As I watched the prosecutor live, announcing the grand jury’s verdict, I watched the ripple of rage go through the crowd outside, seen on the CNN split-screen.  Soon, the rocks and bottles were flying, there were gunshots (apparently not from the police side), a police car wrecked by the riotous, drawing a volley of tear gas. Then buildings were burning, and the looting was underway.

There was fear in the voices of many news folks reporting from the scene.  One seemed surprised when he said that some of the “protesters” were trying to restrain some of the “agitators.”  What a teachable moment: watching a journalist realize that when the thrown missiles are coming in his direction, protesters turn into agitators.

The agitators were already moving into their long-pre-planned assault on society, before the prosecutor could even begin his explanation of the reasoning behind the decision of the grand jury, who he described as the only people who had seen all the evidence there was to present.  They weren’t there for truth. They weren’t there for justice.  They were there for a lynching, in my view.

Those who DO want to find out the truth, can start here, with the transcript of the grand jury minutes, courtesy of the New York Times: .

This is not going to be pretty.


  1. M- I have a question for “this old cop”- Do you think Wilson”s level of training/preparedness were tactical misadventure waiting to happen; ie, when Brown “stuck his hand in the window”(whether he struck Wilson or not) he had no physical or mental disaster plan or abilities to bring to the table. He, like BP at oil rig mess had no “worst possible case” training or strategies.
    Yes, I’m suggesting poor training; something you absolutely have preached for years; once Brown stuck his arm in the window, Wilson should have grabbed it, pulled it in the direction it was going with his “inside arm” and using short jabbbing punches to his now assailant, disabled him thru punches to his ribs, kidneys and liver- all legal (?) I think under the circumstances. If “big, like a bear” Brown had been trappped in the window frame at that point, Officer Wilson may have well avoided needing to kill him.
    Also, I haven’t got a good idea where all of Wilson’s shots went- not all struck Brown, so where did they go, and do they support good police (ie shooting in a publically occupied enviro) discipline?
    Thanks – Chris

  2. M- I have a question for “this old cop”- Do you think Wilson”s level of training/preparedness were tactical misadventure waiting to happen; ie, when Brown “stuck his hand in the window”(whether he struck Wilson or not) he had no physical or mental disaster plan or abilities to bring to the table. He, like BP at oil rig mess had no “worst possible case” training or strategies.
    Yes, I’m suggesting poor training; something you absolutely have preached for years; once Brown stuck his arm in the window, Wilson should have grabbed it, pulled it in the direction it was going with his “inside arm” and using short jabbbing punches to his now assailant, disabled him thru punches to his ribs, kidneys and liver- all legal (?) I think under the circumstances. If “big, like a bear” Brown had been trappped in the window frame at that point, Officer Wilson may have well avoided needing to kill him.
    Also, I haven’t got a good idea where all of Wilson’s shots went- not all struck Brown, so where did they go, and do they support good police (ie shooting in a publically occupied enviro) discipline?
    Thanks – Chris

  3. From day 1, I’ve always wondered if this whole mess would have turned out differently had Michael Brown’s friend Darien Johnson, told the truth instead of trying to twist the facts to try and make a police officer pay for their mutual bad behavior. Once Darien started telling the world that Darren Wilson essentially executed Michael Brown in cold blood, the genie was out of the bottle and all the “believers” had a cause that cannot be overturned with the facts … A thug assaulted a Police officer with sufficient force to place him in fear of his life. Justified shooting as supported by the grand jury.

  4. From day 1, I’ve always wondered if this whole mess would have turned out differently had Michael Brown’s friend Darien Johnson, told the truth instead of trying to twist the facts to try and make a police officer pay for their mutual bad behavior. Once Darien started telling the world that Darren Wilson essentially executed Michael Brown in cold blood, the genie was out of the bottle and all the “believers” had a cause that cannot be overturned with the facts … A thug assaulted a Police officer with sufficient force to place him in fear of his life. Justified shooting as supported by the grand jury.

  5. From day 1, I’ve always wondered if this whole mess would have turned out differently had Michael Brown’s friend Darien Johnson, told the truth instead of trying to twist the facts to try and make a police officer pay for their mutual bad behavior. Once Darien started telling the world that Darren Wilson essentially executed Michael Brown in cold blood, the genie was out of the bottle and all the “believers” had a cause that cannot be overturned with the facts … A thug assaulted a Police officer with sufficient force to place him in fear of his life. Justified shooting as supported by the grand jury.

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