With the anti-gun stronghold of Chicago, nobody thought the state of Illinois the last holdout against lawful concealed carry would ever pass a shall-issue permit law. Surprise they did!

And Illinois can thank the Illinois State Rifle Association, Illinois Carry, and IGOLD for that.

IGOLD stands for Illinois Gun Owners Lobbying Day. For a decade, these committed Americans have marched in the state capitol of Springfield and made their concerns known … and they changed the paradigm.

This past week, I finally got to an IGOLD and was damn glad I did. It was a recharging of the batteries, a reminder that self-reliant armed citizens come in every color, every gender, and every stratum of what pollsters sometimes call  socio-economic class. We are the most egalitarian of subcultures.

I had the privilege of addressing the gun owners on why Gun-Free Zones are actually Hunting Preserves for Psychopathic Murderers who seek prey who can’t fight back. Illinois law, I’m told, currently prohibits carrying guns in rest stops. Now, a rest stop in 3 AM darkness is to rapists and kidnappers what a watering hole is for leopards hungry for antelope. Yes, that sort of thing needs to be changed. And, judging from feedback, the IGOLD folks have the attention of the legislators…see here.

A nationwide thumbs-up for IGOLD, ISRA, and Illinois Carry! They are inspirations and role models for us all. In the pix you see in the above link, the lady in the lead of the parade marching seven blocks on a walker is Colleen Lawson, one of the named plaintiffs in the landmark SCOTUS decision for armed citizens’ rights, Otis McDonald, et. al. v. Chicago, and with us at the IGOLD gathering were the widow and daughters of Otis McDonald, the lead plaintiff, a man I will be eternally proud to have known.

We can all learn from IGOLD.



  1. Thanks Mas for standing with the people of Illinois. Hopefully with the coming election our 2A rights will move forward for all of us.

  2. What a brave and strong family, I’m finding after today at the Gunshop I frequent, that some would rather anticipate loosing there rights to own AR-15’s and the like.

    I get it, there are gun owners that would rather sell civilian rifles for a great fortune. Like $3,500 for an M4 carbine.

    I would much rather be able to keep available what we already have on the market for future generations. It seems some gun owners would rather profit than put up a fight.

  3. I went to IGOLD a few years ago and had a good time chanting. It was exhausting though. Otis McDonald was still with us and gave a speech and got a standing “O” for standing up to the Daley/Chicago machine.
    Wish I could have made it this year but health reasons prevented that.
    I’m glad they had a good showing.

  4. Mas,
    In the picture you posted with the McDonalds, do I see a piece peeking out behind your key ring?

  5. Yes, IL prohibits carry at rest stops. However, as a single woman who does a lot of road trips, I learned long ago to not use rest stops. I stop at busy truck stops or larger gas stations instead.

  6. Thanks, Mas. It’s refreshing to hear good news during this time of economic uncertainty, Fabian socialism and terrorism.

  7. Thank you Mas for making this a priority to go for us all in IL. I was on getting ready to be on my way to MAG30 so I missed attending.

    Marie…I travel late at night a lot for work too and I sure don’t use rest stops at all either…busy truck stops and gas stations for me too.

  8. If a place is posted “No guns alliowed” is there any obligation to check and make sure no guns get in? Also, are they responsible if someone gets in with a gun and starts shooting?

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