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While you’re here, take a look through some of our great articles! 

Where our farm animals come from

<!-- Where our farm animals come from By John Silveira --> Issue #105 • May/June, 2007 We don't know how far back the domestication of animals goes. But we...

Woodchuck-Proof the Garden

By Setanta O'Ceillaigh <!-- >!>!>!> Make content-2-col-left = 70% if activating this column --> Issue #160 • July/August, 2016 The cycle never ends: As soon as one...

Use Old Newspapers to Make Your Starter Pots

By Darlene Polachic Issue #49 • January/February, 1998 Why spend money buying plant starter packs when you can make all you need from old newspapers? The...

Currants and Gooseberries

By Sylvia Gist Issue #155 • September/October, 2015 Currants and gooseberries all belong to the genus Ribes (pronounced "rye-bees"). There are varieties of currants and gooseberries...
By Roger Meyer Issue #130 • July/August, 2011 Since September 11, 2001, more Americans are displaying the national flag. Our flag gives us a sense of unity and purpose as a nation. Old Glory represents our national heritage and it's a symbol of our accomplishments and sacrifices. Not everyone knows the proper...
By O.E. MacDougal November/December 2016, Backwoods Home I could spend all day coming up with interesting trivia about the Presidents and those who surround them — wives, children, assassins, etc. I could literally fill this magazine with those facts. The Tallest and Shortest Let’s start with some common ones. Most school children can...
By Danny Fulks Issue #88 • July/August, 2004 Danny Fulks, 71, is one of those rare writers capable of painting a vivid picture of life back in another time. His stories focus on the 20s, 30s, and 40s of Ohio, Kentucky, and West Virginia, which were areas much like greater Appalachia...