In the wake of the Sandy Hook Elementary School atrocity of December 2012, anti-gun politicians fell over themselves ramrodding poorly crafted legislation into law, in the vain hope that Kool-Aid flavored Band-Aids would somehow cure a societal cancer.  Second only to Governor Cuomo in New York in this respect, was Governor Hickenlooper in Colorado.

When was the last time you saw the majority of sheriffs in their state sue their own Governor over poorly crafted, unenforceable law?  Well, the Colorado fiasco comes most readily to mind. Having had some small part in that litigation, as an expert witness retained to speak for the sheriffs’ side of the case, I have no argument at all with the following cogent analysis by Larry Keane of the National Shooting Sports Foundation.  Thanks to Jim Shepherd at The Shooting Wire for sending it along: .


  1. Hickenlooper is a typical lying fraud politician. His apologies exist only because he is up for reelection and his lackeys were already thrown out of office in the recall.

    Colorado Peak Politics has a first hand perspective on the political air in CO after the floods called:

    “FLOODED WITH LIES: Udall, Hickenlooper, And Democrats Politicize Tragedy”

    Its worth a read.

  2. These progressive squirrels are so pathetic, it would be laughable if the damage they inflict was not so dangerous to our freedoms.

    They lie about their true agendas when running for office, then, when elected, turn to “Progressive Central” for guidance, turning their backs on their constituents.

    When their agenda becomes too egregious for constituents and they’re called out, they first feign surprise, then attempt to pass the blame, then claim they were so busy and overworked and it just slipped by them.

    In the aftermath of having their ears pinned back by the voting public, they promise to do better and change their hen-house ways, expecting to be believed.

    Hickenlooper basically said “I didn’t expect people to get so upset when we (fellow progressives) blew a hole in the ‘Bill of Rights’. We didn’t think twice about it, maybe next time we will.”

    Sorry governor, you’re like the pedophile in front of the parole board asking for a second chance.

  3. Great job by the Colorado Sheriffs! Much more often than not, we have great Sheriffs primarily because the people elect them for a job that will be performed directly within the voting community. We have a greater tendency to notice that performance and reward or punish them accordingly in the next election cycle. Perhaps the reason that the same process failed miserably at the Federal level was that folks do not feel as connected to and affected by politicians who are so much more distant and so much less approachable.

  4. There looked to be a lot of blame passing from Hickenlooper to others and not a lot of sincerity in his statements.

  5. Mr. Hickenlooper is looking like Humpty-Dumpty, maybe having a big fall for not such a good egg. You can add to the 2nd Amendment issue the questionable leadership in Colorado (and-elsewhere) regarding the “progressive” disregard for widespread brain damage from marijuana use among young people. Moreover, is there not a likely connection between a tolerant, “liberal” attitude towards drugs in general and the deaths of tens of thousands of drug addicts yearly in this country, plus disastrous, drug-related crime? The 2nd Amendment is a main bulwark against such “popular” stupidity and criminality. What does it take to remind politicians that government is meant to be a servant of the people, and that moral leadership must go beyond narcissistic thinking? Kudos to the majority of County Sheriffs of Colorado and to their support of the U.S. Constitution, with the right of effective self-defense!

  6. Hickenlooper told the sheriffs he “did a disservice to you and a disservice to ourselves” No mention of his disservice to the people of Colorado.

  7. Hickenlooper told the sheriffs he “did a disservice to you and a disservice to ourselves” No mention of his disservice to the people of Colorado.

  8. It’s so pleasant to hear good news for a change. It’s nice to see the system correcting itself without violence. Nevertheless, there would be no need for such corrections if voters would educate themselves. We were given a great country and we (the stupid voters) are tearing it down with our own hands.

  9. It’s so pleasant to hear good news for a change. It’s nice to see the system correcting itself without violence. Nevertheless, there would be no need for such corrections if voters would educate themselves. We were given a great country and we (the stupid voters) are tearing it down with our own hands.

  10. Hey does anybody really believe that Hickenlooper changed his mind about guns? That he is any less anti-gun now than he ever was?

    Don’t get me wrong: I agree it’s a good thing he realized he was on the wrong side of this issue, that it was hurting him politically, and that he needed to adopt a different (more pro-gun) position in order to maximize his political advantage.

    But I suspect that’s the only sense in which he’s ‘seen the light’… And I very much doubt that he gives a damn about either the sheriffs or the people… he’s concerned about himself, politically, and that’s all.

    And not to hijack the thread, but in response to Two-gun Steve: I’m gonna predict that the legalization of pot in CO will NOT result in any drastically-increased social costs: young kids using it, deaths on the highway, pot-related crime, etc.

    Remember when concealed-carry permits were first allowed, anti-gunners predicted a bloodbath, huge increase in violent crime, etc.; which in fact didn’t happen?

    I’m predicting the same thing regarding the legalization of pot in CO: it won’t end up making much difference in the long run.

  11. Hey does anybody really believe that Hickenlooper changed his mind about guns? That he is any less anti-gun now than he ever was?

    Don’t get me wrong: I agree it’s a good thing he realized he was on the wrong side of this issue, that it was hurting him politically, and that he needed to adopt a different (more pro-gun) position in order to maximize his political advantage.

    But I suspect that’s the only sense in which he’s ‘seen the light’… And I very much doubt that he gives a damn about either the sheriffs or the people… he’s concerned about himself, politically, and that’s all.

    And not to hijack the thread, but in response to Two-gun Steve: I’m gonna predict that the legalization of pot in CO will NOT result in any drastically-increased social costs: young kids using it, deaths on the highway, pot-related crime, etc.

    Remember when concealed-carry permits were first allowed, anti-gunners predicted a bloodbath, huge increase in violent crime, etc.; which in fact didn’t happen?

    I’m predicting the same thing regarding the legalization of pot in CO: it won’t end up making much difference in the long run.

  12. Apology not accepted. He still doesn’t realize the gravity of what he did. It’s amazing how he didn’t start back peddling until elections were looming. In the immortal words of Bugs Bunny, “What a maroon.”

  13. Apology not accepted. He still doesn’t realize the gravity of what he did. It’s amazing how he didn’t start back peddling until elections were looming. In the immortal words of Bugs Bunny, “What a maroon.”

  14. It is time we all came to the realization that this country and indeed the world is composed of a majority of idiots, some smart folks, and a very few leaders. Hence Obama gets elected TWICE. Bill Clinton twice. And yes “W” twice.

    Take a good hard look at your state Gov and legislature. How many would you consider principled, trustworthy, honest? Your county, city, town, PTA, school board? Admit it. The VAST VAST majority are useless sacks of excrement.

    When The Mittster talked about the 47% he was berated. But it was true. Half the country I wouldn’t trust to walk my dog. BUT they get to elect every level of MY Govt.

  15. It is time we all came to the realization that this country and indeed the world is composed of a majority of idiots, some smart folks, and a very few leaders. Hence Obama gets elected TWICE. Bill Clinton twice. And yes “W” twice.

    Take a good hard look at your state Gov and legislature. How many would you consider principled, trustworthy, honest? Your county, city, town, PTA, school board? Admit it. The VAST VAST majority are useless sacks of excrement.

    When The Mittster talked about the 47% he was berated. But it was true. Half the country I wouldn’t trust to walk my dog. BUT they get to elect every level of MY Govt.

  16. Thank you, Long Island Mike! Let me just add that a bum who does not work, and pays no taxes, can vote, and his vote has every bit as much weight as a person who plays by the rules, is rich, and pays a lot of taxes. They both get ONE vote.

  17. Thank you, Long Island Mike! Let me just add that a bum who does not work, and pays no taxes, can vote, and his vote has every bit as much weight as a person who plays by the rules, is rich, and pays a lot of taxes. They both get ONE vote.

  18. So will Governor Hickenlooper close the loop to correct this disservice to the people of Colorado and actually work to repeal the laws in question? His apology is empty without any action to show he means what he says!

  19. So will Governor Hickenlooper close the loop to correct this disservice to the people of Colorado and actually work to repeal the laws in question? His apology is empty without any action to show he means what he says!

  20. After the contretemps involving Gov. Hickenlooper during the past year being thrown from office would be the crowning touch and send a clear message to other regressive politicians, the same message proclaimed on the Gadsden Flag. The question is: are there enough sensible voters in Colorado to overcome the hand wringing, bedwetting liberal types who populate Boulder?

    Perhaps enough would be supporters of the incumbent will just stay home cuddled up next to the bong and Doritos and forget all about the election.

    There may be an upside to this legalized weed issue.

  21. After the contretemps involving Gov. Hickenlooper during the past year being thrown from office would be the crowning touch and send a clear message to other regressive politicians, the same message proclaimed on the Gadsden Flag. The question is: are there enough sensible voters in Colorado to overcome the hand wringing, bedwetting liberal types who populate Boulder?

    Perhaps enough would be supporters of the incumbent will just stay home cuddled up next to the bong and Doritos and forget all about the election.

    There may be an upside to this legalized weed issue.

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