But if I was smart, I would have Roy’s job.
I just read the article you linked to, and I loved it. Sounds like you have come up with two excellent solutions to the problem of a light mounted on a deadly weapon. I especially like the low-tech solution of a second person dedicated to just running the light. That reminds me of fighter aircraft where the pilot flies the plane, and the weapons officer takes care of targeting the enemy and pulling the triggers. Our technology is at the point where one person can quickly become overloaded with information, and that, in a stressful situation to boot. Afterwards, lawyers, judges and juries will take their time going over every move we made in that complex, stressful situation.
You wrote that one man with a light might not work too well in a combat situation. He would certainly be a target also. Maybe if he could carry a ballistic shield, and run the light from behind the shield and behind cover, he would have a chance, if his partner finished off the goblin quickly. I could see a husband holding the gun in the house while his wife runs a bright light from behind a ballistic shield. Frankly, I don’t know anything about ballistic shields. I don’t know if they can stop bullets, and I don’t know how heavy they are. Maybe we could get a robot to run the light. Ha Ha!
During my prior life as a police officer, I cleared many a house/business at night. Early on, this usually meant utilizing my side arm and an incandescent kel-light (which was much better than the earlier best choice, the ray-o-vac woodsman). The cheapest modern tech lights are exponentially brighter.
The year I retired, the department had just began to allow officers to qualify weapon mounted lights. If I was still active and doing these nocturnal searches frequently, I would definitely have one.
Having said that, retired, now civilian, may I make a suggestion for home owners? Wire your house so that one switch in a strategic location activates at least one light fixture in every room simultaneously. This is a simple project and even if you’re not up to the task, I doubt an electrician would charge much more than the cost of the next addition to your gun collection (might even do a swap for one you’ve tired of). I suggest this master switch be located on the wall behind the lamp beside your bed and leave your bedroom lighting off the circuit.
Not as neat as a new weapon accessory, but can be a life saving home improvement.
Occasionally, our local club runs night shoots at our Range, during the darkest nights of the year. It’s for safety Officers only, due to the increased need for safety in such dark settings. I really enjoy these outings, as we all learn from each other what equipment is out there, and ways to use them that work well (and also why some things don’t work).
One of the surprises I learned was that Low Ready is a good way to identify what is and is not a target. Even with how narrowly focused most Weapon mounted lights are, they spill enough light outside of their focus to illuminate really well. We found that we could draw weapon, engage light at low ready, and bring it up to the target once identified. Still not ideal. But if you find yourself with only the weapon light, it’s another option.
Whilst gagdets and gizmos are thought to solve all sorts of problems both real and dreamed up by salesmen, one factor in the equation remains the same. The guy or gal behind the gun.
I remember an interview with a famous air ace over the skies of Viet Nam. In numerous dogfights in “primitive ” jets he proved his mettle. When asked about the introduction of headsup displays, bells and whistles in newer jets. His son a pilot, he said that the last thing he wanted his boy looking at in a tight dogfight was some damm display.
In 2014 the good guy still has the same problem Bill Hickok had in 1871. In a fast moving encounter he shot his own deputy. Stuff happens.
Looks like a great idea but also looks like it would make my J-frame bulkier than I want it to be for pocket carry due to grip length. Most of my long guns which can have weapons mounted lights do (ARs, Tac Shotguns), but none of my handguns do.
Like has been said, I’d REALLY welcome this for other non-pocket handguns I own where a longer grip wouldn’t be an issue. Maybe for GPs, K-frame Smith, and Taurus Judge.
Looks good to me. I like the extra length, (for better purchase), that the battery produces as the small “boot” grips everyone loves really don’t work for me especially using hot loads. I also greatly value Mas’ opinions.
I just ordered one! :>)