When even the Washington Post says President Biden is way off base, I am reassured that it’s not just me who thinks so.


  1. It is telling to see that Biden wants to disembowel the one branch of government that is supposed to determine if any acts of Congress or the President pass constitutional muster. I can imagine little White House minions sitting up late at night whispering about the wonders of Venezuela and what a hot guy that Maduro is.

  2. The Supreme Court has problems though Brandon doesn’t have solutions. To personify the problem, it’s John Roberts. He is a congenital trimmer and apparently persuasive enough get other “conservatives” to go along. The worst example is the 2020 election case. The no standing decision was an assertion that Texas had no stake in the outcome of the election. So what is TX supposed to do, secede? There have been many other examples of this including a clutch of 2A cases where the judicial prerogatives seem to matter more than Constitutional rights. Assuming that Trump is the next President, we need our own version of judicial reform or somehow get Roberts to resign.

  3. I won’t say that Hell has frozen over, but there’s definitely a frost. How heavy the frost is, one knows not. Or, it may be the case of even the blind pig finding a truffle.

    The major problem is the number of folks who DON’T look beyond the slogans, but still vote.

  4. The link was behind a pay wall for me, but I’ll comment on the topic The dems were perfectly happy with SCOTUS during its left leaning days of Roe v. Wade, elimination of sodomy laws, death penalty, etc. They loved scotus legislating laws they couldn’t muster enough support to pass through legislation. Now that the current SCOTUS is correcting the overreach of judicial into legislative function, they are screaming “attack on democracy”, when actually SCOTUS is placing passage of laws back into the hands of those elected by the people.

    • I agree. Part of it is pure grandstanding since any legislation that he proposes is DOA. However, as always with the democrats, there is a devious motive too. Their media propagandists will play this proposal far and wide. The hope is that all of the leftist voters, that form the base of the democrat party, will be motivated by the idea.

      The SCOTUS has been moving the needle back toward the center. Prime examples are their decisions to overturn Roe v. Wade (returning control of the abortion issue back to the States) and the Bruen Decision upholding the 2nd Amendment. Any move back to the center infuriates the Left (See Linda’s comment below). If it is not “Hard Left” then they hate and despise it. So. the real purpose of this move is to motivate the base of the democrat party to get out and vote for more destructive, anti-American, left-wing leadership. If they can keep the vote close enough, they will use their ballot-box stuffing techniques to cheat the rest of the way home.

      As always with the democrats, the purpose is money and power. They will do (literally) anything to remain in power so that they can continue to milk the middle-class for those taxpayer dollars. Remember, it is “10% for the Big Guy” but the rest get their cut too!

  5. The partisan, one sided SCOTUS is a disgrace, and changes are needed to right the ship.
    Starting with term limits and strict ethics rules. The court has lost all credibility. A very sad state of affairs to a once great institution.
    There should be four conservatives and four liberal justices with the ninth being an Independent the listens to both sides of the argument before rendering a decision.
    This lopsided court that is currently in place just shoves their personal agenda through.
    The hell with fairness.

    • Losing has consequences, Linda.
      RBG selfishly staying seated well past when she should have retired, believing that Hillary would win the election and replace her with another liberal, was one of the largest and most widely consequential unforced errors of this century so far.

  6. This is the type of stuff that took place when I growing up in NYC. If you were going yo play a better team from a few blocks over you would change or try and change the rules so you could win. What we have is. A shit show of a dumpster 🔥 raging

  7. Years ago Dave Duffy, of Backwoods Home Magazine, this website, wrote a book entitled, “Can America Be Saved From Stupid People?” The distance between the Left and the Right continues to grow.

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