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While you’re here, take a look through some of our great articles!
Build a poultry killing cone
By Allen Easterly
Issue #135 • May/June, 2012
You've worked hard and spent many hours raising your pretty flock of meat chickens from eggs or chicks...
Gardening in the Desert Using Only Rainwater
By Joe Mooney
Issue #147 • May/June, 2014
I've always found the use of seasonal rains by native peoples very fascinating. From the diversion of floodwaters...
Grow some winter squash this year
By Lisa Nourse
I love summertime — I love the green of the trees, the warm weather, and growing my own food. I especially love...
Gleaning — An Old Tradition Made New
By Daniel Furtney
Issue #147 • May/June, 2014
Gleaning. You may remember the term from Sunday School or your Bible studies. In the book of Ruth,...
By John Silveira
Issue #34 • July/August, 1995
(This is a four-part series. Click the links to navigate to parts one, two, three, and four.)
Do I have to stay and help you?" my 12-year old son asked.
I stood by the edge of the bathtub staring at the exposed plumbing. I could...
By Tom Kovach
Growing up on a farm in north-central Minnesota wasn’t all chores and hard work … although there was plenty of that too. But back in the l950s and early l960s when I was growing up there were a number of small farms like ours within a mile...
By John Silveira
Issue #30 • November/December, 1994
(This is a four-part series. Click the links to navigate to parts one, two, three, and four.)
(When we left off last issue, O. E. MacDougal and John Silveira were travelling from Ojai, California, to Ashland, Oregon. Mac was talking about the First Ladies...