Hey, Coloradans – the Backwoods Home team is gonna be in Denver! Come and meet them at the  Self Reliance Expo at the National Western Complex in Denver this weekend, Nov 4-5.

At the BHM booth will be: Dave Duffy, Jeff Yago, Illustrator Don Childers and his wife Nancy, Jackie Clay, and Lenie Duffy. In this photo are, from left, Lenie, Dave, Don, and Nancy.


And: Last night, the Chicago Cubs won the World Series!  Since my significant other is a native Chicagoan as are many of my extended family, I get to bask in the reflective glow of their heartland happiness.

It has been over a century since the Cubs won the Series. With us coming down to the wire and Hillary Clinton reportedly still in the lead, the Cubs victory is a reassuring reminder that miracles happen.

Or watch video here.


  1. I gave up watching the Cubs years ago. My dad was a big fan and I wished that he had lived long enough to see this.
    I hit the sheets in the 5th inning and woke up to here the results. After all these years I still got excited. I am peeved at the writers that are saying that the manager made mistakes by switching pitchers. But a win is a win, nonetheless.

  2. While the Curse of the Billy Goat may have ended along with the longest championship drought in professional sports history – The Curse of the Dumbest Form of Idiocy Available to Mankind Today will not leave politics, regardless of who wins POTUS.

    I for one, am looking forward to celebrating never having the dem candidate in office, ever. Just like a Cubs fan, I’ll live it up!

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