Christmas approaches. We’re pretty busy here, and we haven’t had time to discuss the upcoming holiday much.
When the Evil Princess becomes exasperated with me and blurts “Christ, Mas!” it’s not the same thing. (And doesn’t have much Christmas spirit in the tone.)
But, enough about us. Who among you is planning to give the gift of trust and responsibility – that is, firearms and related accoutrements – to someone they care about?
And who has some guns, ammo, etc. on their own want list to Santa?
You are invited to share here.
Not today fed.
I’ll ask Santa to put an aluminum foil hat on your Christmas list, Armatus.
For this level of derangement, you need some actual tin foil. It works better.
“I’ll ask Santa to put an aluminum foil hat on your Christmas list, Armatus.”
Quote of the Day:
“Paranoid is what they call people who imagine threats against their life. I have threats against my life.” The Character Garak from Star Trek Deep Space 9
Frankly, we Gun Owners need to be aware that we are facing implacable enemies, both inside Government and outside it, who desire to strip us of our 2nd Amendment Rights, strip us of our firearms, and then clap those who resist into prison and throw away the key.
The firearms-prohibitionists have EXACTLY the same mindset as the old Alcohol-prohibitionists of a century ago. Those old prohibitionists were convinced that they were on a “Holy Mission” to rid the World of Alcohol and, thereby, produce “Utopia” on Earth. They were sure that, by banning alcohol, they could eliminate alcoholism, domestic violence, crime, and improve health and productivity into the bargain.
Likewise, the firearms-prohibitionists believe that, by banning firearms, they will also produce “Utopia” on Earth. Crime and violence will be eliminated. Peace will reign supreme across the land. The fact, that the pre-firearms World was much more violent, historically, than the post-firearms World, is discarded. They are ruled by what they “feel” not by facts and logic.
Both these groups were/are immersed in self-deception. The attempt to eliminate alcohol created a black-market that caused crime and violence to soar. As with most left-wing ideas, which are always advertised as utopia-generators, putting the ideas into actual practice causes the reverse of the intended goal. Left-wing ideas are actually dystopia-generators and have always been so.
Nevertheless, given the insanity of the gun-grabbers, I would say that a little paranoia, on the part of Gun-Owners, is a healthy response. If we take these fanatics too lightly, we may end up laughing our way into disarmament and prison.
Maybe those of us who support the 2nd Amendment need to get a little crazy too! You know, so that we can “fight fire with fire”.
Load knows that the firearms-prohibitionists are all “fired-up”. In their minds, they are on a “Holy Crusade” to eliminate the “Demon Gun” and save the World from “Gun-Violence”.
How long will it be before some left-wing Karen imitates Carrie Nation and takes a hatchet into a gun store and begins chopping up those evil “Assault Weapons”?
We are not dealing with rational and sane people on the other side. Maybe it is a handicap to be too rational and sane ourselves? Just a thought.
” They are ruled by what they “feel” not by facts and logic.”
Yes. Feelings above all. I would say they abuse logic like they abuse the truth, facts and statistics. Mostly, ignore or deny reality for their dreams of utopia.
I use Prohibition and the associated Constitutional Amendment as a talking point all the time. It leads to discussions of the war on drugs and more. Both lead to a vibrant and lucrative criminal culture and to a vibrant gun control culture.
As for me, no delusions. Most anything is possible (positive or negative).
As I told a Brit 20 years ago who claimed we didn’t have to worry because of our 2nd Amendment: Laws and constitutions are only as good as those writing, following and enforcing them.
My expectation is, if the ‘woke’ don’t wake up, is: Welcome to the New (not so) improved United Cities (and densely populated suburbs) of America. And no, states like Texas and others are not immune from the effects of ‘citification’. (A process I jokingly describe as people building up to were the air is thin and cluster in close proximity forcing islands of higher carbon dioxide, a toxic combination.
As I told my mother numerous times before her death in 2012, I will become a criminal when they ban my guns. Not to worry. I told my state legislature in person “I will not comply.” when they tried to pass laws to make me a criminal. A some years later, they did pass such laws. Fortunately I had already left the state a couple years earlier. I am still a law abiding citizen and hope to stay that way. Malum prohibitum vs malum in se anyone? I hope I don’t have to move again. It will probably break my marriage.
I checked to see if my 8 year old great grandson could use a trusty Red Ryder BB Gun. Answer was NO. He “ALREADY” has one. What a great Family!!
so, step up t the next level and give him a twenny ry tufel…. problem solved, and for far longer.
I tend toward the Ruger autoloaders, but your preference may vary. And don’t forget the bang-pills. Necessary items.
Christmas came early for me – I picked a Marlin 39M Octagon yesterday, in excellent condition, at a price below current market value. They only made 2140 of these back in 1973 and they’re are rare as hens teeth to find at all, much less in excellent condition. These were pre-safety, pre-rebounding hammer models that are highly prized by Marlin addicts and this one will eventually be handed down to one of my sons or grandsons (or granddaughters).
Although my personal collection is still relatively small with the main focus on home and personal defence, there are a few things I want and wish for us all; to have the rights to defend against threats fully restored; to have anyone that seeks to deny those rights held accountable for their actions; to have all those commiting crimes against the innocent realize adequate consequences for their actions.
The second amendment does not give citizens the right to keep and bear arms. The second amendment denies the government the authority to infringe upon that right.
🇺🇲 Long may she wave for freedom🇺🇲
I will see your CC abd raise you five: hoe about a simple blanket law repealing all previous gun restriction laws, to include all records, permissions, fees, limitations, delays, in other words, back to what that Second Article of Ammendment truly meant back in 17XX when it was first drafted and ratified?
Now my steenkeeng state goobermunt are tryig to put in place very onerous “training” requirements as a precondition of getting a Mother May I Card to carry concealed. Their proposed demands for who/what can DO the training are insane.. NRA do not quality, only state government agencies, military (with some limitations), and certain well-vetted sheriff’s agencies. No clue as to cost, but with their current plans it is guaranteed to be prohibitively dear. I’ve persnally been involved in the training in sfetly and marksmanship of well above a thousand people, but MY organisation are not on their PoohBah lists, so if this passes they’re gonna make ME pay money and take my time to go take their redundant training….. sigh. I’ll wager high stakes at long odds the training I’m involved with is far superior to anything they are imagining. And FAR less dear.
I want something new and different but my usual dealer went out of business
and the nearest one is 100 mile round trip from home and I really hate to
drive that far anymore. Like Ron White, you have to throw me into public
anymore. I did order a new sling set and Olight for my AR so I guess I’ll have
to call that Christmas. 😉
Merry Christmas Mas and to all your readers.
Giving firearms to my 4 foot 9 of unnecessary violence seems ill advised and also impossible in the UK.
I did get her an opinel knife last weeik on a whim. Those cheap little folders are like razors! And a carving knife for valentines (am I romantic or what) with a gardening shovel for her april birthday. Looking back that was possibly a dangerous combination.
Yours as the shadows lengthen…
My guess is that hammers and cricket bats could also be used as weapons in the United Kingdom. Just don’t tell anyone that is what they are for. I certainly would not want to harm a Haji who was trying to cut my head off. That would not be the gentlemanly thing for me to do.
don’t tell anyone that is what they are for’.
Good advice for visiting the UK. It’s illegal to carry a weapon in a public space (that includes the inside of your vehicle).
A weapon is anything made as a weapon.
Or adapted to be a weapon (say sharpening the tip of your brolly).
Or intended to be used as a weapon.
When I wore blue we were taught to ask “that maglite in your car what would you do if someone attacked you?”
Say you’d use it to defend yourself and you just admitted to a crime.
Also note any knife with a blade more than 3 inches long or a locking blade is illegal.
Coppers are human beings though. Pass the attitude test and you’lll probably never be asked. And if it is technically illegal, they’ll just tell you to leave it at home in future. What we did with tourists.
I rememnber back a couple or more years when mob action was commn and increasing n the streets of London and surrounds. Many civvies took to carrying a suitable chef’s knife..”just on the chance I might come across a roast that needs carving before serving it” The Powers that Wanna Be quickly outlawed possession of such an item in public. That slowed things for a few nanosecinds, they next mandated that the pointy tips of chef’s knives were now illegal, so none could be had at the local outfitrers or kitchen shops. They developed a rounded tip most unsuitable for stabbing, and these were the only options in offer in the shops. The violence went on apace, so many commoners began to carry cricket bats as defensive weapons. This was tolerated somewhat, but soon enough, when gentlemen in full suits were accosted on the streets carrying a cricket bat, the coppers began again with their strictures. Sporting goods purveyors could not keep them in store due to the demand. When London’s government learned that six thousand bats were coming in to London weekly through online sales they put restrictions on the possession of one of the most quintessential British bits of culture… the lowly common cricket bat was designated as a potential weapon..
BUT did the Bobs ever take any meaningful steps to curb the actual violence, that against which the commoners were wont to carry items like chefs knives and cricket bats? OH NOOO, we shan’t be having any of that…. that would be discriminating against particular groups….
“all I want for Christmas is (the right to) my cricket bat…… “
nicholas kane,
Thanks for telling us the way things are in the UK. As someone who lives in New Jersey, not the island of Jersey, I feel bad when I look at the less restrictive gun laws they have in Pennsylvania (Penn’s Woods, not to be confused with Transylvania). But I feel good when I compare NJ’s gun laws to those of Canada’s and the United Kingdom’s (not to be confused with the Magic Kingdom).
I love the UK. It has produced so many wonderful things. As a WASP, most of my ancestors came from there.
As for makeshift weapons, I have imagined myself taking a fire extinguisher off its hook, then using it to smash in the head of a goblin. Maybe spraying it at a goblin would stop an attack. I don’t know. Other than smashing in the goblin’s head, I imagine myself sticking it in his mouth, and filling his lungs with whatever is in that fire extinguisher. I know I could only get away with that during a time of WROL (without rule of law). Then, I wonder if some legislature would move to outlaw, or lock up, fire extinguishers.
Several months ago, on FoxNews, two separate people in the UK were ARRESTED for praying SILENTLY on a sidewalk, outside of abortion clinics which were closed, because it was past their normal hours of operation. This tyranny makes me wonder which would be worse, to be under Communist law, or to be under Shariah law?
I’m selling an Sig Sauer P365XL and an old Mossberg shotgun to my son at a deeply discounted price and buying myself a new Mossberg 590A1.
Merry Christmas, everybody!!!
I have 2 and I love them.
Merry Christmas Mas and Mrs. Mas. I know I’m not supposed to say this as an avid gun owner but… I got enough! I know, I know… “You can never have enough,” but when you have so much that it’s best to “bug in,” rather than bug out… you probably have enough! 🙂
I pray this Holiday Season and New Year finds you and your loved ones healthy, happy, and prosperous!
You can have enough guns, but not enough ammunition.
I have gifted ACLDN memberships in the past. Not typically for the Christmas thing. I hope to get some family a MAG-40 but scheduling has been a problem as it has been for me regarding getting myself to a MAG-80.
Regarding gifting firearms or related, same thing. I typically do not do so this time of year. Just too busy? I dunno, lol. I do gift at various time during the year. A green dot, rifle scope, flashlight, knife, ammo, pepper spray (to spice things up a bit), and more, including cash to use at a favorite FFL. Or, occasionally, a family favorite gun with nostalgic value that need to go to the last or latest generation.
As for me, I typically get what I need year round, if I can get to the FFL (and hide it from the Mrs). I do need another good safe but I won’t get it unless it is 72″ tall. I need a new carry gun with green dot sight, more ammo and I may just finally get a suppressor in 2024. Alas, it is too hectic this time of year. I do have an older model Ruger .44 mag Super Blackhawk in stainless with 10 inch barrel that is being gifted to me. I just need to share the local FFL info for the transfer from NH. It will to pair up nicely with the older SS Rugger Super Redhawk 7.5 inch I have. We were shooting the S. Blackhawk at 110 yards in NH. I was ringing steel. I was having so much fun with it he told me it was mine. Just the transfer to be done given interstate rules.
The best gift I this year, already received, was another year with the likes of Mas, the Evil Princess and so many more in our special community of salty citizens. Thank you all.
Merry “Christ, Mas!” to everyone (seasonally intoned this time, lol). And may God Bless you all with a Happy New Year and good health in 2024.
I gave meself a PSA AR-15, 11 mags, Holson red dot, and 3,000 rounds
Merry Christmas to you and ALL your family!
Thank YOU for all you do.
My employer asked me to offer some firearm safety training for his young granddaughters so I bought them a .22 striker fired pistol to learn and shoot with their grandpa… Very excited !!!
That is damn near impossible in NY now
Then I guess you could buy bows and crossbows.
I’d like:
The S&W M25 .45 ACP and the S&W M58 (with San Antonio PD markings) and the Seventrees Asp I owned so many years ago… BACK!
Gifting a Remington 870 in 12 gauge to each of my adult daughters. Each 870 has a Magpul SGA stock, a sidesaddle holding 6 rounds, and a Streamlight TL Racker foreend. Ammo supply pending.
Currently re-reading an excellent novel: Heroes Proved, by Oliver North. There is a scene which relates what I understand to be an actual North family tradition: When responsible young adults reach their 12th birthday, they are given a box with three items: A 20 gauge shotgun, a compass, and a Bible. In the box is a note that says, “If you master all three, you will never go hungry, never be lost, and need fear nothing.” In my opinion, it’s a template that could be used well at Christmas, too.
Thank you, Mas, for hosting us. Merry Christmas!
My wife asked Santa for a new Glock 31 Gen4 for duty carry and I asked for a MAC 1911 JSOC…word is Santa dropped them off early!
I sent my grandkids several Robert Heinlein books that helped me grow through junior high school. Train the mind, and the hands will follow.
My CMP 1911 is a great Christmas gift.
I am thinking that I will gift an ACLDN membership to the people that I love.
Larry, thanks for an idea. I’ve got a pretty decent Heinlein paperback library. Need to share with grandkids. Now if there’s only a way to put them on a computer/play station.
Did chip in to help my son get his elder son and rifle.
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