On this day of giving thanks, I hope you’re all with friends and family and, if you’re caught in the Northeast storm, I hope you get through it OK.

And if you’re in Ferguson, Missouri, well, condolences. I hope you get through that storm, too.  If you’re NOT in Ferguson, you have one more thing to be thankful for.

For me, I’m thankful that I only have to watch CNN, currently the “all Ferguson, all the time” network, when I want to.  Not until last night did they even mention the murder of the young black man who may have witnessed the Michael Brown shooting and given honest testimony that favored Officer Wilson. However, CNN didn’t make that connection.  Conservative Treehouse did, a day or two before.  Thanks, Treepers!  .  Indeed, some of the most incisive commentary on this whole case can be found at the Treepers’ main website   This element of the case needs more investigation…

A lesson: mad dogs bite anyone, including their own. Among the casualties are the burned-down African-American church that Michael Brown’s biological dad attended.  And the bakery of the nice black lady who, throughout the whole mess, had been providing free food for protesters.  The difference between mad dogs and rioters is that no one blames you if you shoot rabid dogs.

Meanwhile, a couple of New York Times reporters have published the new address of Officer Wilson and his new wife. If that home is burned down, I think those reporters and their paper will bear significant responsibility.  (Someone on the conservative side has, in turned, put the addresses of the two reporters on the Internet. Please, folks, encourage everyone to leave that alone: don’t let them turn “us” into “them.”)  It would seem that some elements of the lynch mob have already put a price on Darren Wilson’s head.

Thanks to all the emergency service personnel who are sacrificing their holiday with their families for the safety of the good citizens of Ferguson and other locales that have caught the sparks of civil disturbance.


  1. Mas, another story of interest on the link you provided caught my attention and made my blood boil.

    The two would be bombers arrested in Ferguson by the Feds, evidently wanted to acquire two more bombs before executing their planned attack. The hold up? They were waiting for one’s girlfriend’s EBT (food stamp) card to be replenished so they would have the necessary funds to go forward with their plans.


    Only in Obama’s America.

  2. Mas, another story of interest on the link you provided caught my attention and made my blood boil.

    The two would be bombers arrested in Ferguson by the Feds, evidently wanted to acquire two more bombs before executing their planned attack. The hold up? They were waiting for one’s girlfriend’s EBT (food stamp) card to be replenished so they would have the necessary funds to go forward with their plans.


    Only in Obama’s America.

  3. Happy Thanksgiving, folks.

    We still lived in the most blessed country in the history of mankind.

    Pray that good men won’t stand idly by while evil destroys what a loving God has so graciously given us. Stay vigilant against those doing the work of the evil one.

  4. Happy Thanksgiving, folks.

    We still lived in the most blessed country in the history of mankind.

    Pray that good men won’t stand idly by while evil destroys what a loving God has so graciously given us. Stay vigilant against those doing the work of the evil one.

  5. Who crashed the “Part IV” Comments? This is spooky! Three minutes ago, I was at the bottom of several earlier comments, then when ai added mine the comment section dropped all previous and my comment. Since I’m not a “flamer”, and my question/viewpoint has no “anti” bias, I’m a bit confused- also I doubt Mas’ admin people had a problem with me. I’ll take any answer, and thanks Mas and Co for your time!

  6. Who crashed the “Part IV” Comments? This is spooky! Three minutes ago, I was at the bottom of several earlier comments, then when ai added mine the comment section dropped all previous and my comment. Since I’m not a “flamer”, and my question/viewpoint has no “anti” bias, I’m a bit confused- also I doubt Mas’ admin people had a problem with me. I’ll take any answer, and thanks Mas and Co for your time!

  7. I am still curious- as I said above, I try pretty hard to stay out of “anti” territory- I also avoid flamers as they prove little except stupidity. I asked a civil, professional question of Mass and any here.
    Micheal Brown is dead; any reasonable PD, not busy spinning it’s way out of deeper problems would be holding an after action autopsy- to prevent this happening again. As I pointed out, after the dust settles, Darren Wilson faces some pretty grim personal issues re lethal response and his responsibility for it, as well as a career probably irretrievably ruined. Ferguson will never put him back on the street, even if he wanted to go there. No sane modern Police Officer wants to kill or maim anyone- lawsuits, etc have pretty well told their PDs and city councils the cost is very, very high in cash at the court house door alone. The cost to Ferguson will likely be years or diminished local income and growth.
    So, I asked Mr. Ayoob, whose opinion and abilities I and professional POs I am acquainted with respect. Thank you for your moment.

  8. I am still curious- as I said above, I try pretty hard to stay out of “anti” territory- I also avoid flamers as they prove little except stupidity. I asked a civil, professional question of Mass and any here.
    Micheal Brown is dead; any reasonable PD, not busy spinning it’s way out of deeper problems would be holding an after action autopsy- to prevent this happening again. As I pointed out, after the dust settles, Darren Wilson faces some pretty grim personal issues re lethal response and his responsibility for it, as well as a career probably irretrievably ruined. Ferguson will never put him back on the street, even if he wanted to go there. No sane modern Police Officer wants to kill or maim anyone- lawsuits, etc have pretty well told their PDs and city councils the cost is very, very high in cash at the court house door alone. The cost to Ferguson will likely be years or diminished local income and growth.
    So, I asked Mr. Ayoob, whose opinion and abilities I and professional POs I am acquainted with respect. Thank you for your moment.

  9. Dennis, all of your posts are excellent – this latest one may be your best. I firmly believe it is no coincidence that I re-read Abraham Lincoln’s official proclamation of Thanksgiving today. For whatever reason I was unable to bring the link here. Everyone – PLEASE – find it and digest it! It should be read at every Thanksgiving. It is precisely the type of inspiration we need so desperately.

  10. Dennis, all of your posts are excellent – this latest one may be your best. I firmly believe it is no coincidence that I re-read Abraham Lincoln’s official proclamation of Thanksgiving today. For whatever reason I was unable to bring the link here. Everyone – PLEASE – find it and digest it! It should be read at every Thanksgiving. It is precisely the type of inspiration we need so desperately.

  11. Happy Thanksgiving to everyone!

    Despite a few idiots wandering around attempting to ‘protest’ in Atlanta today, my wife and I had a nice holiday – we ran into a WW2 veteran at the Golden Corral restaurant, and asked him to share our table. It turned out to be one of those little moments that we won’t ever forget. He was a Navy pilot, flew off an Escort Carrier in the Leyte Gulf battle, now a widower and just passing through town on his way to spend the winter in Florida. Turns out he lives in the same general neighborhood of Chicago that my wife grew up in, and we had a great time talking over dinner. My wife and I are both Army vets, but we are one generation younger than this gentleman – and the more we talked, the more we realized how many things we all have to be thankful for in our lives today. The elderly gentleman shook my hand as we parted ways after dinner, and said “I don’t know if I’ll be around for any more Thanksgiving dinners, so I’m thankful you and your wife shared yours with me.” I told him I might never get another chance to talk to a WW2 aviator, so I was thankful to have had the chance.

    Despite the stupidity you see in the news these days, despite the things that make you worry about the future, take a few minutes tonight and think about the things you DO have – that others don’t.

  12. Happy Thanksgiving to everyone!

    Despite a few idiots wandering around attempting to ‘protest’ in Atlanta today, my wife and I had a nice holiday – we ran into a WW2 veteran at the Golden Corral restaurant, and asked him to share our table. It turned out to be one of those little moments that we won’t ever forget. He was a Navy pilot, flew off an Escort Carrier in the Leyte Gulf battle, now a widower and just passing through town on his way to spend the winter in Florida. Turns out he lives in the same general neighborhood of Chicago that my wife grew up in, and we had a great time talking over dinner. My wife and I are both Army vets, but we are one generation younger than this gentleman – and the more we talked, the more we realized how many things we all have to be thankful for in our lives today. The elderly gentleman shook my hand as we parted ways after dinner, and said “I don’t know if I’ll be around for any more Thanksgiving dinners, so I’m thankful you and your wife shared yours with me.” I told him I might never get another chance to talk to a WW2 aviator, so I was thankful to have had the chance.

    Despite the stupidity you see in the news these days, despite the things that make you worry about the future, take a few minutes tonight and think about the things you DO have – that others don’t.

  13. Is there any LEGAL way to exile the dangerous “protesters”? Haiti is too close, Somalia is not far enough
    It seems that the “protesters” and the violent indigenous people of Somalia or Rwanda would be a good match, ya think? Send some “reporters” along with them, part of taking out the trash.

  14. Is there any LEGAL way to exile the dangerous “protesters”? Haiti is too close, Somalia is not far enough
    It seems that the “protesters” and the violent indigenous people of Somalia or Rwanda would be a good match, ya think? Send some “reporters” along with them, part of taking out the trash.

  15. It’s amazing how my guilty, white liberal friends are justifying the rioting, and filing excuse after excuse to defend those who are perpetrating this violence. It makes me ill.

  16. It’s amazing how my guilty, white liberal friends are justifying the rioting, and filing excuse after excuse to defend those who are perpetrating this violence. It makes me ill.

  17. Pavia: A large, strong man’s grasp of the pistol encompassing both slide and frame could have taken the SIG’s slide rearward out of battery, causing the failure to fire.

    Chris: If I recall Wilson’s testimony correctly, he couldn’t reach his telescoping baton and didn’t have room in the front seat of the vehicle to swing it, and feared that in the close quarters his aerosol incapacitant would affect him more than his opponent.

    The problem with trying to grab Brown’s arm, pull him in, and punch him in the kidney area with his left hand would have been that, seated behind the wheel, he had almost no range of movement at all and could not put his whole body weight into either a pull of the arm OR an effective punch on a much heavier and stronger man. Sorry I didn’t answer that sooner.

  18. Pavia: A large, strong man’s grasp of the pistol encompassing both slide and frame could have taken the SIG’s slide rearward out of battery, causing the failure to fire.

    Chris: If I recall Wilson’s testimony correctly, he couldn’t reach his telescoping baton and didn’t have room in the front seat of the vehicle to swing it, and feared that in the close quarters his aerosol incapacitant would affect him more than his opponent.

    The problem with trying to grab Brown’s arm, pull him in, and punch him in the kidney area with his left hand would have been that, seated behind the wheel, he had almost no range of movement at all and could not put his whole body weight into either a pull of the arm OR an effective punch on a much heavier and stronger man. Sorry I didn’t answer that sooner.

  19. To further Mas’ statements from the perspective of a civilian…I recently went on a ridealong as part of my local citizen police academy ten week course. I was given a vest and sat in the cruiser while the officer made traffic stops and answered calls sent to the dispatcher. I felt truly vulnerable and helpless sitting in the cruiser and, armed or not, would feel way at risk if a threatening individual came to the window. Now I know why LEO get out if their cars.

  20. To further Mas’ statements from the perspective of a civilian…I recently went on a ridealong as part of my local citizen police academy ten week course. I was given a vest and sat in the cruiser while the officer made traffic stops and answered calls sent to the dispatcher. I felt truly vulnerable and helpless sitting in the cruiser and, armed or not, would feel way at risk if a threatening individual came to the window. Now I know why LEO get out if their cars.

  21. Thanks Mas! I’ve seen the “in the window” drilled; as a matter of pride, I’ve even been the “stooge with a rubber knife”. Although I’ll agree, even with pulled punches and wearing a martial arts rib protecter, I took several bruises.That, said, the small department this drill was for has 2x yearly physical quals and most officers have judo or jujitsu training. Their commander seems to think that having a “big toolbox” helps get his boys and girls home safe. I was impressed- and since my job was often to figure out how to throw a curve and surprise the guys- once I stuck my arm in the window (and I am left handed !) I was whipped. I’ve also tried to draw a Police Glock from a dept holster while seated and belted- I can not imagine trying to draw while someone is fighting with me in the car- but I can see a battle for control of the weapon. I’ll have to track them down and ask- I’m sure most would tell me mistake #1 was letting a person of interest closer than 3 to the door!

  22. Thanks Mas! I’ve seen the “in the window” drilled; as a matter of pride, I’ve even been the “stooge with a rubber knife”. Although I’ll agree, even with pulled punches and wearing a martial arts rib protecter, I took several bruises.That, said, the small department this drill was for has 2x yearly physical quals and most officers have judo or jujitsu training. Their commander seems to think that having a “big toolbox” helps get his boys and girls home safe. I was impressed- and since my job was often to figure out how to throw a curve and surprise the guys- once I stuck my arm in the window (and I am left handed !) I was whipped. I’ve also tried to draw a Police Glock from a dept holster while seated and belted- I can not imagine trying to draw while someone is fighting with me in the car- but I can see a battle for control of the weapon. I’ll have to track them down and ask- I’m sure most would tell me mistake #1 was letting a person of interest closer than 3 to the door!

  23. The publishing of the reporters’ personal addresses is equally dreadful as publishing the exonerated police officers address. Of course I would pray that nothing happens to them, or their families. I hope this makes journalists who might be considering to do the same to someone else in future, to pause enough and reconsider.

    Just this once, it makes me feel warm all over to see such irresponsible people receive the same treatment as they so readily dealt out. Shame on these so called “journalists”.

  24. The publishing of the reporters’ personal addresses is equally dreadful as publishing the exonerated police officers address. Of course I would pray that nothing happens to them, or their families. I hope this makes journalists who might be considering to do the same to someone else in future, to pause enough and reconsider.

    Just this once, it makes me feel warm all over to see such irresponsible people receive the same treatment as they so readily dealt out. Shame on these so called “journalists”.

  25. Mas, Where are we going as a Nation? We have ISIS here in our country, Mexican Drug Cartel that does pretty much as they please, now our citizens are blinded with rage from the truth. A Government that wants the people to fear it and not the Government fearing the people. I am 53 this month I have a 17 year old Daughter and a 11 year old son that get Constitution speeches sometimes daily. If we could only get the sheep to see that the Constitution hold all the power no one Person and not one Branch. Checks and balances have been thrown out the window and our Founding Fathers have rolled over in their graves see what has become of this great country. Can we get back to where we should be? I honestly don’t know? Sure would be nice to know that my kids will be able to keep the Freedoms we have. Hind sight is always 20/20 it’s the furture that is cloudy.

  26. Mas, Where are we going as a Nation? We have ISIS here in our country, Mexican Drug Cartel that does pretty much as they please, now our citizens are blinded with rage from the truth. A Government that wants the people to fear it and not the Government fearing the people. I am 53 this month I have a 17 year old Daughter and a 11 year old son that get Constitution speeches sometimes daily. If we could only get the sheep to see that the Constitution hold all the power no one Person and not one Branch. Checks and balances have been thrown out the window and our Founding Fathers have rolled over in their graves see what has become of this great country. Can we get back to where we should be? I honestly don’t know? Sure would be nice to know that my kids will be able to keep the Freedoms we have. Hind sight is always 20/20 it’s the furture that is cloudy.

  27. So the NYT has crossed the line from reporting news to being an accomplice.

    Making public Officer Wilson’s home address falls under the term “sin” in my dictionary. Knowing there are death threats and pointing their fingers at the proposed victim.
    My four y/o grandson will point out where my 6y/o granddaughter is hiding during hide and seek. “there she is,” pointing with a big smile on his little face. He does it out of innocence. The NYT has no excuse.

    It should be sued into oblivion and shut down as a public nuisance.

  28. So the NYT has crossed the line from reporting news to being an accomplice.

    Making public Officer Wilson’s home address falls under the term “sin” in my dictionary. Knowing there are death threats and pointing their fingers at the proposed victim.
    My four y/o grandson will point out where my 6y/o granddaughter is hiding during hide and seek. “there she is,” pointing with a big smile on his little face. He does it out of innocence. The NYT has no excuse.

    It should be sued into oblivion and shut down as a public nuisance.

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