So a pastor in Gainesville wanted to burn a pile of Korans. Never mind that it’s something close to a mortal insult to the belief system of millions of people, some of whom are on our side. This was going to accomplish exactly, uh, what? If you want 9/11 symbolism, burn an effigy of Osama bin Laden, for Heaven’s sake. (Yes, meant just as it sounds.)

Simultaneously on the opposite coast, Los Angeles police have to turn out in riot gear because of violent protests against the shooting of a Guatemalan day laborer who was menacing people with a knife. To his credit, new LAPD Chief Charlie Beck is standing up for his officers. I watch dumbfounded as people scream into news cameras, “Why couldn’t they just have disarmed him?” If people who say that had ever used a knife for anything more serious than spreading peanut butter on bread, they’d know what farmers and other backwoods home folks know: that it takes mere seconds with even a short knife to decapitate a deer or slaughtered livestock the size of a man. Only an idiot would trifle with an advancing knife wielder. Not for nothing did Supreme Court Justice Oliver Wendell Holmes famously write, “Detached reflection is not demanded in the presence of an upraised knife.” An upraised knife is exactly what the LAPD officer who double-tapped Manuel Jamines was facing. By the way, that officer’s name is Frank Hernandez.

What it comes down to is tribal values that say, “Our kind is special, and sacrosanct!” White guy shoots black guy in self-defense, and Al Sharpton holds rallies in the streets flashing the race card. Cop justifiably shoots Latin guy, and largely Latin crowds set fires in Los Angeles dumpsters. Black guy shoots white guy in self-defense, and the Caucasians don’t pour into the streets and start throwing Perrier bottles, they engage lawyers to file an unmeritorious lawsuit. Different dance, maybe, but just as tribal…and just as ethnocentrically short-sighted.

Sometimes, three generations after my grandparents made it to these shores, I am sad for my country.


  1. Thank you. Very well said.

    Several months ago, just a few blocks from me (near Los Angeles), an unstable Desert Storm veteran walked into the middle of traffic on a busy road with a hatchet. When police arrived, he apparently advanced within feet of the officers and raised the hatchet. He was shot 8 times and killed.

    A 24-hour vigil was assembled at the shooting site, citing the “unjust murder”, of a veteran, no less. Comments on the local newspaper web site demanded an explanation as to why the officers didn’t simply shoot the hatchet out of the man’s hand. Anyone who has taken a pistol class knows how ludicrous that statement is.

    The family has apparently hired a prominent law firm (whose name would make your eyes roll) to sue the city because the police should have “shot to wound”.

    The local police do have Tazers, but I can certainly understand if their department is trained to use pistols when confronted with a deadly weapon.

    Television has unfortunately created a tremendous mythology around crime, guns, and policing.

  2. In my opinion, the Gainsville minister had a lot to gain and nothing to loose in going for his 15 minutes of fame. I expect he will get a book deal out of it and live happily ever after from the proceeds made from idiots buying his book.

    California will always be a hot-bed of racial tension. It is the land of fruits and nuts and most of the fruits and nuts are in the state government.

    Al Sharpton is a character… by definition. He rose in the ranks from the Tawana Brawley (sp) fiasco and hasn’t looked back. His cameo on Boston Legal should say it all.

    And last, but not least is “us caucasians”. I have seen this “law suit fever” more prevailent within our own “group” then across racial lines, not to say that it doesn’t exist across racial lines. I have to thank the ABA and all those Jurist Doctorates who not only search for reasons to litigate, but also serve as our representitives in government and doing the same.

  3. For twenty or more years , as the youthful rose colored glasses cleared I watched as little by little we slid a slope to disfunction , socially and politically. Now I fear for the Republic. No one wants any part of personal responsibility. No one believes their “kind” can do any wrong. And… the media just can’t wait to get in the middle of things , stirring them up, all the while highlighting their lack of knowledge of right, wrong or facts. It doesn’t take much to whip a crowd into a frenzy shoving a mic and camera in their faces, makes for a better story. Maybe every one should take a step back and just think, once.

  4. Some within the white tribe are trying to convince each other that an overthrow of the current government is needed. This is a small group relative to the size of the white tribe, I believe. They are likely the same folks stockpiling food and ammo for when the s*** hits the fan. I prefer the “hire a lawyer” approach to what they are planning for… not that I have hired a lawyer myself.
    Like others, I fear for our republic, it IS too fat and wasteful of our tax dollars. Where I live, the government has become the largest employer… this is not a good trend.

  5. I have wondered for years about Massad’s family background but I have never heard it discussed nor have I felt it proper to bring it up, but since Massad has broached the subject….. I ask: were your grandparents Lebanese?

    Two weeks ago I was in Washington DC walking from the Washington Memorial to the Smithsonian Museum with my family when we encountered Rev. Sharpton’s protest march. About a hundred of the marchers wore red tee shirts demanding the release of Malachi York from prison. York holds the position as the worst child molester in America’s history and currently resides in the Supermax prison in Florence, Colorado. Sharpton has long been an advocate of York’s. The only known connection between the two is, er, tribal.

    Respectfully, E. Zach Lee-Wright

  6. Rick Says: “Some within the white tribe are trying to convince each other that an overthrow of the current government is needed. This is a small group relative to the size of the white tribe, I believe. They are likely the same folks stockpiling food and ammo for when the s*** hits the fan.”

    I am not a die-hard prepper; however, I can say with certianty that you are painting with an over-wide brush on this one. Sure, I know a kook or two who “hate the obama” (none of which are organized enough to do more than complain), but for the most part, the people I know who are stockpiling food and ammo are just regular people who are concerned that things might get much worse in the US before they get better. Stop reading the so called “news” paper and watching the “newsitainment” shows on TV and pull your head out of your ass. Maybe you might see the logic in putting a little back in case of hard times.


  7. Fellow CCW holder Erik Scott in Las Vegas was shot 7 times (5 in the back) by local police because of a frantic “man with a gun” 911 call by someone who saw his weapon. I support their lawsuit and candlelight vigil. Most cases like the one in LA are bogus and an excuse for race baiting and sticking it to the Man.

  8. Well stated. Personally I think the baby boomer generation is the most self-centered generation America has raised and I’m part of it. We’ve passed this narcissism onto our kids and they are starting to do the same with their kids. The whole messy attitude of entitlement and myopic pride filters down to others who move here. There are exceptions of course, but I do think that as a general rule, I’m being truthful.

  9. When the elites convinced Americans to (by and large) to acquiesce to black tribalism in the late 1960s, a tribal mentality by every other kind of tribe was inevitable – and irreversible.

  10. I’m frankly more concerned that our government hasn’t raised the huen cry over the hikers in Iran who aren’t being released, or the attempted sensorship of a book on the afgan war.
    Forget some fringe idiot bidding for his 15 minutes of faim with hatred and shock tactics.
    We can’t even get our act together long enough to deal with the real and meaningful failures of our own government. The Al Sharptons of this world simply distract from the core issues, trying to make themselves relivent by being the loudest voices on the bus…

  11. Sadly Mas, it is part of the human condition. Started back with Cain and Abel. Culture, political structures, the military and religions all try to bind the savage nature of man. Some work better than others but none can completely contain it.

  12. There is no such thing as a “peaceful” Muslim. OVer 60% of the Koran is oriented towards killing Jews/Infidels. There are two kinds; the murderous butchering kind that blow innocent people up or behead them, or muder their daughters for “honor”, stone their women for all kinds of imagined wrongs or behead a wife for asking for a divorce. Then there is the silent minority kind, who much like pre WWII Germans keep their head down so they won’t lose it. In their case, silence is consent. I learned all I will ever need to know about Islam/Muslims on 9/11/2001. What’s really sad is the fact that a great many Americans have poor memories or think that the U.S. government did it.

  13. I read something today that was a parody of what General Patton would’ve said regarding the conditions today.

    Short of word, but meaningful in what he said, I often think back to what my Daddy used to say regarding General Patton, “The SOB was right.” He was of course referring to Russia and the communist, but it very easily apply to situtions that we find ourselves in regarding other issues.


  14. Would be good to hear from some Muslims for balance. Unlike Buzz, I’m not convinced that every follower of Islam has it in for the rest of us.

  15. Good post. I really look forward to reading your blog and of course everything else you write. It seems everyone is just going nuts right now and it could all spin out of control towards war. A war we don’t want or need.

  16. “Unlike Buzz, I’m not convinced that every follower of Islam has it in for the rest of us.”

    Considering the far-greater problems EUROPE has had with Moslems in the past 15 years – and on a *mass* scale, rather than 19 skyjackers who (arguably) could be dismissed as some “extreme fringe” element – I doubt Moslems as a large minority are compatible with *any* Western society.
    Look at the “Parisian intifada” – merely the height of since-mid-1990s low-intensity conflict around France by large numbers of Moslems there. Look at the large rallies in urban England by Moslems with signs such as “Europe Is The Cancer, Islam Is The Answer” and “Europe, Your 9/11 Is On The Way.”

  17. I’ve already said this (in an email on this topic) to friends; there IS some DISPARITY here. The news media is incensed over the burning of some Korans (‘Quorans) but make no mention of the treatment of Christians (or Bibles) by Muslims worldwide?

    I do not believe in burning books – any books – and my antipathy goes back to the first time I heard/saw pictures of the Nazi ‘Book Burnings’ prior to World War II. It seems now like it was a precursor to the flames that would come later in places like Guernica, Amsterdam, London, Coventry, Berlin, Cologne, Hamburg, Tokyo, and Kyoto to name but a few (and of course, Hiroshima and Nagasaki).

    I do not agree with (nor condone) the burning of these “Holy Books” but to ignore the burning of Bibles and murder of Christians while so loudly condemning the burning of Korans is, I think, HYPOCRITICAL in the EXTREME!

  18. Mas,

    I don’t doubt that the so-called moderate muslims have it in for us. If one studies the Koran they will see that the islamic religion is not one of peace, and those that don’t actively participate in the killing of infidels do support it in other ways, be it monetary donations, silence, or looking the other way.

    I went to school with a muslim, and even roomed with one in university. The thing is, while I respected the muslim, and even liked him to a degree, he confirmed for me what I learned in High School. This is my post from The High Road.US:

    There is absolutely no doubt Islam suffers from a portion of their believers subscribing to an extreme view which sees terrorism as acceptable.

    Islam is the second largest religion (after Christianity) and is dominate in many parts of the world.

    Some have argued Muslims should not receive the same protection for freedom of religion as other religions. Is it ethical to deny them those protections?

    I think so.

    I have roomed, in college, with a muslim that confirmed what I was exposed to in High School, and remember well the muslim in High School that was in an American Government class. He was asked a question about islam and such. I’ll leave it to you to figure out what the question was, but his answer, “I would kill each and every one of you infidels if I was commanded to.”

    No if, ands, or buts about it. He stated that the infidels in the class, the whole class of approximately thirty, while he studied with them, ate meals with them, and lived with them, they were all to be killed because they were not islamic, if he was ordered to.

    Sometimes the best way to attack an enemy is from within. Mohammad knew this, and used the tactic effectively. I think that same tactic is being used today, here in America. Therefore I fail to see why they should be shown any quarter. When you fight a rabid dog you have to fight as mean and as hard as the rabid dog in order to win. Thus we should treat muslims like the rabid dogs they are.


    I view islam as a rabid dog. Rabid dogs are put down in my neck of the woods.


  19. let them burn, it is our contitutional right, if not piss on the f…cking book. it is funny, take a regular idiot muslim and push a few buttons and you have a radical a$$ willing to kill innocent women and kids just because we disagree with them. hope they all burn in hell.

  20. Hi Mas,
    I have not studied up on Islam so I can only go by what I have seen in the news.
    1. That Imam in NY wants a mosque near ground zero. He has the right to build it there, but it is clear to me that he is poking his finger in our eye at the same time.
    2. This Pastor that is talking about burning Qurans has the right to do so, but he is poking his finger in the eye of Muslims.
    3. When Daniel Pearl’s head was being offered by his captives I did not see any news coverage before hand showing Muslims condeming the possible act. Only AFTER the act did I hear Muslims say that this is not Islam. If Islam is peaceful then why wasn’t the Imams rising up in protest in unison BEFORE the beheading.

    Locally we had, about a year ago, an incident where two white police officers were chasing a black man, who had threatened his girl friend or wife, with a knife, into a predominantly black church where a children’s day care was in progress. The officers, with guns drawn,(M&P .40) entered the church and got into a struggle with the fleeing black man. One officer had his weapon grabbed by the assailant, the weapon discharged and a round nicked the neck of the assailant, and then the other officer was able to get around the assailant and dumped about 5 rounds into his back. So we have a black church, a black man shot in the back with children present. Jesse Jackson, said yup he counted the bullet holes in the man’s back. (Why the officer, instead of having a tug-of-war over his weapon just simply ejected the magazine hasn’t been explained) We have had the usual Black Leaders leading marches etc. Several commissions have examined the officer’s actions and it still isn’t settled and the Legal Beagels are licking their chops. If the officers had been black, I think the whole incident, though tragic would have blown over by now or conversely, if the church had been predominatly white.

    On a more personal note: Say Mas, that S&W 625 Performance Center you wrote about in AHG did it have the grips nicely fitted or just slapped on as an afterthought? Also mine came with a front Patridge sight with a gold bead, yours had a light pipe on the front. I have ordered the light pipe from Brownells and I will replace it myself. However, I have gritted my teeth so many times over such inconsistences that I am ready for dentures.

  21. Well FWIW I do not beleive in desecrating the icons of my own faith, so I don’t approve of doing it to the icons of other people’s faith. And I do not beleive that just because someone has a different faith to mine it makes him my enemy. (His trying to kill me makes him my enemy!)

    Muslims are fighting on our side in this war. Some Islamic nations can’t publicy admit this, but they are.

    Our strategy in Afghanistan is based around isolating the terrorists, guys like Al Queda, from the general population. This ain’t gonna happen if the general population believes that we are their enemy, and they will beleive that if we treat everyone who lists their faith as “Muslim” as automatically being our enemy.

    No, I am not excusing incitement to commit acts of terrorism as “Freedom of religous expression” or describing attitudes which be considered barbaric in a Westerner as “moderate.” But I’ll be damned if I want to kill someone *just* because of his religion.

    That’s the sort thing we’re fighting against.

    Well that’s my two pennyworth.

    Oh, and another part of our strategy in Afghanistan is after we’ve isolated the bad guys from the general population we, to use the current euphemism, “get kinetic on them.” -eg-

  22. MAZ said, “Would be good to hear from some Muslims for balance… I’m not convinced that every follower of Islam has it in for the rest of us.”

    I agree with you; I would also like to hear from some Muslims “for balance” and I also think that ‘not every follower of Islam’ has it in for the rest of us.

    I have, in fact, occasionally heard a few Muslims actively ‘repudiate’ that actions of the Radical Fundamentalists BUT they appear to be FEW AND FAR BETWEEN. I am very much afraid that we are in for a “show down” with the Fundamentalist Practioners of the Religion of Mohammed UNLESS Islam finds enough adherents who are willing to stand up and demand changes.

    Islam is long overdue for it’s version of the Protestant Reformation that forced the Catholic Church to ameliorate some of it’s more violent practices. Good luck; I also hope some Muslims (moderate or otherwise) will speak up and tell us what they think…

  23. Islam is long overdue for it’s version of the Protestant Reformation that forced the Catholic Church to ameliorate some of it’s more violent practices.

    That cannot happens since the Koran is the literal word of God. Not a jot of it can be changed. Welcome to hell.

    Btw saying that the Koran cannot be burned is something like saying Mein Kamph or the communist manifesto cannot be burned.

    How has the West come to believe that Islam is peaceful? The founder of it cut off the heads of his opponents, advocated war against unbelievers, lied, cheated and personally robbed and murdered folks…exactly how do we believe his followers are not allowed to act exactly the same as the founder?

    In Spain the west fought a 800 year long war against Islam. How did we forget this? How did we forget that the Crusades were wars of liberation?

    For those of you, including Massad, who believe that only a few Muslims support the murderous ways of Bin Laden, let me introduce you to the Pew Poll taken in 2003 that showed 58% of the Muslims of Indonesia, most populace of the Islamic nations and a supposed moderate, well 58% of those supposedly moderate Muslims have a high confidence in Bin Laden.

  24. Mas, did you let off a bomb, great discussion!!

    Your post was very simplified and boiled down all the details into a few statements, that once said have stirred up some great discussion.

    We as a country have focused on the groups within instead of the whole. The tribes, the courts and the political arenas have all played a part in creating a country that is more concerned about pieces and parts and ignore what is good for the whole. I fully understand that in order to look after the whole you have to look after the parts but we have been so short sighted on the little groups that we miss the fact that it is killing the country.

  25. Just a small sample of the “peaceful” exhortations found in the Koran of which there is only one version.
    ● Do not hanker for peace with the infidels; behead them when you catch them (47:4)
    ● The unbelievers are stupid; urge the Muslims to fight them (8:65)
    ● Muslims must not take the infidels as friends (3:28)
    ● Terrorize and behead those who believe in scriptures other than the Qur’an (8:12)
    ● Muslims must muster all weapons to terrorize the infidels (8:60)
    ● Slay the unbelievers wherever you find them (2:191)
    ● Make war on the infidels living in your neighborhood (9:123)
    ● When opportunity arises, kill the infidels wherever you catch them (9:5)
    ● Kill the Jews and the Christians if they do not convert to Islam or refuse to pay Jizya tax (9:29)
    ● Any religion other than Islam is not acceptable (3:85)
    ● The Jews and the Christians are perverts; fight them (9:30)
    If that’s peaceful, moderate or beautiful…………….

  26. To those who wonder about us “preppers”…

    Do not confuse PREPARATION for PARANOIA. While I am working hard to change the system to return to our roots as a republic, I am preparing for my family and a few close friends to be able to live off the grid should the currency fail and the economic collapse attempt to impact our lives.

    Simply stated, you cannot have the government employ everyone, paid with dollars printed without end.

  27. As a Christian pastor, I don’t think Pastor Jones’ actions brought glory to God, nor edified His congregation, which is why we serve in the first place. The burning of any religious symbol maybe legal in America, under the First Amendment but it is wrong for a community or a nation to thrive. It is selfish and does not help Christian missionaries, or Americans living abroad.

    I believe putting the mosque near Ground Zero in NYC is also a poor choice for the same reasons. It does not help anyone but the imams or who ever is trying to get the property (Trump). The Muslim Brotherhood is still mad at bin Laden for being a murdering zealot and bringing unwarranted attention to their cause to bring the entire planet under caliphate submission. Every religion has radical sects, that embarrass and do not represent the whole.

    The World Trade Center was unsuccessfully bombed once before 9/11. Terrorist believed striking the World Trade Center was a representation of the infidels’ purse. We have no shortage of bad guys planning, plotting and looking for a chance to top 9/11′s atrocity. Too many Americans have circled the wagons and opened fire on each other. The enemy is still there.

    Bless God America!

  28. Three of my grandparents were fresh off the boat (Scotland). They learned how to “speak the language” ,by which I mean culturally adapt.

    We need to let anyone without a criminal record who wants to be an American come here to work, but not to go on any sort of welfare. American culture is all of our culture-if you don’t believe it, go to Mexico and then see whether you have more in common with anyone there or with you neighbors. Whether you are white, black or hispanic

  29. My understanding is that the “mosque” is actually supposed to be an interfaith center for several faiths, one of which would be muslam faith.
    Can someone either correct me on this or explain to me why people continue to call it a mosque?

  30. Mas, I know not all followers of Mohammed’s teachings have it in for us, but that is simply due to what I think is a common trait in humans: inconsistency. If they were striving to consistently follow the Koran, they’d be MUCH closer in belief to those in Saudi Arabia or Iran. A very VERY small minority are striving to be consistent with Islamic theology and a peaceful life, but they do have a hard time justifying it from their holy text. I give them props for trying to do so while staying honest to their faith, even though I firmly and strongly believe their religion to be one of the greatest threats to us, equal to the threat out own current culture poses to this country. Two very great extremes, but both very deadly to the United States.

    I fear for our nation and thank God that this nation isn’t what I ultimately have my hope and trust in. This is a great country, but it will only be great so long as we have people willing to keep its core principles in meaningful practice.

  31. You really brought out the crazy people Mas. I’d also like to say to OregonBuzz that I can pull out pages and pages of the violence and abhorrent acts from the Bible if we really want to play this game.

  32. In this article, you have described the tragic legacy of multiculturalism.–Janet M

    Islam is not part of our culture, but it is endemic to Lebanon. This suggests Mas views Mohammedism through his own ethnic leanings, all the while denouncing tribalism.

    Muslims are raping, killing and looting in the name of Mohammed. To equate the burning of a Koran with Islamic violence is disingenuous.


  33. This is interesting. I just wish people knew more about my religion and didn’t judge us all by Salafi/Wahhabi groups that have violated Islamic Law and declared murder to be legal.

    A real problem that most Americans don’t realize is that long before the theological branch of Islam that now slaughters people in Europe and the Americas considered turning their attention to murdering non-Muslims, they had honed their skills on fellow Muslims.

    Read the history of the Arabian peninsula, now known as Saudi Arabia. Read about the sack of Kerbala. Better yet, get online and order a copy of “The Broken Chain” by Aftab Ahmad Malik. Read anything by Dr. Abou El Fadl. Remember that Al-Qaeda spent time in Afghanistan slaughtering Shia and Sufis.

    Can Muslims be good Americans or Europeans? Well, Albanians, Turks, and Bosniaks have been European Muslims for centuries. Turkey had a woman on their Supreme Court in the 1920s – and they have had a female head of state. Read the much maligned Dr. Tariq Ramadan whose basic premise is that Muslims must find a way to participate in European society within the boundaries of the secular law! Then there is Dr. Zuhdi Jasser, a retired Navy Lt. Commander. There are many others; you won’t see them on the media because they aren’t as interesting as screaming fanatics – just as the Gainesville pastor gets far more media attention than the all of the Lutheran Synods and the Methodists combined.

    People forget that there were Muslim waiters, janitors, and office workers among the murdered on 9/11 – there were so many Muslim workers at the WTC that rooms there hosted a large weekly Jumaa, the Friday prayer. The masjid I attended at that time here in California raised money and donated blood for the victims; many others conducted similar efforts – but the media didn’t cover that.

    The critics are right that too many of us remained silent because of reluctance to believe that what happened could have been done by Muslims – but once OBL confessed out of his own mouth on videotape the silence of many of our leaders was reprehensible. We still have conspiracy theorists in our midst – but don’t confuse them with terrorists. We also have immigrants raised in intolerant dictatorships who believe the propaganda that their corrupt regimes taught them – so they simply assume that all Americans hate Muslims and cannot take criticism because they simply assume it is prejudice – and their cultures did not focus much on insight into one’s own behavior. Some immigrants with this attitude change when they have been here longer and have had greater experience – when I first met the Imam of one area masjid several years ago I was deeply disturbed when he insisted in his khutbas (similar to a sermon) that we were oppressed and discriminated against and that America was sinful and evil. In the past few years I have noticed an astounding change – it seems he has discovered that Americans are people, not particularly evil, and are very tolerant.

    I assume that Mr. Ayoob is a Christian of Lebanese descent; few people realize that the Arab world has many indigenous Christians – Catholics, Orthodox, Copts, even Lutherans. It’s sort of funny because like many American Muslims, I am of old line American ancestry. Some of my ancestors walked across what is now the Bering strait; they were waiting on shore to watch some of my other ancestors wander off the Arabella and Mayflower. Still others were Germans from the Ukraine who fled Czarist Russia and the secret police when their exemption from military service and permission to practice their pietist Lutheran faith were revoked; one was a Lutheran born to a Jewish mother.

    I don’t post with my real name because it results in death threats predicated on my religion – and I am a rather small, physically handicapped woman living in a state where the laws ensure that only the criminals are armed. Another American Sister is blind – and she was once listed as a potential terrorist on a website run by a very confused man who had appointed himself a volunteer terrorist cell hunter. When I saw that; I had visions of the FBI invading her apartment and killing her Guide dog.

  34. Those who really think that if Muslims were really following our religion that we’d be “much closer” to the practices in Saudi really need to read Aftab Ahmad Malik’s “The Broken Chain.”

    The Quran must be read in context; there are injunctions and statements in there that pertain to particular incidents and circumstances and were not intended for all situations. A “literalist” reading fails to take this into consideration. Most of us are taught to respect other religions – Christians and Jews are specifically referenced in Islam as “People of the Book”. Islamic scholars have specifically ruled that other religions – including Zoroastrianism, and Hinduism – are to be left alone since it is considered a great sin to forbid the good.