Secret Service head Kimberly Cheatle resigned recently after being roasted by a committee in DC over the Trump assassination attempt. I’ll give her one thing: when an obsessively anti-gun congressman tried to get her to blame AR15s, she didn’t fall for it. See it here, courtesy of Mark Chesnut and TTAG, with narrative by Phil van Cleave, a 2A stalwart well familiar with the congressman in question.


  1. Do not give her too much credit. I strongly suspect that her motivation was revenge rather than any love of the 2nd Amendment and/or the Right of The People to keep and bear arms.

    She did the Left’s bidding when she provided incompetent security protection for their hated enemy, Donald Trump. No doubt, she expected the Left to support her and that she would be allowed to keep her job despite the widespread criticism.

    However, she (ultimately) realized that she was just a tool in the hands of the American Left. Once the criticism became too loud, the Left sacrificed her.

    That is one thing the useful idiots, of the Left, should understand. The Left will sacrifice anybody to maintain political power. Once their tools have served their purpose, the Left does not hesitate to drop them.

    The question about the AR-15 style firearms was, really, just giving her an opportunity to be the “Useful Idiot”, one more time, and to perform a further service for the American Left. However, by then, it was becoming apparent that she was going to be thrown to the wolves and sacrificed to help cover up the security failures.

    In that circumstance, why should she play their “Useful Idiot” role any further? So, she simply declined to perform that further service. She decided to not give them their requested “talking point” for more firearms-prohibition. It was the only (safe) blow that she could strike to revenge their abandonment of her.

    Don’t mistake spite for nobility!

      • As long as the hyper-destructive democrat party remains in-power, in Washington, we all need help. Their Anti-American policies have driven this nation to the edge of destruction and economic collapse.

        About half of the population needs help to pull their heads out of the sand so that they can see the democrats, and other Deep State operatives, for the selfish, corrupt criminals that they actually are. The other half of the population, the part that no longer remains bewitched by the Left’s media propaganda and class-room indoctrination, need help to throw off the chains that the democrats and the Left (but I repeat myself) are busily trying to lock around us.

        It is the American People who are the victims here. We need help in getting the Left’s boot off our necks. We need to do it fast before the global Left drives us into economic collapse and/or a Global World War III.

  2. Lincoln killed with a single shot percussion derringer. JFK assassinated with a cheap bolt action rifle. RFK killed with a .22 rimfire revolver. Reagan shot with an RG-14 .22 rimfire revolver. Trump supposedly shot with an AR-“style” rifle (has anyone seen a close-up picture of it yet?).

    Common denominator? Not the type of weapon used for sure.

    Footnote: remember when laws were passed to save humanity by outlawing “cheap imported Saturday night specials” like Hinckley used to shoot Reagan?

    • @ Dennis – “Lincoln killed with a single shot percussion derringer….”

      You missed one Presidential Assassination. In 1881, President James A. Garfield was murdered by a man, with clear mental problems, named Charles J. Guiteau. Guiteau used a “British Bulldog” type revolver in .44 Webley caliber. The newspapers identified the revolver as an American-made Forehand & Wadsworth copy of the British Bulldog. The actual revolver was put into the Smithsonian but it appears to have been stolen in 1952. Photographs of the revolver still exist and one expert on Bulldog revolvers, George Layman, says that the existing photographs clearly show that it is not a Forehand & Wadsworth copy. The details are wrong. He says that the photographs show that it is either (a) a genuine Webley Bulldog or, else, (b) it is one of the many thousands of inexpensive Belgium Bulldog copies that flooded the American market in the late 19th Century.

      Anyway, it is another case where the murderer used a small concealable handgun, at close range, to do the foul deed. Guiteau was put on trial, found guilty, and then hanged for the crime.

      Note that in the attempt to assassinate President Teddy Roosevelt, 1912, a .38 caliber revolver was used. President Roosevelt was just wounded because the bullet had to penetrate some documents and Roosevelt’s steel eyeglass case. This slowed the bullet to the point where it could not penetrate into the Presidents internal organs. This attempt was by another mental case. He was not hanged. Instead, as with the Reagan criminal, he was put in a mental institution.

      So, it seems that small, concealable handguns are (far and away) the weapon of choice for Presidential Assassinations. The Kennedy assassination and the attempt on President Trump are exceptional cases where long-arms were used instead.

      Also, isn’t it notable that it is mainly Republican Presidents that are under threat of assassination? Lincoln, Garfield, Teddy Roosevelt, Ford, Reagan, and Trump were/are all Republicans. The only Democrat President to be assassinated was Kennedy. However, I believe that there was also an attempt made on FDR in 1933.

      • Political crank Giuseppe Zangara attacked President-elect Roosevelt with a .32 revolver on 15 February 1933. He missed Roosevelt, but fatally wounded Chicago mayor Anton Cermak.

        There was also an attempt on Harry Truman by Puerto Rican nationalists in 1950. They carried handguns, including a 9mm Luger.

    • Quote of the Day:

      “The country is tilted and all the loose nuts are rolling to California.” – Variously attributed to either Mark Twain or Frank Lloyd Wright

      While the above quote still contains a strong element of truth, I can expand it further.

      As an addendum to my comment (above) about how the mentally unbalanced seem to be particularly prone to shooting at Republicans, let me re-write the above quote so as to better explain why this is so.

      My Quote: “American politics is tilted to the Left and all the loose nuts roll into the Democrat Party.”

      This, in a nutshell (please pardon the pun! 🙂 ), explains why the mentally unbalanced / violence prone are irresistibly drawn toward one end of the political spectrum and to one particular political party. Note that this is not a new dynamic. As shown by the Lincoln and Garfield assassinations, this has been true going back to the early days of the democrat party more than a century and a half ago.

  3. There were multiple points of failure that came together in the near assassination of Donald Trump and the murder and wounding of innocent bystanders. We will likely never get a coherent report on what went wrong and how to prevent a reoccurrence. As for Cheatle, her obsession with race, gender, and sexual preference equity above duty and competence may well have contributed to the situation.

  4. The link demanded a sign in, don’t have one. I belong to the VCDL, I expect a link will show up in the next members email from Phil. If it works without strings, I’ll post it.

    Ms Cheatle “took one for the team” while not being entirely without fault. I don’t want to go down the rabbit hole. I’ll leave it that the the 3 Cs (communications, command & control) are a major issue in events like this and weren’t present in Butler.

    • I would respectfully add “Competence” to your 3 C’s. It’s apparent to me that that criterion has suffered in two regards: the lessened quality of agent because of woke hiring objectives; and a general culture/atmosphere that doesn’t demand perfect job performance 24/7/365.

  5. I haven’t really followed this issue, both because I can’t believe anything I see in the news and because what I do “know” about this makes me so angry, but I will comment on something that I think has been unfairly dumped on the SS over this debacle, and that is the use of non-SS personnel on protection details.
    The SS isn’t a very big outfit, and its main duty isn’t protection, it’s investigating crimes against the currency (which is why it was part of the Treasury till 2003). Protection details are very manpower-intensive, and they burn people out pretty fast, so the SS has to keep rotating people in and out of them. In election years their protection workload doubles, triples, or sometimes quintuples, since they have to protect not only incumbents, but candidates. So in election years, the SS drafts agents from other agencies to augment their own personnel. Before 2003, they took agents from sister T agencies (ATF, Customs, IRS-CID), but now they take agents from HSI, since it’s a sister agency within DHS. These agents know the basics of protection, but they’re not trained in it to the level of SS agents. During election years, the SS can’t possibly handle all the protection details without doing this. I know, because back in (mumble, mumble), I was part of an SS protection detail for a major-party candidate, and I saw what protection details entail in terms of manpower and resources. It’s not as simple and straightforward as a lot of people seem to think, and it would be impossible to accomplish in election years if the SS had to depend solely on their own agents.
    Also, I agree with you. Kudos to Ms. Cheatle for refusing to blame a hunk of metal for the evil intent of the person wielding it.

  6. This is the woman in charge that could not find who brought the COKE to the White House, despite the entire place being under video surveillance, and everyone having the use their pass to enter parts of the WH. This is the woman in charge who deleted all the USSS texts regarding Jan 6th ‘insurrection’, and lied saying the were doing some type of phone update. This is the woman in charge who didn’t speak up about the ‘pipe-bomb’ left at the DNC on Jan 6th just yards from VP Harris. Of course she deleted all the texts regarding that incident also. This is the woman in charge who would not say the Ron Rowe was the asst director who denied Trump;s team more assets, but instead allows him to be promoted after she resigns. She is a total POS & a disgrace to the agency. She should have been fired a long time ago.

  7. I have two better words: Obstruction (of Congress – repeated evasive answers or false claim of lack of knowledge); Perjury (denial under oath, she likely did engage in encrypted messaging with Jill Biden or someone else connected with the WH, she is improperly close with the Bidens).

    She had an undistinguished career as a USSS special agent. In management she was a woke token of bad/political law enforcement.

  8. She was non responsive and covering up, so no sympathy.

    Susan Crabtree from Real Clear Politics seems to be the long time recipient of choice for the Secret Service Whistle Blowers. Having read all of her many posts on X related to whistleblower’s info on Butler, my conclusion is you would be hard pressed to make as many errors in planning, staffing, communications and execution as they did at Butler by mistake. That is not to say they are were planning the attempt but there was a lack of total professional effort at the top for some time in the protection of not only President Trump but also non protection for Robert Kennedy. Intentional or not the kneecapping of the details ability was the result.

    The Acting director reportedly was one of the people who denied the requests for more resources. The press conference last week reporters like Susan Crabtree were not informed of the press conference and when she requested to attend they would not proved the location.

    Note : About the White House Coke post above – Whistleblowers indicate it was intentionally not followed up and the director wanted to destroy the coke (evidence).

    • anyone not hermetically sealed into a vacuum cannister hidden in a remote location knows who put the legs under that coke…..

      • Actually, it could have been anyone on the White House staff. We know about Hunter but there are probably a multitude of coke heads who are less flamboyant.

  9. The congressman made it pretty clear who he is sponsored by. They should all have to wear uniforms like NASCAR drivers. My 3 year old granddaughter can ask a question more clearly than him. He could give her a go in the tantrum department though. Good on Ms Cheatle for handling him like this.

  10. I suspect that Kimberly Cheatle was more concerned about finding a dark hole to hide in after the Secret Service Crooks shooter debacle than commenting on a politically volatile subject like the AR. I like the Dan Bongino plan for a full investigation of the Trump shooting to start from what might be called a decentralized perspective regarding the Secret Service site agent most immediately responsible (for tactical counterintelligence? and then walking the cat back up the Secret Service hierarchy of responsibility to the individual officially in centralized control of the apparently insecure security operation. My first reaction upon hearing about Mr.Trump being hit was to wonder about any ongoing drone surveillance, and whether anti-drone technology had been, or was, was readily employable. The metal roofs were undoubtedly in comfortably warm, which could have affected certain events.

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