Those who pooh-pooh the Second Amendment and the Minutemen who were the genesis of our nation tell us that ordinary citizens with AR15s and such would have no hope against a serious military force, whether foreign or rogue domestic.  They would do well to read “Invisible Armies” by Max Boot. Subtitled “An Epic History of Guerrilla Warfare from Ancient Times to the Present,” it is 700-some pages of Little Guys kicking Big Guys’ butts.

The Afghans booted not one but two superpowers, including us, out of their country.  In WWII, resistance movements in Nazi-occupied Europe did much to harry their conquerors.  According to Boot, Dwight Eisenhower said after WWII the French Resistance “had been worth fifteen divisions to him.”

Resistance fighters often have outside help, of course, little of which we could count on here if there was a Red Dawn type invasion or if a true fascist gained power from within.  Boot notes that Great Britain alone furnished about a million STEN submachine guns to partisans fighting the Nazis.

If it happened here, England could keep its STEN guns. We have more than twenty million AR15s, thank you very much. There are currently more than fourteen million licensed hunters in the USA. 42% of us supposedly live in homes with at least one firearm.  Both sides of the “gun control” debate concede that there are over 400 million firearms here, enough to arm every man, woman, and child.

There is a reason that every tyrant confiscated guns from any citizen who might oppose them before they began to stomp their victims under their collective boot-heel. Our current President’s opponents love to liken him to Adolf Hitler. They apparently missed the fact that his campaign has been vigorously pro-armed citizen.  The real tyrant does not arm those he intends to subjugate.


  1. Unfortunately, the real danger to free Americans is coming from our own tyrannical politicians, who are determined to disarm and subjugate us, while subsidizing and sheltering criminal illegal aliens who prey upon us.


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