Kara’s Hope, founded to provide support for brain-damaged babies and their families, is raffling a gorgeous Ed Brown Custom Centennial .45 to benefit the charity.  
It’s a seven thousand dollar pistol. Ed Brown is an honest man and master gunsmith – my own Ed Brown guns work perfectly and I’d recommend them to anyone – and when you click on the link below, be prepared to drool on your keyboard if you appreciate fine firearms.
Our friends at Galco have thrown in a super deluxe belt/holster set for it, done in alligator, that will make you the envy of the “barbecue gun” set.
Only two weeks to enter if you’re so inclined. Seems like a worthy cause. Kudos to Ed Brown and Galco for their support! All info available at the link below:


  1. Mass you are not playing fair! Playing off my compassion and taste for fine guns… I will hunt up the $40

  2. Mass,
    Have you heard of a law change in New York City that prevents holders of Premise Permits, the only kind of permit civilians are allowed to have, that prevents us from competing outside of NYC? I called NYPD License Div. and was told that there was a change in the law that prevents us from competing in any NRA event outside of NYC. They told me this is new. Basically it means that they just ruled out 95% of the competitive shooters in the city. There isn’t even any language in the current for us to take the gun to a range.
    If you have any contacts could you check this out for me. I spent a hour on the phone ( with rude people) getting cut off and transferred to every dept or office they could think of.
    Thank You,
    Vito Labella

  3. Viabella, good luck man. I just did a refresh on the NYPD website and quickly browsed thru the 69 pages of regulations related to firearms permits. What other city in America would have 69 PAGES of regulations for the exercise of a Constitutional right? Unbelievable. Oh I am sure the cops in NYC will be ever so helpful in your request for information LOL….cause why else would we be paying them 100K a year?


  4. Mas, Why are you avoiding the most obvious police and carry issue out there? It is a MAJOR topic of discussion on the internet. You have asked here to cover it before, but are avoiding it. Is it because it casts a bad light on your buddies in blue? Are you unwilling to step across the blue line and condemn any of this? I’m sorry to sound harsh but is right in your wheelhouse Mas and I cannot think of any other reasons why you would not cover this incident.

    We have a police officer on video(more than once) verbally assaulting and threatening to EXECUTE citizens for lawfully carrying a gun. An inept Canton police department that covered for this guy and kept him on the force, a crazy Canton city council president railng against law abiding citizens, and a union that is protecting him delaying his hearing citing “stress”.

    Links below:





  5. It’s nice to see companies sponsor worthy causes such as this one. I think Ed Brown and Galco are fine companies already, this bumps up my respect for them another notch.

    Definitely going to consider entering/donating!

    Another company worth mentioning is Spyderco. They do a lot of good stuff in addition to making nice knives. I never was much of a Spyderco guy but when I learned about them supporting Military/LEOs, local charities, and nature conservation. I’m buying more Spyderco now.

  6. I would not know what to do with such a beautiful gun – would you guys actually shoot such a thing? It belongs in a museum.

  7. @Phil- If I was lucky enough to win that gun, I’d feel like I was insulting Ed Brown and John Browning by NOT firing that gun. As beautiful as that 1911 is, it’s a 1911 and meant to do one thing. So yeah, I’d take a gun like that out and shoot it. Obviously, I’m only doing factory ammo and no reloads.

    Although, I doubt I’d ever carry that gun. I’d hate to lose it in a self-defense incident.

  8. The shoot it, don’t shoot it question always comes up. I think that if the price tag is put in perspective you’ll have a different view

    New Honda Accord – $34,000
    New Chevy Silverado – $42,000
    New Nikon body and telephoto lens – $8,000
    New Tracker Bass boat – $15,000

    Plus lots of other examples….all these you’re willing to drag outside into the elements, risk collisions, pay exorbitant insurance and maint costs on, and you’ll even park the cars on the street and boat in a marina and walk away from it. So go out and shoot this gun without any agonizing over it !!!

  9. If I won it no doubt Id carry it.

    It would be the coolest sidearm at the BBQ, for sure.. and another thing, Im pretty sure this 1911 would work, which I cannot say for my Kimber Gold Match.

  10. The drawing has been extended to 10/28/2011 in order to allow more folks to buy raffle tickets. They are not selling additional tickets, only extending as they have not sold all the entries yet. I already bought my limit (locally enforced by my lovely bride).

    Go. Buy.