Prime Minister Trudeau wants to ban – and confiscate from Canadian citizens – a whole bunch of sporting rifles which have been legal to hunt with there for over a century, and which have not figured in criminal activity there.

More proof that the Other Side lies when they say, “We don’t want to take your guns away.” The people some gun owners’ civil rights activists call “Fudds” after the character in the Bugs Bunny cartoons are willing to sacrifice autoloading rifles so long as they can keep their lever- or bolt-action sporting rifles. The gun rights activists warned that they’d be coming for them next. We see it happening, now, north of us.

Take a few minutes to look at this.


  1. This is pretty much the stage the 4th Circuit set up when they upheld the Maryland “assault rifle” and standard capacity magazine ban. Their “reasoning” was that since military doctrine points out the obvious fact that threats are more effectively engaged in semi-automatic mode, that there’s no difference between actual assault rifles and their semi-automatic cousins.

    IIRC, one circuit court has ruled a similar law unconstitutional (possibly still on appeal to the full district court), one hopes SCOTUS grants certiorari and clears this stuff up.

  2. We would be well advised to pay attention to our neighbors to the North. Liberals seek nothing less than full confiscation, incrementally if necessary. Maybe I just worry about conspiracy theories, but I truly believe it is more to disarm us so that their Chinese paymasters can take over without a fight.

  3. As I have noted before, the Left-Wing mindset is based upon the utterly ridiculous belief that the native (natural) human is “born innocent” and, therefore, will only mutate into an “evil being” due to worldly influences. With Leftists, it is always “Me Good! – World Bad!” thinking (or feeling, since little true thought is involved in the left-wing mindset).

    Therefore, leftists spend all their lives looking to “pass the buck” to some external, social condition as the cause for the rampant evil in the World. They constantly work at blaming poverty, ignorance, racism, sexism, drug-abuse, class-struggle, capitalism, weapon-availability, etc., etc., etc., for all the ills of the World. Their list of scapegoats is limited only by the reach of the left-wing imagination.

    One thing you can count on; they will never blame themselves. Remember, it is “Me Good” (always) for a leftist.

    Weapon-availability is a natural target (please forgive the pun! 🙂 ) for leftists to use as the scapegoat for HUMAN VIOLENCE. Thus, they mutate it into GUN VIOLENCE at every opportunity. Indeed, thinking about violence, in terms of GUN VIOLENCE, is a clue that the individual is a leftist or, else, is under the sway of left-wing propaganda.

    The result is a PROHIBITION mindset. Once one starts down the PROHIBITION path, there is only one destination. That is TOTAL PROHIBITION of the scapegoated item. It was that way with the Alcohol Prohibition movement of a century ago. It is that way with modern Firearms-Prohibitionists.

    Therefore, when a leftist tells you that he (or she) only wants to ban certain EVIL assault-weapons but that your hunting and sporting firearms are totally safe, you can be 100% certain that you are being told a total BALDFACED LIE.

    The end-path to prohibition is always a total ban. It is as certain as “Death and Taxes”.

    True Definition of Assault Weapon – Any firearm that the prohibitionists want to ban.

    • I don’t go there anymore. I will not go to, and therefore I will not spend money or pay taxes in, a place that violates my God given and Constitutionally affirmed rights.

  4. Our liberal village idiots forget that when our constitution, Bill of rights were written all the firearms that the new citizens of the United States of America owned and had in their possession were weapons of war

  5. We had a similar situation here in the UK when the then government wanted to ban self loading rifles and many gun owners who didn’t use them said fine we don’t care as our type of firearms are okay.

    I can recall the secretary of a former gun club saying when i asked him to get involved and help fight this saying ”well if you want to use them,then join the army” as he wasn’t interested and just wanted to bury his head in the sand.

  6. Trudeau said that this is because some of these firearms “are too dangerous in other contexts.”

    What a ridiculous argument.

    So is a simple kitchen knife. So is a baseball or cricket bat. So it a hammer, or a tire iron, or a cigarette lighter, or — as we saw in Nice, France, or more recently in New Orleans — a vehicle.

    The truth is that anything — and I do mean anything — can be used as a weapon in some context or another, if the person holding it wishes to use it as such.

    So what does Trudeau propose? Ban and restrict access to … everything?

  7. I thik I am about the same age as Mas, in any caase we both grew up in a pretty similar era though at different ends of this country.

    I remember well when I was in my early teens, having the freedom of getting about on a bicycle unsupervised, going into places like Western Auto, Sears, Monkey Wards, . any of the military “surplus stores” and walking right up to racks and pallets of 1903 Springfields, M1 Garands, M1911 and M 1926 semi auto handguns, Berettas, and such. At fourteen, thirteen, no one ever gave it a second thought when I’d pick them up and handle them. I also knew I could have scraped together the $25 asking price for a Springfield, or the $35 to $50 spiff to BUY one, and a bit more (a couple bucks max) to drop a box of ammo into my pocket along with the selected firearm. fully legal, widely considered safe (but how “effective was maybe questionable).
    And ya know what? he ONLY reports in the papers of anyone getting shot happejed in
    certain parts” of own, parts where we all simply did not go because of too many of “those people” Want trouble? We knew where to find it, and that to NOT go there was the best way of staying out of trouble. Life was simple in those days. Don’t want trouble? Don’t go where it is easy to find.. or for it to find you.
    They can ban and restrict all they want. Remember when that cray guy rom somewhere far away was visiting here for a few weeks? He travelled to somewhere in Texas and within a day had a handgun and its ammo. He then went to some synagogue and tried to stage a shootemup. got caught and disarmed before he could hurt anyone. Never did learn his fate, but probably was not bad enough.

    It ain’t the arrow, its always the Indian. Tools are neutral. The hands bearing them are the operant factor We have no clue what weapon of mass destruction Cain used when he murdered his brother Abel. We DO know it was the evil within his heart that did the killing. HE was banished, his tool was not.

  8. Now is the time to start demanding that our Republican Senators & Representatives actually do something for the 2A community this time, and not ignore those who got them elected like in Trump’s first term (thanks Paul Ryan you weasel). National CCW reciprocity and removing silencers from the NFA would be a good start.

  9. But they just wanted “weapons of war,” right? Who knew that included “sniper rifles?” [/sarc]

    OTOH Canadians won’t have to worry about Trudeau anymore, just his cronies.


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