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Is that a good pig?
By Kim Dieter
Issue #129 • May/June, 2011
Lean ham, roasts, chops, savory sausage, and thick slices of bacon are the reason pigs are raised at...
Growing and Using Bamboo on the Homestead
By Jereme Zimmerman
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Issue #161 • September/October, 2016
Bamboo: The very word evokes an image of...
Time to Forget About Snail and Slug Bait
By Lyle Dykes
Issue #135 • May/June, 2012
Years ago when traveling on business, I looked out of the window of my motel one morning in...
Garden Seeds — A Great Winter Pastime
By Jackie Clay
Issue #67 • January/February, 2001
Start your garden this year while the snow is still on the ground. I start all of my...
By John Silveira
Issue #81 • May/June, 2003
The weather here on the coast of Oregon is nice almost all year-round, and there almost always seems to be some kind of fishingsalmon or winter steelhead running on the Rogue, or rock cod, ling cod, halibut, cabezon, and more out in the...
By Roger Meyer
Issue #130 • July/August, 2011
Since September 11, 2001, more Americans are displaying the national flag. Our flag gives us a sense of unity and purpose as a nation. Old Glory represents our national heritage and it's a symbol of our accomplishments and sacrifices.
Not everyone knows the proper...
By John Silveira
Issue #30 • November/December, 1994
(This is a four-part series. Click the links to navigate to parts one, two, three, and four.)
(When we left off last issue, O. E. MacDougal and John Silveira were travelling from Ojai, California, to Ashland, Oregon. Mac was talking about the First Ladies...