OK. That’s it. Enough is enough.

So Barack Obama wants to place “a heartbeat away from the Presidency” the guy who said circa 1993, “Banning firearms is an idea whose time has come”?

That’s it. I’m throwing my hat in the ring.

Actually, the above is yet another manifestation of my significant other’s evil sense of humor. This neat little Internet ditty comes from: http://www.thelopezfamilyonline.com/aol4pres.php

Bless those people for giving us some humor to share with our friends and family. Just go to the link, plug in the name of your chosen victim/candidate (as the cruel significant other did to me, sniff sniff), and email it right to ‘em.

I have a feeling that as the campaign goes on, we’ll need more of this welcome light-heartedness to keep us going.


  1. When I told my wife you were running, I got the following response: “About time we had someone competent running for office.”

  2. You got my vote Mas.

    What’s your stance on illegal aliens? How about unuversal healthcare or drilling for oil in the ANWF?

    Heck, I don’t care, if you were President I’ll bet things would be better.


  3. I am a law abiding citizen who wants to purchase a brand new BAR and a stock 14″ barrel for an 870 at any gun shop in the USA. I would vote for him.