…I wound up becoming president of the Second Amendment Foundation.
I’ve been proud to serve for many years on SAF’s Board of Trustees, and will serve to the best of my ability in the new capacity. I will continue to teach through MAG, and to serve on the advisory boards of the Armed Citizens Legal Defense Network and the International Law Enforcement Educators and Trainers Association.
SAF’s role in the world of gun owners’ civil rights has been primarily in the arena of the courts, challenging unjust gun laws. Given the Democrat National Party’s official platform on “gun control,” a Democrat victory in the upcoming election will make the Second Amendment Foundation’s mission all the more important.
Congratulations, Mas. I know the organization is in excellent hands!
Congrats! Just joined and donated. Keep up the good work.
The right man for the job. Congratulations.
Great news Mas. Good luck and God speed!
Congratulations. You represent a variety of population factions who have concerns about the subject and can speak authoritatively on the subject. Best wishes.
No better warrior for the Second Amendment. Like President Trump- fighting to preserve the American way of life.
Thoughts and prayers for President Trump and Melania.
Congratulations, I think you knowledge and experience will be a great asset to the SAF.
Congratulations, Mas. You’re depth of knowledge and experience will be a boon for both SAF and gun rights.
Mas – You certainly keep busy. Your travel and teaching schedule is a full-time job in itself. Add to that your writing of articles and books plus participation in shooting contests. Now, you assume the job of President of the SAF. I have always marveled at people who can wear multiple hats and perform multiple jobs with such efficiency.
President Trump is known for doing this kind of thing. For keeping up a man-killing schedule. You are another one of these “Can Do” individuals!
The SAF has done great work in the past but I fear for their effectiveness going forward. For the last Century, the American Left has been, slowly but steadily, taking POWER away from the PEOPLE and concentrating it in Washington, D.C. They have become so powerful that, I fear, they are moving to discard the U.S. Constitution. They have broke down the Separation of Powers in our Government. They are corrupting our Election System. So much so that, for some States (like California), it is effectively now a one-party State. They want to do away with the Electoral College which will further magnify the power of the big coastal Blue States. Furthermore, they have corrupted the Courts and want to “pack” the Supreme Court so that it becomes a “Rubber Stamp” body to implement their agenda.
I fear the time is coming when we will no longer be able to look to the Courts to protect our Rights and Liberties. When we reach that point, the SAF will become impotent.
Worst of all, the American Left has seized control of most of the Media and Education. As a result, whole generations are being bombarded with left-wing propaganda and indoctrination. It is so bad that a significant portion of the American People have been “brainwashed” into believing in the Marxist promise of a left-wing utopia. Brainwashed into believe that putting on the Left’s chains is actually the way forward toward a better, “More Just” society.
to all such who believe the Left’s lies, I would simply say: Look at California. Look at the African-American Community. The People of both the State and that Community placed their faith in the American Left decades ago and have slavishly followed the Left’s policies. Look hard at the results. Ask yourself, (with California drowning in debt, burning in wildfires and awash in crime and homelessness and with the African-American Community awash in crime, immorality, hopelessness and self-destruction) how did following the Left’s policies work out for them?
The First American Revolution was against the POWER of a tyrannical British Monarchy. I fear that the time is fast approaching where it will take a Second American Revolution to fight against the POWER of the tyrannical American Left and their “Deep State” Government in Washington. I fear that, soon, we will no longer be able to look to the Courts for Justice.
With the Constitution undermined and our Government in the hands of Marxist tyrants, the only solution left may be the one outlined in our Declaration of Independence which was published on July 4th, 1776.
Congratulations Mas, after meeting you at MAG-40 I know you will do the position well.
Congratulations Mas I know you will o great job.
Congratulations and thank you. I know you’ll do a fine job. How do you feel about running for President of the United States?
SAF could not be in better hands.
Perfect!! Congrats ?!!
Congratulations! And, good luck! You’ve got your work cut out for you.
Congrats Mas,
I am glad that your able hand is on the tiller. I will sending in an additional donation
Outstanding and well-deserved.
Come on, man! Help us stop the American Commies from grabbing our guns. We’re in good hands with Mas at the helm of the SAF.
Wow – Congrats Mas. Nice to know there is an experienced and knowledgeable person in that role such as yourself. I am sure you and the foundation will do great things. Let us know how we can do our part.
That’s good news Mas. Couldn’t have happened to a more deserving person.
Thanks for taking on the role In Mas.
You are a tide that raises us all.
Congratulations Mas, you are the best of the best. Thank You for all the wisdom you have shared with us over the years. I wish Ray Chapman, Jeff Cooper, and Chuck Taylor were here to see you become President. Iam sure they would be proud of you.
Congratulations Mas,
Many Congrats very well deserved.
Congratulations, Mas! Can’t think of anyone better for the job.
Congratulations and good luck. For your information, this is the only site I have ever posted a comment to.
Congrats Mas!
Great news! I’ve always heard that if you need a job done, give it to a busy man.
Way to go Mas!!
Congratulations and thank you for your service, Mas. Your experience, wisdom and dedication to our constitutional rights will be of critical importance in the coming months.
The way I see it, the qualifications for the job should be, 1. Pro-freedom. 2. A good communicator. There is no doubt in my mind that you embrace the NH motto, live free or die. Through decades of teaching, writing, and speaking, you’ve proved that you EXCEL in communication. I don’t know if you want to be the permanent president, or not, but I don’t think they could find a better person for the job.
Well done, Mas. We need you out there.
Glad to have you protecting our rights as the head of SAF. We need the SAF more than ever. Thanks!
Congratulations, a well deserved position. Thank you for all you do,
and the information you provided.
Congrats Mr President !!!!!
Congratulations! Smart choice they made.
Congratulations Mas! From Branford, CT.
Dittos to all that was stated above. And that’s no malarkey!
Thank you Mas. Your depth of experience, even-handed and level headed aproach to complex tings, and amazing ability to communicate clearly are all bdly needed in organisations like that one. They’ve done a great job for many years, but things are heating up of late. A staady hand and sharp mind, coupled with sound judgement, will help.
Congratulations, and a big thanks for your willingness to take on this crucial leadership role at such a critical point in time. The NRA should be so lucky.
Congratulations sir. I cannot think of someone more well-suited for this critical role.
Congratulations, sir. And please keep standing in the doorway to protect and preserve our rights under the US Constitution.
Can’t be anything but great news!! Congratulations on the new position and know that there are millions of supporters out here!
Congratulations Mass! I missed seeing everyone at the GRPC this year! But what a great development!
Although the event was remotely held this year, I really think we should all be getting together Live and in person for 2021.
If some people speak remotely that’s great but the networking that goes on live is vitally important!
Congrats again!
Chad Hendrix
Pink Pistols Chapter (Fort Myers) And Biloxi
Thank you Mas. Also a HUGE THANKS to Mr McDonald for stepping up as a plaintiff in defense of all of us.
Could not have picked a finer officer for SAF. Many congrats, Mas
Mas congratulations ! We’re certainly in good hands, my NH friend !
I join with others in saying Congratulations Mas! Best wishes in protecting the freedoms of gun owners!
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