The atrocity at the Connecticut elementary school will not be the last such horror, nor was it the first or even the worst.  Go back to the year 1764, in what is now Franklin County, Pennsylvania.  The first: during Pontiac’s Rebellion in the wake of the French and Indian War, four “warriors” entered a schoolhouse and slaughtered the headmaster and some ten children. . The worst: in 1927, a crazed monster beat his wife to death, then triggered a bombing in an elementary school in Bath, Michigan, killing some 38 kids and several adults. .

I’ll repeat what I said in the Wall Street Journal op-ed section and on the Today show in 1999, after the Columbine High School atrocity: if we simply prepared teachers to handle this type of crisis the way we teach them to handle fires and medical emergencies, the death toll would drop dramatically.  We don’t hear of mass deaths of children in school fires these days: fire drills have long since been commonplace, led by trained school staff, not to mention sprinkler systems and smoke alarms and strategically placed fire extinguishers that can nip a blaze in the bud while firefighters are en route.  In the past, if someone “dropped dead,” people would cry and wring their hands and wail, “When will the ambulance get here?” Today, almost every responsible adult knows CPR; most schools have easily-operated Automatic Electronic Defibrillators readily accessible; and a heart attack victim’s chance of surviving until the paramedics arrive to take over is now far greater.

The same principle works for defending against mass murders…it just doesn’t work HERE, because it is politically incorrect to employ it HERE.  After the Ma’alot massacre in 1974, Israel instituted a policy in which volunteer school personnel, parents, and grandparents received special training from the civil guard, and were seeded throughout the schools armed with discreetly concealed 9mm semiautomatic pistols.  Since that time, there has been no successful mass murder at an Israeli school, and every attempt at such has been quickly shortstopped by the good guys’ gunfire, with minimal casualties among the innocent.  Similar programs are in place in Peru and the Phillippines, with similarly successful results.

Some people see the logic in the Israeli approach. Dave Workman does, as seen here: .  Ann Coulter does, as seen here: .

Unfortunately, in this country, logic has been buried under political correctness.  Those in power whose ego is invested in brie et Chablis values that include scorn for the peasantry they accuse of “clinging to guns and Bibles” will never see that logic.  Children will continue to die in gun-free zones  hunting preserves for psychopathic murderers, and the cowardly murderers will continue to surrender or kill themselves as soon as armed good guys show up…far too late.


  1. My bank has an armed guard on duty, but our school has nothing. Where are our priorities??? Which has more value our money or our children?

  2. If you want to see how truly ignorant people are, as a mass, go to the CNN site and read some of the comments there… Wow… It truly depresses me. Once I thought most people were hunters and fishermen like myself. BOY was that a good life… Now, I know better. Incidents like this really bring the talking idiots out of the woodwork. God, please bless the USA.

  3. Mas, so true it hurts. The only problem will be getting the grandstanding politicians to listen to logic and nor emotion. I have been saying this exact thing for years.

  4. Speaking at the interfaith memorial service for victims and survivors of the Sandy Hook elementary school massacre, President Obama has called for a new assault weapons ban. If not in so many words. “Are we doing enough as a nation?” the President asked. “We can’t tolerate this anymore. This tragedies must end. To end them we must change . . . Surely we can do better than this. If there’s even one step we can take to save another child, or another parent or another town . . . surely we have an obligation to try . . . What choice do we have? We can’t accept events like this as routine. Are we really prepared to say that we’re powerless in the face of such carnage? That the politics are too hard? Are we prepared to say such violence visited on our children year after year after year is somehow the price of our freedom?” Watch this space. And while you’re waiting, read up on The Truth About “Assault Weapons.”

  5. Mas

  6. As tragic as this event is, it pales in comparison to the millions killed by their own governments in the twentieth century. Murder on the scale perpetrated by governmental agencies can only occur after disarmament of its citizens. If you think our government would never do such a thing, you might want to reexamine Waco, or Wounded Knee. Our government, by passage of insane laws creating criminal rampage zones, is complicit in the Sandy Hook incident. To deny a fundamental human right of self-defense is wrong on every level–and now they want to do it even harder.

  7. So when I hear the term “common sense gun control”, all I can think is that these guns were for all intents and purposes, stolen from his mother and then used in to commit crimes. So how will gun control prevent someone from stealing a firearm and committing a crime ? Would the mother have been denied these purchases because her adult son was borderline autistic ?

    Come on Brady-bunch … think logically for once. The act of stealing the firearms and committing murder are both already against the law.

    Society is being trained to be accepting of violence with movies and realistic role paying games, and the weak-minded, mentally challenged, have trouble differentiating fantasy from reality.

  8. When do we stop making excuses and solve the root problem? The mentally ill are ILL, we need to stop sweeping our responsibility under the rug, admit we failed them, use measures necessary to stop them, then find better ways to identify and treat them. If it requires confinement, do it. Just don’t keep telling us guns kill people. Guns only kill people when we use them! Guns don’t shoot people (or animals) unless WE pull the trigger. Let us behave in a sane manner and not in the insane way the perpetrators of the atrocities have behaved. If we do, we are no better than that person.

  9. Well said, Mas. Unfortunately, not only do some people fight arming teachers in the schools, they even go so far as to resist having more police officers in schools

  10. Everyone knows our laws don’t make any sense. Revoking the driving license of a convicted DUI won’t fix his/her drinking problem, it will only assure he loses his job and make his possible recovery from adiction that much harder. We don’t need tougher gun laws, we need to help the mentally ill and offer easier access to such benefits.

    And gun-free zones are a free-pass ticket to crazy cowards who will actively seek those who cannot/are unable to defend themselves; It is very easy to start shooting at a place they know nobody has weapons to hurt them. Getting rid of all gun-free zones does not mean that every kindergarten teacher will have a gun strapped in their belt; it only means that the bad guys will not know for sure who will be armed. That though alone will be enough to stop many crimes/criminals, as they are nothing but cowards!

  11. Many years ago I saw a photo of a class room full of high school students all sitting at their desks – everyone of them had an Uzi under neath it. It worked for them!

  12. In 1950 there were 500,000 people in insane asylums in the US. Today, with double the total population, there are around 100,000. Coneticut used to have a state asylum with 3,000 people, it was boarded up in the mid-1990’s. The guy who shot the Arizona Senator, the Virginia Tech shooter, the Colorado Batman shooter, all were known to the psychiatric establishment, and 50 years ago they’d be in a sanitarium weaving baskets. The shooter in this last case appears to have gone schizophrenic as well, and (besides locking her guns up) what was she supposed to do with him? People don’t get involuntarily committed to asylums no longer open these days. So the answer to all this is to turn the whole country into a rubber room.

    Answer is to take a hard look at what to do with people who have real mental illness.

    Other answer is to have what I’d call Grandfather clubs. Several retired men, ex police, ex military, or hunters with training, take turns protecting schools. Stay out of sight and monitor security cameras. Can you imagine Phil and Si Robertson (from the Duck Dynasty TV show) as school guards? By the time the cops got there the creep would be field dressed. Schools would be flooded with applicants and would not cost anything.

  13. Instead the Democrats in government and the media will want to take the Robertsons’ guns away. Or make them register them, have waiting periods, since that was so successful in Coneticut.

  14. Mas,
    I agree with what you have said, but I wonder where the NRA is? I am an NRA Life Member and thought that there might be a lot of smart people in the NRA leadership.
    After the events in Newtown, CN, on Friday, I would have thought that I would see something from the NRA leadership to the world that would show that we too are mortified by the murders that took place. The news media is already circling and as much pointing the finger at the NRA as being a part of the problem.
    I believe that this is a time that all of the very smart people in the NRA leadership would be putting together a statement that not only expresses sorrow and outrage at these events, but puts forward a plan that President Obama would have to a least consider. It appears to me, however, that we are going to wait for the legislation to hit and then attack that.
    Come on guys, are we sheep or sheepdogs? I want to see some positive results from the NRA leadership.

  15. I bet bloomburg has an armed security detail attached to him 24X7, it’s ok for him to have guns and security but common people are not important or responsible enough to have guns. He’s a hypocrite, when I see him walk down NYC streets by himself unarmed or visit the Mexico/Texas border for a tour unarmed and without security I’ll consider listening to him. The problem is a Godless, liberal, immoral, selfish young generation.

  16. 20 more children dead because of a gun ban, and more bans demanded.

    When we look at the police response at Sandy Hook, we see men armed with rifles and pistols, wearing body armor and Kevlar helmets.

    As with virtually every situation of the type they dealt with the corpse of a shooter who had decided he had done enough, and shot himself.

    Those teachers and children had nothing but their bare hands and street clothes. That ought not to be.

  17. The question I would ask those who declare that arming the teachers is “crazy” is: why? What is crazy about it?

    Everything I have read and heard about the events at Sandy Hook Elementary School indicate that the adults in that school acted not only with breathtaking courage but also with wisdom, using the limited tools at their disposal coolly and sensibly to protect their young charges.

    So, why are the tools they have so terribly limited? Why are we expecting these brave sensible people to take on armed psychos with their bare hands?

    Is the argument that the teachers are too stupid and irresponsible to handle firearms? Really? Explain to me how Dawn Hochsprung was too stupid to be trusted with a gun!

    And then explain to me why people too stupid to be trusted with guns are trusted with the custody and teaching of your children.

  18. Mas,

    It is so wonderful to read your truthful and informative blogs, and then to read intelligent posts by readers. I am getting an education for free, and am loving it!

  19. Dear sir, please quit making so much sense. Teachers and staff don’t even bother stopping student fights these days. There is no way we would empower them to stand up to a armed gunman.

    This is the Internet. Here reasonable and rationale thought is not allowed. If you insist in making sense with your writing please do so in a media where the readership expect that sort of thing.

    In all seriousness, having armed teachers or guards at school is likely the only effective method of dealing with these nut jobs. This is simply a case of a law requiring schools to be a gun-free killing zone.

  20. We have to get this message out in LARGE PRINT to everyone.
    BEFORE we are railroaded with another unconstitutional weapons ban
    I have a suggestion to acheive this:
    Everyone, please share this page to your own facebook page, then click on “Promote.”
    It will cost each of us $7.00 but it move the post of this excellent article to the top of the page when ALL of our friends log in to Facebook. This is most widespread, peaceful means to get the message,
    Also, since many people will not read an entire article, do the following.
    Post the first comment about the article yourself, by quoting the paragraph above which says :
    “After the Ma’alot massacre in 1974, Israel instituted a policy in which volunteer school personnel, parents, and grandparents received special training from the civil guard, and were seeded throughout the schools armed with discreetly concealed 9mm semiautomatic pistols. Since that time, there has been no successful mass murder at an Israeli school, and every attempt at such has been quickly shortstopped by the good guys’ gunfire, with minimal casualties among the innocent. Similar programs are in place in Peru and the Phillippines, with similarly successful results.”
    This positive action is very similar to what our nation did with airline pilots post 9/11. mention this precedent. it just makes sense. send the same to your congressman. Push hard now or if we loose our second amendment freedoms, then all manner of tyranny is possible against all of us.
    Finally, pray.

  21. Spot on article. Unfortunately I believe the momentum is on the anti-gun side now and we are facing at a minimum reinstatement of the “assault” weapon ban.

  22. Great article Mas’, but I want to include a bit of information that’s being ignored: These mass shootings were extremely rare prior to the introduction of SSRI’s – the class of antidepressants this recent shooter was on. The fact is the FDA is a rubber stamp for the pharmaceutical companies: in business to protect corporate profits not the public. Almost every mass shooting in modern history has been by a patient on psychiatric drugs. These drugs cause violent psychotic episodes and lower the threshold of violence in othewise docile patients. Psychiatry is never held accountable for anything. Psychiatric drugging is the primary cause of this wave of mass killings.

    As far as what to do about it: I would like to see teachers and principals deputized and professionally trained in tactical firearms to safeguard the schools.

  23. I saw a psychiatrist, who is allegedly an expert on mass murderers, on TV a long time ago & he said that the saturation coverage the news media devotes to these events is the PRIMARY CAUSE of copycat murders. Not surprisingly, even mentally unstable would-be murderers learn what to do & what not to do by following the details of these crimes in the news. He also stated that the worst thing the news media could possibly do in these cases is to publicize the murderer by reporting his name, showing pictures of him, & by reporting on his life. That kind of publicity has been a primary motivation for these unstable people in almost every case.

    He recommended that the news media should be prohibited from identifying the murderer & from reporting on his life publicly. He also suggested that the details of these crimes should be restricted to local news outlets in the vicinity of the crime scene. National coverage, in his view, should be censored & reported in general terms only, so as to deny any would-be copycat murderers the knowledge & encouragement they crave.

    If this is true, perhaps it would be a good idea for the pro-gun community to vociferously attack the news media for their irresponsible aiding & abetting of these mass murderers by demanding restrictions on their First Amendment rights, rather than to sit back & to allow them to attack us & to demand restrictions on our Second Amendment rights. If enough pro-gun politicians & citizens publicly demand legislation to this effect, maybe we could eliminate a major source of the problem, while putting our critics on the defensive at the same time. Furthermore, if the members of the news media argue that restricting their First Amendment rights is unconstitutional, pro-gun supporters could make the point that it is just as unconstitutional to restrict our Second Amendment rights.

    What do you think, Mas? You’re pretty well-connected.

  24. It is a shame it has come to arming good citizens to put in our schools to guard our most precious citizens, but I would definitely volunteer to help even though my children are home schooled (partly for this very reason).

    Mas, I have followed you for many years and, again, you nailed it. We refuse to look at other nations and how they protect themselves. Israel has a good solution to replace TSA, fix homeland security and protect our children. WHY DON’T WE LISTEN AND REPLICATE WHAT WORKS?

  25. When the media’s first question was what kind of gun was used, it leads to two conclusions: first, if it wasn’t obvious from the crime that one type of gun had to have been used, then it wasn’t a factor. In this case in the first day of reporting it wasn’t clear if the pistols or if the rifle had been used, and now it is somehow worse that a rifle was used. Kindergarteners protected by a plate glass door and some unarmed, untrained, females? Joe Bidens skeet gun would have had the same end result. Second, it promotes copy cat MO’s. After Stockton it was AK’s, after Colorado it is AR’s.

    The real story the media has bizarrely ignored the problems starting in the 1960’s with trendy ideas about deinstitutionalizing paranoid schizophrenics. State mental hospital beds, in relation to the population, have dropped in numbers by 95% since the 1950’s. The ACLU generously sued asylums to free the inmates, many of whom later broke into the asylums as it was where they felt safe. About a third of those deinstitutionalized ended up homeless–the media ignored the real reason for that as the homeless could be used to smear Ronald Reagan’s economic policys. The media stopped reporting on the homeless when Clinton showed up–one way to solve a problem. The tragedy in Newton is that Newton has a state mental hospital, but it was boarded up in the mid-90’s. There is an article in the Newton newspaper from a year ago where a doctor said that doctors in town could sign committal papers to have someone picked up and evaluated. If this were in the 1960’s the murderer would be in the hospital, weaving baskets, seeing his mom every visiting day. His mom indicated that “she was losing him” or words to that effect. Only way to be involuntarily committed these days is to be declared incompetent to stand trial, post body count.

    All the recent mass murderers were known to psychologists to have serious mental problems, and in years past they’d be weaving baskets instead of killing people.

    Not thrilled at the prospects of the government packing people off to mental hospitals, but with sufficient due process it is the only answer. Put the mentally ill in the rubber room, or make the entire country into a rubber room. There are plenty of government worshiping people who think the country should be one big asylum, controlled by them.

  26. I am not sure if you knew this or not but starting after Columbine a majority of schools practice armed intruder drills. Some schools have even enforced rules that you can’t carry your backpacks around school since that is how some of the shooters brought the guns into the classrooms. Trying to blame the schools (the victims) for not being prepared is not how to go about it. They have done what is within reason now it is time for the rest of the US to do its part and put tougher sanctions on guns. I am not saying to take away anyone’s guns and that people can’t have them, but it should be harder and weapons that don’t serve a purpose other then mass killing (assault rifles) need to be banned along with the mass ammo clips. You can say that it is within you right to have a gun and I agree, but there should be limits on the availability of them especially when it comes to the resale of them. I can go to the flee market down the road on any weekend and get an ak-47 and the ammo without a background check or id. More can be done to protect people from these acts and it is calling out the school for not being more prepared.

  27. About 10 years ago the hip tech talk was about an “internet year”. In other words how compressed things had become. Well now its the “internet day”. Over the last 2 days I have seen the gun community go into absolute free fall. Some of the data points:

    The NRA has issued no statements and is hiding out at HQ.
    NRA closed down its Facebook page and twitter feed.
    NBC Sports on cable dumped all its outdoor and shooting shows.
    Discovery channel dumped its shooting shows.
    Cerberus is selling of Freedom Group because of pressure from investor.
    Dicks and Walmart have stopped selling black guns.

    And this while all the media outlets including a occasional friend like Fox spin 24/7 on negative impressions of the gun community. Calling for more gun control. Where Diane Feinstein has sworn a blood oath to inroduce a new draconian AWB in just weeks. Every time I walk by the computer it seems there is another story of collapse on the gun community side. I am really worried. I have never seen such an assault in 50 years. Never. And we are up against a very fine tuned media savy monster. They are winning hearts and minds every hour yet there are almost no responses.

  28. Thanks Mas and Backwoods Home for a timely and excellent article in response to this “watershed” massacre. Gun owners and Second Amendment advocates need to rally, stand up, and support the petition to Obama here:

    The gun control fanatics and main stream media are clamoring once again for the elimination of the Second Amendment and confiscation of our tools for self defense. We need to fight back right now! Not tomorrow or after the holidays, but right now!

    Free firearms and self defense training for teachers and school officials is being offered by at least two organizations: Oath Keepers and Front Sight

    As you pointed out, there is proof that arms in schools in the hands of properly trained staff is an effective deterrent to lunatic behavior.

  29. This is problem one. SURVIVE THE ATTACK.

    In that gun free zone teachers and students faced a suicidal killer barehanded while waiting for someone to show up with a gun.

    The official response is always to send someone with a gun. Always too late to solve problem one. SURVIVE THE ATTACK.

    It doesn’t take a great intellect to understand that the solution to problem one is someone with a gun, ready to stop the killer as soon as he shows his hand. That is how innocents SURVIVE THE ATTACK.

  30. While I do not own any semi-automatic military style rifles and will not miss them if they are banned, the public backlash against gun owners in the wake of this massacre is something to be concerned about. Because while they may clamor for banning AK’s, AR’s and Glocks, the list of banned weapons will continually be expanded (in NYC for example, you cannot own a centerfire rifle or shotgun with capacity of over 5 rounds). My concern is that a gun ban will tip the balance of power towards an out of control military government. We have those nasty black rifles for a reason: To keep the military in check. None of us will miss those guns until the bayonettes are in our faces. By then if will be too late.

    We ought to rein in the media: They are inspiring copycats and giving all the details a lunatic needs to perfect the next massacre – while at the same time makinig these twisted mass killers into anti folk heros. Look at all the post-humous glory they get to receive, the publicity, attention and notoriety!! The best way to be remembered? Go on a murder spree! That’s the message the media is delivering. They are inciting this mayhem as surely as anyone who yells FIRE in a movie theatre – and they get away with it! They don’t care
    about human life. They hate the 2nd Amendment – and the 1st is only for them, not you.

    We need to petition at the state level to put volunteer police officers with guns in the schools. How about retired police and peace officers? Give them and their kids free college
    tuition in return for safeguarding our schools. ( though I would just as soon let the teachers and administrators carry concealed, it’s politically incorrect to the people who run the system). No matter what it takes, we need armed security in our schools. That’s the bottom line.

    We’re also going to have to raise public awareness of reckless psychiatric drugging and the legendary corruption of the FDA’s approval process. But the above should be the most iimmediate agenda.

  31. I have always respected your opinion Mr Ayoob and have considered you a wise teacher in the realm of firearms safety and training. And this is no exception, with this posting of yours today I hold you in even higher regard now. I was once a security guard for a private school so I know the situation. I feel the time has come for each school to have armed security guards, preferably with police experience, and with select teachers and staff armed and trained, a layered approach. There is nothing wrong with this, I believe it is the right formula, and it should and must become the norm across the country. In the end, the only way to stop a shooter is with another shooter.

  32. Good article Mas but I am looking at a massacre in Mercaz HaRav in 2008.
    Didn’t appear to be anyone armed inside the school. However a part time student did eventually shoot the assailant as he came out into the open.
    You need a two prong approach. Check out your gun laws and also arm those teachers, parents and grandparents who are comfortable with the role.
    My condolences to all the families.

  33. Since Columbine pretty much every school I know has a safety/disaster/evacuation/armed intruder plan in place. In the case of Sandy Hook the plan was for the teachers to get all students together and huddle in their classroom closet until help arrived. Given the ages of the students I think this was the best plan, but it is unfortunate that, becasue schools are gun-free zones, the best they can do is resort to such passive methods of defense. Huddling in a closet and hoping the shooter doesn’t enter their classroom is downgrading lives to a game of chance, and this is unaceptable! I know my kids teacher’s love all their students like they would their own child, and as in SB, they are willing to do anything to protect the children. Let’s grant them the means to do so in a more level plain field. Let’s put our teacher through psychological tests and proper handgun training to those who a able and willing to do so!

  34. This makes more sense than anything we’ve seen from “the media” in years. Has anyone noticed all the bad guys are mental cases or violent criminals who already disregard the law? This means NO new law (let alone any old laws) will have any effect on the perps. Clearly, they only reduce the chance for good guys to stem their attack! (Politicians are always looking to exploit tragedies to gain strength over the masses…this is just another opportunity.)

    Mas speaks the truth here, as he has for decades! But, in this tranguilized nanny state filled with liberal-run soft targets, will sheep-like modern Americans ever wake up long enough to understand we are ultimately responsible for our own self-defense? (“When seconds count, the police are only minutes away.”) Our elders did.

    God bless the victims and families touched by this tragedy. God protect us from the emotionally-fueled political nonsense that is about to begin.

  35. Frankly, the school had poor access control.

    Physical security needs to rely on more than one layer of defense.

    The outer doors were locked, but were glass, so easily defeated.

    The classroom doors were left unlocked.

    Here, all classroom doors at our small, private school are required to be locked.

    That paid off for us last year when a local, mentally ill man got inside the school, ranting “It’s all LIES!”.

    He did not gain access to any classroom.

    Keep in mind, these are fire-rated doors set into metal frames – no one’s knocking them down.

    I’m sure the same codes were in effect in CT – if only the first two classrooms had been locked…

  36. Unfortunately, it is not sufficient that WE, the law abiding gun owners and CCW permit holders, agree to what Mr. Ayoob said in this article.

    The Problem is denial and lack of realistic sense in general public.

    In our “modern” society it is socially and politically accepted (!) to SACRIFICE (!) people by providing “gun free zones”, rendering people defenseless and believing (…) that bad guys will respect signs or even the law. The results are killing zones.

    BTW: Have you ever seen a politician who was held liable for this type of denial and lack of realistic sense?!

  37. A few points to ponder in the aftermath of the Sandy Hook School massacre.:

    If increasing security “isn’t the solution” &/or “sends the wrong message” when the school is in a ‘nice area, then why isn’t that true for schools in ‘bad’ areas?

    If it’s wrong &/or bigoted to hold all Muslims & all African-Americans responsible for violent acts committed by a few of them, then why doesn’t that same rule apply to gun owners?

    If it’s wrong &/or bigoted for govt & law enforcement to single out all Muslims & all African-Americans because some of them commit violent acts, then why doesn’t that same rule apply to gun owners?

    If more guns = more death & destruction, why hasn’t America’s violent crime rate increased along with rising gun sales?

    Since Americans have an estimated 300+ million guns & more are bought every year, why hasn’t America long ago become like northern Mexico, Somalia, or Syria?

    And finally, why aren’t the premises of the above ‘inconvenient’ questions being used by representatives of the pro-2A groups whenever the opportunity arises? There’s a lot more like the above that can be used against the anti-2A cult & its allies, but that’s “a good first step”.

    Cassandra (of Troy)

  38. i know that this is getting ahead of ourselves, but i would like to see some discussion about legislation to protect legal gun owners against lawsuits if such a person intervenes in a public shooting and bystanders are hurt or killed during the fight. there are now “good samaritan laws” to protect physicians against malpractice lawsuits if they administer medical care during an emergency. i’m sure some sort of certification would be necessary to qualify for such protection, but it would be nice if such protections were in place before they are needed.

  39. I remember a guy named Timothy McVey who killed more than 26 people.
    If I remember right, he didn’t even use a gun. No-one called for a ban on “assult fertilizer”

    Armed people are Citizens, unarmed people are subjects.

  40. ed wada/et al.,

    Along that same line I’d like to see the pro-2A side really push Warren v. D.C./Police not required to protect individuals & can’t be sued for not doing so, Thompson v. U.S./Arming for self-defense isn’t premeditation, Beard v. U.S./No obligation to retreat, Haynes v. U.S./Criminals exempt from gun licensing & registration, & Perpich v. Dept. of Defense/Natl Guard not 2A Militia, as those cases would destroy a good part of the anti-2A cult’s most effective arguments against gun ownership. I used Warren & Haynes on 2 occasions, once as part of an open debate with an anti-2A college professor & his disciples & later during a call-in radio show, & both times those 2 items were all that was needed to discombobulate the anti-2A representatives & subsequently turn the audience (& in the latter case the radio show host as well) against the anti-2A position. Seems that most people really dislike being manipulated & lied to, & especially when those doing it are authority figures & ‘experts’.

    Regarding ‘assault weapons’, I’ve never been able to understand why pro-2A representatives de facto refuse to aggressively use the statements made by the anti-2A cultists against them. They’ve put out a lot of contradictory, deliberately misleading, & outright phony info over the years that if intelligently presented could go a long way toward disrupting & possibly defeating the anti-2A cult. The following 2 examples are from one of the leading anti-2A groups & reveals the genesis of the campaign against ‘assault weapons’ with the first being history & the second containing the most damning part.:

    The Assault Weapons Debate

    VPC – Studies Assault Weapons & Accesories

    Information is power, & since the pro-2A side has such as the above & more to counter the anti-2A cult with yet seldom uses it after awhile you begin to wonder just what the deal is.

    Cassandra (of Troy)

  41. It seems divide and conquer is an effective tool for the antis. Joe has a concealed carry license and handguns with which to defend his life. But, he doesn’t think anyone should have a patrol rifle.

    One thing for firearms owners to get through their heads – believe me, the gun ban crowd are fully aware of it – A FIREARM IS A FIREARM IS A FIREARM. They all have one characteristic, press a trigger and a bullet will be sent into whatever the firearm is pointed at.

    We have been known to whine about the inconsistency or lack of intelligence among the antis. Yesterday handguns, today patrol rifles, tomorrow? Who knows?

    They just pick whichever is most likely to strike a chord among the unthinkingly emotional. It is unfortunate that any firearm owner is found among them.

    We, of all people, should recognize that no firearm is inappropriate for responsible individuals to possess and use, while no legislative effort to prevent the evil and irresponsible from using them can be successful.

  42. This isn’t about those kids. I’s about making the country safe for the Trayvon Martins so they can rob and beat the rest of us.

  43. Thank you Mas! I have only recently become aware of you and I am in total agreement with everything I have read, seen and heard from about guns, self defense and tactics. Not to mention, common sense based on history and experience.

    Thanks again for all your efforts to remove ignorance and provide tactics via education and training.

  44. Thank you Mas for such a level-headed approach toward our school security problem. Your well researched approach is one I wish our news had more of.