Why is it that in every recent Presidential election I’ve found myself saying, “We’re a nation of (now) some 330 million people, and these are the best two we can pick from to lead us?”

In a recent piece, Wall Street Journal defined the choice as Awful versus Empty. (Google will get you there, though it’s behind a paywall.) Awful was their definition of Trump’s performance in the debate with Harris. I agree he wasn’t on the best debating game, violating my own primary rule of not saying anything you can’t verify and offer reliable sources for. Empty was their definition of Harris, in which the WSJ piece claimed she evaded virtually every question.

If your litmus test issue is gun owners’ civil rights – as it is mine – Trump is not the perfect choice, but he is many times better than Harris in this regard, the latter having supported “buybacks,” the gaslight term for forced confiscation, of some of America’s most popular firearms, and at one point earlier in her career speaking approvingly of law enforcement coming into your home without a warrant to determine whether they were satisfied with how your guns were being stored.

Her positions on this and other key, bellwether issues show more flip-flops than a shoe store. Trump, who has been under enemy gunfire more than the anti-AR15 Democrat VP candidate who implied he had carried assault rifles in combat, is the logical choice for those to whom gun owners’ civil rights are important.

It has been said that guns and abortion are the two most contentious social debates in today’s America. If your litmus test issue is the latter, you’ll vote for Kamala Harris if you are pro-choice, and for Donald Trump if you identify as pro-life.

Personally, I am pro-the right to the most effective self-defense, which makes me pro-choice and pro-life in the matter of self-defense for good people.


  1. I really wanted DeSantis to be the nominee but will choose Trump over the empty pantsuit that is Harris and her lying commie-loving VP pick Waltz. At least if something happens to Trump, we have Vance who is intelligent, articulate and well versed on the issues. Why do Democrats always pick VPs who are dumber than themselves and Republicans pick ones that can actually perform tasks assigned to them? Joy and giggles ain’t gonna cut it in today’s world.

  2. In 2016 the choice was between Felonia Von Pantsuit and the constitutionally-illiterate bloviating sales-twit. I voted for the sales-twit. After four years of a revitalized economy (the lowest black/minority unemployment since records have been kept, too), stable or massively improving world political situation (Saudi Arabs and Israeli’s actually talking and signing agreements? Discussion with the Nork’s Kim?) the choice in 2020 was much, much simpler between a sales-twit that improved the US and a blank slate led by some unknown cabal of evil collectivists that had blatantly stated their hatred for both Americans and America, only to watch in real-time as the fix went in and the steal occurred.

    This time voting for Trump is an even easier choice. He might well have learned to have 10,000 or 20,000 names prepared in advance to fill the necessary slots in the DC Swamp, and be prepared to eliminate many if not most of the Cabinet posts and departments (“Education” and “Energy” come prominently to mind), but the same cabal that led Biden by the nose will find it even easier to lead Harris. But the steal is going to have to be massive, and almost out in the open for everyone to see, but they’re going to fraud this election so hard it might well lead to a civil split. I hope not.

    Trump is not, as the over-credentialed idiots of the WSJ say, “awful”, he simply puts the United States and America first.

    Harris is not “empty”, she is simply filled with evil. Collectivist, statist, authoritarian evil.

  3. Amen. Yet another HYNV election -“Hold Your Nose and Vote”, which is what I just did. Our county is sparsely populated and mountainous so all voting is by mail ballots unless you drive to the courthouse many miles away. Personally I’d like to see the government butt out of the abortion issue and let God decide on judging those involved. Jo Ann

  4. In my opinion, post Reagan every Presidential election has been choosing the lesser of evils. My hope is that, with this pair, we have reached rock bottom, but I’m not optimistic.


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