A lot of our readers seem to be Glenn Beck fans. I’ve also met some folks who find him a bit too far to starboard. Wherever you stand on that, we all have to admit, it’s good when someone gets the truth across.
Beck has, I believe, done exactly that in his new paperback, “Control: Exposing the Truth About Guns.” His powerful message begins at the very front with its dedication: “To Martin Luther King, Jr., who preached nonviolence but knew that passive resistance could not be relied on for his own family’s protection. King owned several guns but was subjected to the worst kind of gun control – and deprived of his basic right to defend himself and his family – when police in Alabama denied him a concealed carry permit in 1956. When will we learn? The right to bear arms shall not be infringed.”
Glenn Beck assembled an all-star panel for his research: Dan Andros, Lt. Col. Dave Grossman, Stephen Halbrook, David Kopel, and John Lott, supplemented by Sharon Ambrose, Cam Edwards, Joe Kerry, Tim McGinnis, Skip Patel, Meg Storm, and Jacob Sullum. That list includes some of the finest minds that have ever researched the complicated issue of “gun control” and the civil rights of firearms owners. The result is an excellent short compendium of proof that destroys many of the bogus arguments now being wielded against us.
“We’re experiencing an epidemic of mass gun murders?” “No one needs a fast-shooting, high-capacity firearm?” Beck presents the solid statistics which show otherwise. “A gun in the home is 43 times more likely to kill the occupants than protect them?” Beck’s new work gives the best layman’s explanation I’ve yet seen as to why that figure, from a deeply-flawed and long-discredited study, is totally bogus.
Glenn Beck is a best-selling author. His work reaches people the rest of us can’t reach. It’s been a long time since I’ve seen one of my books for sale at an airport newsstand; “Control” is there conspicuously. He simply gets the message across to folks who won’t be reading or listening to the rest of us. For those of us who are activists in this fight, “Control” is the handiest digest this side of Gun Facts 6.2.
Strongly recommended.
What many people don’t know was the “official” reason given for Dr. King being refused a permit. It was done “for his safety and protection”…just like every insane gun control law shoved down our throats since last December.
It’s amusing to watch the contortions made by the media and Beck’s detractors as they attempt to discredit what he says in this book. It’s a classic case of the Chico Marx line “Who you gonna believe? Me, or your own eyes?”
Glenn Beck’s book is excellent.I purchased extra’s and gave them to some of my coworkers who straddle the fence claiming no one needs a handgun or semi auto rifle for deer hunting.
I like Glen Beck’s messages in his earlier books but……..
I hate those stinkin’ side notes splattered all over every page!
I’ll look at his new book at the store. If no notes scattered all over each page I’ll buy it.
I trust him, I think he’s a good man.
Thank you for the heads up on the book, Mas. This is the most anti gun administration I’ve seen in my almost 65 years.
“Control” is a good title. I’d like to believe that the most serious threat we face is simply those folks who don’t like or understand guns. I expect this book will demonstrate the underlying motive of anti-gun politics has more to do with controlling people rather than crime. I don’t always agree with Beck but he’s a good writer.
I read an interesting article, “How to Make Your Own AR-15: the Gun Congress Can’t Ban” by Dan Baum in Harper’s Magazine (June 2013). It discusses the ease with which an individual can machine, assemble, print, etc. an AR type rifle and accessories (no news to me) and how banning them would have little effect. Of course the author was decidedly against guns and painted gun owners as paranoid. He does describe how he bought an 80% non-gun AR receiver and followed the instructions, with the loan of a drill press and some hand tools, to complete the receiver. I at least thought Mr. Baum took the time and trouble to educate himself before he wrote his article. Hopefully he will shoot the rifle, enjoy it, and see that guns can be fun (too much to hope for, probably).
As one who has paid attention to Glenn Beck for the past several years I can attest to his motives, primarily a restoration of honor to our nation, a return to our Constitutional principles. I was at a Target store the other day and saw “Control” for $11; at that price it has the aforementioned info and footnotes for reference– something you won’t get from mainstream media. I say, “Bully for him!” Buy yourself a Father’s Day present, or several for friends.
Have requested the book for fathers day,
As to the “ammo shortage”, I received some great advice from a certain firearms author
“Buy it cheap and stack it deep”
Thanks Mas!
I think Glen Beck is most often on the “crazy” (as in wrong, not as in mentally unstable) side, but at least most Republicans seem to be on the right side of the gun control issue (that is, the best gun control is being able to hit the target). I might give this book a shot (metaphorically speaking, that is, LOL) for that reason. Now, if the Republicans would fight for the Fourth Amendment and the other valuable Bill of Rights, then there would be a Republican I could finally vote for (I don’t vote for Democrats either).
And it’s available in Kindle. Now I’ll have something to read while the sweet wife is getting her nails done.